nonprofit montgomery news

Is Your Organization a Member of Nonprofit Montgomery?

2022-12-01T12:54:45-05:00December 4th, 2022|Member News, Uncategorized|

We’d like to thank all of our members for joining Nonprofit Montgomery. Nonprofit Montgomery brings together County decision-makers and our nonprofit members to highlight the work of our sector and advocate for what we all need to thrive and improve our community. Please continue to stand with us by renewing your membership or joining us today. Reach out to us with any questions or for an invoice.

Grants & Funding Opportunities

2022-12-01T12:53:10-05:00December 4th, 2022|Grants & Funding|

City of Rockville: Human Services Grant
Provides grants annually to local organizations that partner with the city to support human services access in the city. The Fiscal Year 2024 Human Services Nonprofit grant application period is now open. All grant applications and attachments must be received by the City of Rockville Community Services Division by Friday, January 6, 5:00 pm.

To encourage the submission of quality applications, a staff member from applicant organizations must attend a mandatory technical assistance session. Visit the Human Services Nonprofit Grant webpage for more information.

Montgomery County Government: FY23 Targeted and Specialized Mobility Operating Grant Program
The focus of the grant program is to provide direct services and/or support that improves the delivery of transportation related services for: Individuals who are disabled, Senior residents, Individuals with low or limited incomes.

FY23 Targeted and Specialized Mobility Capital Grant Program
The focus of the grant program is to provide capital resources that support direct services and/or support that improves the delivery of transportation related services for: Individuals who are disabled, Senior residents, Individuals with low or limited incomes.

National Science Foundation: Racial Equity in STEM Education
This solicitation aligns with the National Science Foundation and the Directorate for Education and Human Resources long-standing investments in the development of a diverse and well-prepared public and workforce, which was recently reinforced in the NSF Vision.

Connect With Leaders of Nonprofits with Small Staff

2022-12-01T12:50:44-05:00December 2nd, 2022|Events|

Are you looking for a supportive group of nonprofit leaders of small organizations to discuss strategic planning, board relations, fundraising, and other critical issues? If so, please join us on Zoom if you are looking to connect with others.

When: Tuesday, December 6, 2022 from 9:30-10:30am
Where: On Zoom. Please contact us for the Zoom login information.

Grants & Funding Opportunities

2022-12-01T12:52:08-05:00December 1st, 2022|Grants & Funding|

City of Rockville: Human Services Grant
Provides grants annually to local organizations that partner with the city to support human services access in the city. The Fiscal Year 2024 Human Services Nonprofit grant application period is now open. All grant applications and attachments must be received by the City of Rockville Community Services Division by Friday, January 6, 5:00 pm.

To encourage the submission of quality applications, a staff member from applicant organizations must attend a mandatory technical assistance session. Visit the Human Services Nonprofit Grant webpage for more information.

Montgomery County Government: FY23 Targeted and Specialized Mobility Operating Grant Program
The focus of the grant program is to provide direct services and/or support that improves the delivery of transportation related services for: Individuals who are disabled, Senior residents, Individuals with low or limited incomes.

FY23 Targeted and Specialized Mobility Capital Grant Program
The focus of the grant program is to provide capital resources that support direct services and/or support that improves the delivery of transportation related services for: Individuals who are disabled, Senior residents, Individuals with low or limited incomes.

National Science Foundation: Racial Equity in STEM Education
This solicitation aligns with the National Science Foundation and the Directorate for Education and Human Resources long-standing investments in the development of a diverse and well-prepared public and workforce, which was recently reinforced in the NSF Vision.

Budget Advocacy Continues

2022-12-01T12:49:53-05:00December 1st, 2022|Advocacy|

The County Executive’s budget forums are still going on and we encourage all of our members and the community to join the forums and speak up for our sector. Check out this post for suggested talking points.

Upcoming Forums:

  • Wednesday, Dec. 7: East County Region
  • Monday, Dec.12: Upcounty Region
  • Wednesday, Dec.14: Bethesda Region

Focus Group Facilitation & Note-Taking

2022-12-01T12:51:10-05:00December 1st, 2022|Events|

Join us and Sharp Insight for part 2 of 4 of our focus group series. Learn about the art of facilitation and note-taking. We’ll cover best practices for online and in-person settings and discuss tips for gathering data, including manual note taking and digital recording (with consent)!

When: Tuesday, December 6, 2022 (noon -1pm)
Where: On Zoom. Click here to register.

Maryland EXCELS Information Session in Spanish

2022-12-01T12:51:49-05:00November 30th, 2022|Training Opportunities, Uncategorized|

The Latino Child Care Association (LCAM) will be hosting an information session in Spanish about the Maryland EXCELS Program with personnel from the MSDE December 7 at 7:00pm via Zoom. The purpose is to deliver and gather information from Spanish-speaking family child care providers in the state. LCAM is working with the MSDE to plan free statewide workshops in Spanish next year to promote participation in the program and to support providers who are working towards moving up in the quality rating system. Click here to register.

FY23 Targeted and Specialized Mobility (TSM) Capital and Operating Grant Programs

2022-11-28T16:39:58-05:00November 28th, 2022|Grants & Funding|

The Montgomery County Department of Transportation is soliciting grant applications for the County’s FY 2023 Targeted and Specialized Mobility (TSM) Grant Program from qualified nonprofit organizations providing direct transportation services in the County.  The County Council approved $800,000 for a joint capital and operating grant program with $640,000 for capital projects and $160,000 for operating projects.  At present, the County Council has made this funding available for one year so all funded activities must be implemented within 12 months.  The deadline for applications is Wednesday December 28, 2022 at Midnight.

The focus of the grant program is to provide direct services and/or support that improves the delivery of transportation related services for:

  • Individuals who are disabled.
  • Senior residents.
  • Individuals with low or limited incomes.

Organizations are encouraged to consider and apply for support from both the FY23 TSM Capital and Operating Grant Programs:

Key dates for these programs are:

  • Application Opens:  Monday November 28, 2022 at 12:00 PM (noon)
  • MS Teams Live Virtual Information Session:  Monday December 5, 2022 from 1:30 to 3:00 PM (the hyperlink for the event and its recording will be posted on the program pages linked above)
  • Application Closes:  Wednesday December 28, 2022 at Midnight

Questions about the application process can be directed to Rafael Pumarejo Murphy, Director of the Office of Grants Management, by calling 240-777-2775 or emailing

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