nonprofit montgomery news

Office Space Available for Nonprofits – Liberty Grove United Methodist Church

2022-12-20T10:15:33-05:00December 20th, 2022|Nonprofit Resources, Uncategorized|

Liberty Grove United Methodist Church: 15225 Old Columbia Pike, Burtonsville, MD 20866

Liberty Grove offers a large, comfortable, and versatile facility for use by non-profit organizations seeking space for gatherings, meetings, classroom instruction, exercise, and office space. Wi-fi accessibility is provided throughout the building. Spaces are available starting mid-February 2023. Location: 15225 Old Columbia Pike, Burtonsville MD, 20866. Conveniently located near I-95, the ICC, Rte. 29/Colesville Rd, and Rte. 198/Spencerville Rd.

● Monday – Friday, daytime use.
● Affordable rates for non-profit organizations serving the community.
● Three rooms are available – the space can be configured for use as classrooms, meeting rooms, exercise rooms, or office space.
● Ground floor and second floor spaces with elevator and handicap-accessible entrances.
● Ample, well-lit parking.
● Well-maintained outdoor areas with playground, outdoor gathering center, and firepit area.
● Please note the Montgomery County building use permit does not include Childcare.

Room 1: 20’ x 20’, ground level, carpeted, closet storage.
Room 2: 16’ x 24’, ground level, carpeted, closet storage.
Room 3: 20’ x 20’, second floor with stair or elevator access to all exits. Walk-in storage closet.

Contact Joyce Korab:
Visit the church website:

Contract Conversations With DHHS

2022-12-20T09:49:59-05:00December 20th, 2022|Events|

Does your nonprofit have a contract with DHHS? Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about contracting processes and get updates on contract issues. Vickie Buckland, Chief Operating Officer, Department of Health and Human Services will join us for a candid conversation about contracts. Join us and learn:

  • How can you position your organization for funding when you do not have a current contract to provide services.
  • What you should do if you disagree with your contract monitor.
  • What lies ahead in FY24 and beyond.

This is your opportunity to ask questions, express concerns about the contracting process, and learn how to do business with the County.

When: Wednesday, January 4 from 10-11am on Zoom
Who: Nonprofits interested in providing feedback and learning more about DHHS contracts.


Grants & Funding Opportunities

2022-12-20T09:47:06-05:00December 20th, 2022|Grants & Funding|

City of Takoma Park: Community Quality of Life Grant
The City of Takoma Park’s Community Quality of Life Grants Program provides financial support for specific programs, projects, and events that improve the quality of life for city residents by providing greater access and opportunities for participation in the arts and sciences. Applications will open for FY24 funding in January 2023.

Please visit our website for information on grants that were advertised previously.

Reading & Resources

2022-12-20T09:44:47-05:00December 19th, 2022|Nonprofit Resources, Uncategorized|

Southern Maryland Community Network (SMCN) and Cornerstone Montgomery Merge

2022-12-20T09:47:27-05:00December 18th, 2022|Member News|

Southern Maryland Community Network (SMCN) and Cornerstone Montgomery will be merging effective January 1, 2023 in order to meet the needs and better serve Marylanders. The merged organization will continue to be called Cornerstone Montgomery. Southern Maryland Community Network will do business as Cornerstone Southern Maryland in order to highlight its regional impact. The combined organization will offer services in the following Maryland counties, Montgomery, Calvert, Charles, and St. Mary’s. Cari Guthrie Cho will remain in her role as CEO, and Karen Carloni, ED of SMCN, will assume the new role and title of Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer.

Job Opportunities

2022-12-16T10:55:46-05:00December 16th, 2022|Job Opportunities|

MoCo Food Council: Equity and Community Engagement Coordinator
Manna Food Center: Communications Manager, Data Manager and School Based Programs Clerk (part-time)
Ayuda: Bilingual Case ManagerParalegal, and more
Interfaith Works: Communications Coordinator, Special Projects Coordinator, and more
Community Bridges: Elementary School Program Manager and High School Program Manager
Asian American LEAD: Director of Development 

City of Takoma Park-Community Quality of Life Grants

2022-12-21T10:31:45-05:00December 12th, 2022|Grants & Funding|

The City of Takoma Park will open applications for the FY24 Community Quality of Life Grants Program on January 16. Applications are due by March 9, 2023.


The City of Takoma Park’s Community Quality of Life Grants Program provides financial support for specific programs, projects, and events that improve the quality of life for city residents by providing greater access and opportunities for participation in the arts and sciences.

Eligible Projects

Eligible projects include:

  • Arts and Humanities (A&H) programs, projects, and events;
  • and Science, Technology Engineering, and Math (STEM) programs, projects, and events.

Additionally, while not required, the City is encouraging applications for programming that connects arts and sciences with skills that promote workforce development and entrepreneurial programs for low-and-moderate-income Takoma Park residents.


Senator Cardin’s Info Session for Nonprofit and Community Organizations

2022-12-09T11:35:21-05:00December 9th, 2022|Advocacy, Grants & Funding, Nonprofit Resources|

U.S. Senator Cardin’s Earmark Information Session for Nonprofit and Community Organizations

Thursday December 15, 2022 3:00 – 4:00 PM

Please join U.S. Senator Ben Cardin’s staff for a virtual Earmark Information Session for Nonprofit and Community Organizations.  Attached to this email is an advertising flyer for this event and U.S. Senator Cardin’s FY24 Nonprofit Organization’s Guide to Earmarks.

To RSVP, email Ken Reichard at .  The Montgomery County Office of Grants Management is not organizing this event and is only promoting this opportunity for County organizations.  All questions should be directed to U.S. Senator Cardin’s Office.

Grants & Funding Opportunities

2022-12-09T08:32:18-05:00December 9th, 2022|Grants & Funding|

City of Rockville: Human Services Grant
Provides grants annually to local organizations that partner with the city to support human services access in the city. The Fiscal Year 2024 Human Services Nonprofit grant application period is now open. All grant applications and attachments must be received by the City of Rockville Community Services Division by Friday, January 6, 5:00 pm.

To encourage the submission of quality applications, a staff member from applicant organizations must attend a mandatory technical assistance session. Visit the Human Services Nonprofit Grant webpage for more information.

Montgomery County Government: FY23 Targeted and Specialized Mobility Operating Grant Program
The focus of the grant program is to provide direct services and/or support that improves the delivery of transportation related services for: Individuals who are disabled, Senior residents, Individuals with low or limited incomes.

FY23 Targeted and Specialized Mobility Capital Grant Program
The focus of the grant program is to provide capital resources that support direct services and/or support that improves the delivery of transportation related services for: Individuals who are disabled, Senior residents, Individuals with low or limited incomes.\

Healthcare Initiative Foundation’s FY23 Capacity Building application is now open and closes on December 16. HIF makes grants to nonprofits that have county-based health programs activities. Click here for more information.
Impact 100 DC opens its 2023 grants cycle in December 2022. The high-impact grant of $100,000 is funded by membership in Impact 100 DC, an all-volunteer women’s philanthropic community dedicated to improving lives in the Greater Washington, DC area. Impact 100 DC will offer a series of informational workshops for prospective applicants via Zoom. Attendance is encouraged but not required. Interested applicants should for applicable dates and the registration link.

National Science Foundation: Racial Equity in STEM Education
This solicitation aligns with the National Science Foundation and the Directorate for Education and Human Resources long-standing investments in the development of a diverse and well-prepared public and workforce, which was recently reinforced in the NSF Vision.

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