Strengthening the evaluation capacity of nonprofits in Montgomery County
Nonprofits are often asked, “how do you know your work makes a difference?” As staff, we may see the difference in our clients over time, and may know intuitively that our work is impactful. But it can be challenging to quantify the difference and answer the question: “what are your outcomes?”
Nonprofit Montgomery’s MORE training will help nonprofits learn about evaluation, and offer a deep dive into measuring impact and gauging program effectiveness. MORE will help organizations develop strategic approaches to data collection and analysis, and guide them in developing metrics to analyze program outcomes to improve service delivery. Participants will develop their skills and make concrete plans to measure the results of their work. MORE is for nonprofit organizations located in or serving the residents of Montgomery County.
Spring 2025 cohort dates (in-person):
- Session I: Wednesday, March 5, from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm
- Session II: Thursday, March 6, from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm
- Capstone: Thursday, April 10, from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm
Location: Main Street Connect, 50 Monroe Place, Rockville, MD 20850. Main Street is located at 50 Monroe Place in Rockville, Maryland – 500 feet from the Rockville Metro station and bus transportation.
Participating organizations are asked to commit to:
- Complete an online pre-assessment (one per organization)
- Attend the three in-person program days (3/5, 3/6, and 4/10) as a team of up to four, including the executive director or senior staff, program director, staff member responsible for data or development director, or board member.
- Attend a virtual, one-hour consultation session with Sharp Insight for a customized evaluation session to advance the work of your organization
- Work on an evaluation plan, logic model or other evaluation tool resource in between the trainings.
This team training is designed to achieve maximum impact when experienced with a group of four participants, providing the most effective and engaging experience. Please register as a group of four:
- Executive Director/CEO or Senior Leader
- Program Director
- Staff Member in charge of Evaluation/Data
- Program Director, Development Director, Board member or other
MORE will strengthen your organization’s capacity to measure results by:
- Understanding key evaluation terminology.
- Assessing your organization’s capacity for evaluation
- Exploring the six steps of evaluation.
- Identifying external data and resources to strengthen evaluation efforts.
- Engaging in meaningful dialogue about evaluation with key county funders and government leaders.
MORE is facilitated by Sharp Insight, LLC., an evaluation firm that helps mission-driven organizations measure and strengthen the quality and impact of their programs.
MORE is supported by Montgomery County Government.

Evaluation Workshops
Logic Models (In Person) – Thursday, November 14, 2024
Choosing Your Method (Virtual) – Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Survey Design (Virtual) – Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Survey Data Tips & Tricks in Excel & Google Sheets (Virtual)- Wednesday, February 12, 2025
All About Focus Groups (In Person) – Wednesday, May 8, 2025
Equitable Evaluation in Practice (Virtual) – Wednesday, June 5, 2025