nonprofit montgomery news

Job Opportunities: Week of August 5

2020-08-05T14:01:45-04:00August 5th, 2020|Job Opportunities|

Poolesville Seniors: part-time Administrative Coordinator
Identity, Inc.: Program Manager
The Treatment and Learning Centers: Social Work Supervisor (School) – LCSW

Rebuilding Together Montgomery County: 3 open positions
Senior Manager, Development 
Director of Program Services
Construction Supervisor

Montgomery County Coalition of the Homeless: 2 positions
Grants Manager
HR Specialist/Recruiter

Nonprofit COVID-19 Response Meeting-Wednesday, August 12 at 11am

2020-08-05T13:58:08-04:00August 5th, 2020|Events|

Join Nonprofit Montgomery for our now twice a month virtual meeting with Montgomery County and nonprofit leaders on Wednesday at 11am. This will be an opportunity to hear from our officials and receive updates on the local covid-19 response.

Senator Cheryl Kagan
20 Degrees: Will discuss giving trends and equity
Carolyn Chen, Montgomery County Council Grants Manager: Will provide updates on local arts grants
Franca Brilliant, Nonprofit Consultant: Franca will provide information on new County and State relief funds for nonprofits.

When: August 12, 11am-12:30pm
Where: Zoom – Once you register you’ll receive an auto-email with all the details.
*Please be sure to to put any questions in the comments section of the registration.

Register Today

Missed our July 29 Meeting?

2020-08-05T14:07:55-04:00August 4th, 2020|Events, Uncategorized|

On July 29 we met with various local leaders about the covid-19 response. Click here to watch the recorded webinar.

Congressman Jamie Raskin: Discussed federal relief funding available to nonprofits

Jerome Fletcher, Assistant CAO @Montgomery County Government: Provided updates on the County’s reopening fund and other County news. Some takeaways on the PHEG funding:

  • There were 6755 grant applications, 2353 grants were awarded a total of $21 million. The average grant was $8,500. Nonprofit organizations received approximately 8% of the grants.

Vickie Buckland, COO, DHHS: Gave updates from the Department of Health & Human Services.

Heather Bruskin, Executive Director, Montgomery County Food Council and Jackie DeCarlo, CEO, Manna Food Center gave updates on food insecurity in the County. Click here to see Heather’s presentation. Here are some key takeaways:

  • the estimated number of county residents considered food insecure pre-Covid was 60,000 people. That number is now estimated to be over 100,000.
  • Montgomery County is setting up a food access helpline that residents can call and learn how to access food. Help will be available in multiple languages – the line can be accessed by calling 311. Information about housing resources will be added.

Also, Franca Brilliant, Nonprofit Consultant provided information on County and State relief funds for nonprofits. Click here to download a PDF of the presentation.

Pro-Bono Development Opportunity for NM Members

2020-07-28T14:39:28-04:00July 28th, 2020|Grants & Funding, Nonprofit Resources|

Aspire Nonprofit Partners is offering pro-bono counsel to selected nonprofits that are adapting their fundraising programs to the current Covid-19 pandemic. Aspire sees today’s pandemic as an obligation and an opportunity to give back to the community.

Aspire will offer customized development services through through an evaluation of current needs and six remote coaching sessions focusing primarily on major giving and major gift prospect pipeline building. For more information about services to be offered and eligibility, click here. Two nonprofits will be selected for this intensive development coaching.

Applications are due by COB July 31, 2020 to

Hurry and Apply by July 31

Coffee and Conversation with Youth-Serving Organizations

2020-07-28T14:37:43-04:00July 28th, 2020|Events|

Coffee and Conversation with Youth-Serving Organizations
in partnership with Montgomery County Collaboration Council and LAYC

This session is appropriate for anyone who works with youth, including senior leadership, managers, and direct service providers.

There will be breakout discussions led by sector leaders on a variety of topics including partnerships with MCPS and Recreation, antiracist approaches to outcomes, virtual program evaluation and positive youth development, and fiscal management during a crisis.

Facilitators and speakers include:

  • Estephany Erito of Latin American Youth Center
  • Stephanie Iszard, Montgomery County Public Schools
  • Elaine Johnson and Shané Tate, Montgomery Collaboration Council
  • Justin Pollock, OrgForward
  • Jana Sharp, Sharp Insight
  • Marhonda Williams, Montgomery County Department of Recreation
  • Tom Bartlett and Sara Gibson, 20 Degrees

When: Thursday, August 20, 1-3pm
Where: on Zoom. RSVP and you’ll receive an email with all the details, including the zoom link and a break-out room selection survey.

Grants and Funding (week of July 28)

2020-07-28T14:38:45-04:00July 27th, 2020|Events|

Reopen Montgomery Grant Program-Opens on Wednesday
Reopen Montgomery Program grants will reimburse Montgomery County businesses for expenses incurred to comply with State and County reopening requirements. Reopening requirements are established to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and maintain public health.

The County Council passed a special appropriation under Resolution 19-523 creating the Reopen Montgomery Program to provide grants of up to $5,000 per applicant. Application will be available on July 29, 2020 at noon.

See more information here. See FAQs here.

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for Nonprofits
Applications for Montgomery County’s fiscal year 2022 (July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Public Service Grants are due by September 11, 2020. You can learn more about this opportunity, and view or download the application, at the Montgomery County Department of Housing and Community Affairs website.

MoCo Food Council Capacity Building Grants
Montgomery County is now accepting applications for its Food Assistance Provider Capacity Building Grant program. The Capacity Building Grant funding will be used to assist Food Assistance Providers to improve their infrastructure and increase their ability to provide food access to hard-to-reach communities in Montgomery County during the response to and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and into the future.

July 15: Nonprofit COVID-19 Response Meeting Recap

2020-07-22T10:47:00-04:00July 22nd, 2020|Uncategorized|

July 15: Nonprofit COVID-19 Response Meeting Recap
In case you missed last week’s meeting: 

  • Click here for the recording of the full meeting.
  • Benton Murphy, AVP, Community Investment, Greater Washington Community Foundation and Grant Buckles, Senior Research Consultant, Gallup shared Montgomery County findings of the VoicesDMV Community Insights Survey.
  • We also had Franca Brilliant, Nonprofit Consultant, present the most up to date relief funding opportunities for nonprofits. Franca provided updates on the MD Nonprofit Recovery Initiative as well as County’s Reopen Montgomery Business Assistance Program.

Nonprofit COVID-19 Response Meeting

2020-07-22T10:23:55-04:00July 22nd, 2020|Events|

Wednesday, July 29 at 11am

Join Nonprofit Montgomery for our now twice a month virtual meeting with Montgomery County and nonprofit leaders on Wednesday at 11am. This will be an opportunity to hear from our officials and receive updates on the local covid-19 response.

Congressman Jamie Raskin
Will discuss federal relief funding available to nonprofits 

Jerome Fletcher, Assistant CAO @Montgomery County Government
Jerome will provide updates on the County’s reopening fund and other County news.

Vickie Buckland, COO, DHHS
Will provide updates from the Department of Health & Human Services. 

Franca Brilliant, Nonprofit Consultant
Franca will provide information on new County and State relief funds for nonprofits.

 When: July 29, 11am-noon
Where: Zoom. Once you register you’ll receive an auto-email with all the details.
*Please be sure to to put any question the comments section of the registration.

Register Today

Pro-Bono Development Opportunity for NM Members

2020-07-22T12:30:51-04:00July 21st, 2020|Member News|

Pro-Bono Development Opportunity for NM Members

Aspire Nonprofit Partners is offering pro-bono counsel to selected nonprofits that are adapting their fundraising programs to the current Covid-19 pandemic. Aspire sees today’s pandemic as an obligation and an opportunity to give back to the community.

Aspire will offer customized development services through through an evaluation of current needs and six remote coaching sessions focusing primarily on major giving and major gift prospect pipeline building. The project will take place in August and September, 2020.  For more information about services to be offered and eligibility, click here. Two nonprofits will be selected for this intensive development coaching.

Applications are due by COB July 31, 2020 to

Apply by July 31

Montgomery County COVID-19 Food Access Capacity Building Grant

2020-07-22T11:39:27-04:00July 21st, 2020|Grants & Funding|

The Montgomery County COVID-19 Food Assistance Capacity Building Grant opened yesterday. To access the grant in the online portal, click here. Search for ‘COVID-19 Food Assistance Capacity Building Application.’

The Capacity Building Grant funding will be used to assist Food Assistance Providers to improve their infrastructure and increase their ability to provide food access to hard-to-reach communities in Montgomery County during the response to and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and into the future. Nonprofits can apply for up to $85,000.

Applications for the grants are due by noon on Monday, August 3, 2020, and funds will be distributed beginning Thursday, August 13, 2020.

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