Weekly COVID-19 Response Meeting
This program is intended as a precursor to the regular MORE two-day program and is best suited for small, start-up nonprofits, or longer-term nonprofits who have an operating budget of $100,000 or less. It consists of two virtual workshops, each approximately two hours.
Mini MORE will be facilitated by Sharp Insight, LLC., an evaluation firm that helps mission-driven organizations measure and strengthen the quality and impact of their programs.
When: June 18 and 25, 2020 (1-3pm on both days)
Who: small, start-up nonprofits, or longer-term nonprofits who have an operating budget of $100,000 or less.
Cost: $25 for up to four members of your organization
Register here.
Wednesday’s Covid-19 Response Call
Here’s the video and a few take aways below. This meeting featured Leonard Howie, CEO, Worksource Montgomery (former Labor Secretary of Maryland); Kendra Kanty, Sr. Account Manager, Unite Us; Franca Brilliant, Nonprofit Consultant, and more.
Take Aways from Wednesday’s Meeting:
Updated Relief Opportunities by Franca Brilliant, Nonprofit Consultant
Click here to see Franca’s presentation with links
FEMA Public Assistance Program – MEMA will be on the 6/17 meeting to answer questions.
Reimbursement of up to 75% of expenses for COVID 19 response
Minimum $3,300, due by 6/26
Questions to: publicassistance.mema@maryland.gov
Mid Atlantic Arts Council grants: through 6/22
DOL Susan Harwood Training Grants
Three programs, all due 7/20
Maryland Humanities mini-grants
support for public humanities projects, documentaries, and civic education
$1,200, due 7/1
USDA SNAP improvements, 6/15
Nonprofit Montgomery brings you relevant capacity building programs, news you use, and advocacy opportunities. The majority of our programs are free thanks to the support of our members and the County government.
County’s Short Term COVID-19 Rental Assistance Program – Applications are now open until June 5, 2pm.
Come join us for an informal, no judgment sharing session for solo-preneurs. Are you the leadership group of one (or very few) at your organization? Want to chat and learn from others in the same situation?
Join us for our second meeting for this support group. This is always a challenging role, but especially right now during this unprecedented time.
When: Friday, July 10, 9:30-10:30am
How: Zoom Meeting, REGISTER HERE
Nonprofit Montgomery is providing free technical assistance and consulting related to issues stemming from the COVID-19 crisis to Montgomery County 501c3 nonprofits. Thanks to generous support from the County, Nonprofit Montgomery offers one-on-one consulting.
County’s Short Term COVID-19 Rental Assistance Program – Applications are now open until June 5, 2pm.
County’s Telework Assistance Fund: The program is designed to reimburse Montgomery County businesses and non-profit organizations for expenses incurred implementing a telework policy due to the COVID-19 health crisis.
If you find yourself working to adapt evaluation approaches, looking for relevant data, or beginning to design your evaluation work, the MORE Alumni Evaluation Network on LinkedIn has you covered.
Last month we:
Join 65 of your nonprofit colleagues in the alumni network to get evaluation support, COVID-19 related and beyond. Questions? Contact Meredith at programs@nonprofitmoco.org.