nonprofit montgomery news

Take aways from Wednesday’s (5/20) call ….

2020-05-21T14:49:55-04:00May 20th, 2020|Uncategorized|

Take aways from Wednesday’s call ….

  • Nonprofit Consultant Franca Brilliant’s presentation on relief opportunities.
  • DHHS Pulse Report on Covid-19 Impact and Recovery in the county.

2020 Census Updates: Visit the website
Q: How can you complete the census if you lost the postcard and you can’t remember your personal census code?
A: Go online to complete the census and instead of using your code, choose the other option of using your physical address.

Updates from the Community Action Agency
The mission of the Montgomery County Community Action Agency (CAA) is to reduce poverty and increase self-sufficiency among county residents through services, partnerships and advocacy. The CAA, the County’s federally-designated anti-poverty agency, is part of Montgomery’s County Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Community Affairs, and a member of the National Community Action Partnership and the Maryland Community Action Partnership.

Click here to read Community Needs Assessment publications and more.

CAA is preparing to submit its application for supplemental Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) funding included in the CARES Act. Although the agency completed its three-year Community Needs Assessment in the fall of 2019, as part of this current application process, the agency will submit a new Limited Community Needs Assessment (LCNA) highlighting the critical community issues that have arisen since the public health emergency started.

Please help by filling out this survey!
Nonprofit Response Survey:

Liberty’s Promise: Maryland COVID-19 Immigrant Resource Panel

2020-05-21T14:48:56-04:00May 20th, 2020|Events|

A discussion on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the immigrant community in Maryland, challenges faced, and resources available. Friday, May 22nd at 2PM – 3 PM EST. Click here to register.

Valeria Carranza, Chief of Staff, County Council Member Evan Glass
Kathia Mejia Chévez, Constituent Services and Outreach Representative, Senator Van Hollen
Aimee Olivo, Chief of Staff, Prince George’s County Council Member Dannielle Glaros
Jeff Samuels, Constituent Services and Outreach Representative, Senator Van Hollen
Joshua Thomson, Chief of Staff, Baltimore City Council Member Zeke Cohen

Questions? Contact: Jenna Hart,

Nonprofit Montgomery COVID-19 Resource Page Updates

2020-05-19T11:13:19-04:00May 19th, 2020|Uncategorized|

Nonprofit Montgomery COVID-19 Resource Page

Visit our webpage with updates, resources, and news from the sector, as well as from the County government, philanthropy, and more.

The Telework Assistance Program – There’s still time to apply!

  • Applications must be submitted by 5:00 pm on Wednesday each week to be considered for that week’s lottery. Applicants who are qualified but not selected in the  lottery will be included in the upcoming weekly lottery.
  • This process will continue until June 5, unless funding runs out prior to that date.

Budgeting in Uncertain Times with Justin Pollock 

  • Did you miss our May 12 session featuring our FIRM instructor Justin Pollock? Click here to see the recorded presentation and here for the PowerPoint.

MCPS SSL Guidelines for Virtual/Remote SSL Opportunities

  • To meet the service-learning needs of students during this time period, students can now earn Student Service Learning (SSL) hours for virtual/remote service completed from home under the sponsorship of an approved nonprofit organization or MCPS school staff member.
  • Students may engage in the specific virtual/remote MCPS SSL opportunities outlined below until schools return to normal status.
  • Click here for more information.

County Recreation Cancels Summer Camp

Dynamic Planning, Dynamic Boards

2020-05-18T10:59:51-04:00May 18th, 2020|Events, Training Opportunities|

Join Capacity Partners in Dynamic Planning, Dynamic Board. Mary Robinson, President of Capacity Partners as well as Joan Schaffer and Margo Reid, Capacity Partners Consultants, will guide us on how to pivot and plan with your Board of Directors in uncertain times.

Capacity Partners works with nonprofits in strategic planning, fundraising, board development, management consulting, and organizational vitality that help our clients achieve transformative results.

When: May 21, 11am-noon
How: Zoom Meeting, REGISTER HERE
Cost: Free

5/13 Weekly Covid-19 Response Meeting Recap

2020-05-18T10:58:40-04:00May 18th, 2020|Nonprofit Resources|

Here’s the video and a few take aways below. This meeting featured JoAnn Barnes from DHHS, and nonprofits serving immigrant communities.

Resources Mentioned During the Meeting:

Relief Opportunities for Nonprofits: Franca Brilliant’s presentation
City of Gaithersburg: Resources
Gilchrist Immigrant Resource Center: website and covid-19 resource page
Montgomery County Coalition for Adult English Literacy: Adult ESOL classes as well as organizations that offer other types of training (GED, citizenship,etc.)
Ayuda: services and resources – pro bono legal services, language services, survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and/or stalking
Community Reach of Montgomery County: resources during covid-19: Rockville Emergency Assistance Program, Language Outreach Program, Mansfield Kaseman Health Clinic

Nonprofit Montgomery COVID-19 Resource Page – Updates

2020-05-18T10:56:15-04:00May 16th, 2020|Uncategorized|

Visit our webpage with updates, resources, and news from the sector, as well as from the County government, philanthropy, and more.
  • Montgomery County Food Access Grants Awarded to 38 Community Organizations
  • Franca Brilliant’s updates on relief opportunities
  • Council approves $1,250,000 special appropriation spearheaded by Councilmember Friedson to provide further funding for Telework Assistance Program

Links to Funding Opportunities

2020-05-06T12:35:20-04:00May 6th, 2020|Grants & Funding|


Paycheck Protection Program

FCC Telehealth

NEH Grant

USDA Feeding Reimbursement


MD Community Health Resources Commission

Maryland Humanities CARES Act Emergency Relief Fund


Telework Assistance Fund

Montgomery County COVID-19 Food Access Grant

PPE request


Philip L Graham

Emergent Fund

Herb Block

Open Road Alliance


Booz Allen


Current covid-19 related grant opportunities

2020-05-05T10:29:23-04:00May 4th, 2020|Grants & Funding|

Breakdown of Federal funding coming to Maryland through the Coronavirus stimulus (does not include info on how to get this funding)

FCC Telehealth
FCC is providing reimbursements for nonprofits and public health care providers. This is not a grant but if you qualify and are doing this work you should consider applying.:

National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Humanities grants

Booz Allen Innovation Fund, now through June 5, up to $100K

RFP: Borealis Foundation—disability inclusion fund, open through May 6

RFP: Spencer – grants for research on education, systems change, deadlines 5/4, 5/18, 6/8

Philip L Graham Fund accepting applications, focus is health and human services (dominant), education and arts and humanities

Open Road Alliance, Grants and Loans—direct impact on COVID 19

Caplan Foundation–Innovation in early childhood welfare and education and parenting education (new ideas not support for current programming)

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