nonprofit montgomery news

Nonprofit COVID-19 Response Meeting – Wednesday, September 16 at 11am

2020-09-15T10:42:10-04:00September 15th, 2020|Events|

Join Nonprofit Montgomery for our now twice a month virtual meeting with Montgomery County and nonprofit leaders on Wednesday at 11am. This will be an opportunity to hear from our officials and receive updates on the local covid-19 response.

Latino COVID19 Initiative- Por Nuestra Salud y Bienestar (Health and Wellbeing Initiative)
Councilmember Nancy Navarro and Sonia E. Mora, Sr. Manager, Latino Health Initiative

Updates on the considerations and guidelines for re-opening offices and services.
Clark R. Beil, MHA, FACHE, Sr. Administrator, Licensure and Regulatory Services, Montgomery County Dept. of Health and Human Services

Will provide updates on how the libraries are supporting the needs of the community.
Anita Vassallo, Director, Montgomery County Public Libraries
Ari Brooks, ED, Friends of the Library Montgomery County

Will review the most current grant and funding opportunities for nonprofits.
Franca Brilliant, Consultant

When: September 16, 11-12:30pm
Where: on Zoom
Click here to save your spot.

Coming up …. September 30: Councilmember Albornoz

Grants and Funding

2020-09-15T10:41:07-04:00September 15th, 2020|Grants & Funding|

Many Hands DC Grant  
Many Hands DC will accept applications for its 2021 grant cycle starting October 1. All applications must be submitted online and are due by November 2. Many Hands is a women’s grantmaking organization that supports area nonprofits that serve women, children, and families in socioeconomic need through programs in the areas of economic empowerment, education, health, and housing. Click here for more information.

Arts & Humanities Council of Montgomery County 
Arts Residencies in Schools Grants (ARSG) is now accepting applications for Fiscal Year 2021! ARSG support individual teaching artists trained in curriculum-based art techniques to serve students that have limited access to arts education experiences throughout the school year. The award amounts for ARSG range from $1,000 to $6,000. Classes can be virtual or in-person, following the socially distant guidelines required by the county. To view the grant guidelines click here.

Challenged Athletes Foundation
CAF’s flagship grant program aims to remove the barriers that exist between adaptive athletes and their pursuit of sport and fitness. Individuals worldwide with permanent physical disabilities are eligible to apply for the CAF grant. Teams, organizations, etc. are not eligible to apply. Medical documentation of disability is required.

Maryland Data Center Energy Efficiency Grant Program
This grant is designed to support Maryland’s robust and growing information technology sector. The DCEEG provides funding on a competitive basis to encourage the implementation of cost-effective energy efficiency technologies in data centers throughout the State. Grant awards will range from $20,000 to $200,000 per eligible project, subject to funding availability.

Maryland FY21 Low-to-Moderate Income Energy Efficiency Grant
The Maryland Energy Administration’s (MEA) Low-to-Moderate Income (LMI) grant program ​will be implemented competitively on a regional basis for state fiscal year 2021 (FY21). With a budget of $6.5 million, the program is designed to support energy efficiency projects and activities for low-to-moderate income (LMI) Marylanders.

ICYMI the grant and funding opportunities in Franca Brilliant’s 8/26 presentation.

The Bottom Line of Burnout

2020-09-10T10:30:40-04:00September 13th, 2020|Events|

Nonprofit Montgomery, EveryMind, and 20 Degrees are partnering to explore an important and timely topic: burnout. We invite Executive Directors, CEOs, and other organizational leaders to join us on October 7.

The pressure endured by leaders in nonprofits is unprecedented. Balancing uncertainty, staffing, and complex programming needs is taking its toll on leaders. According to a CDC report, over 40% of people have reported their mental health being adversely impacted, with substance abuse and suicidal thoughts on the rise.

Join us for a practical, honest conversation about the bottom line cost of burnout, along with the insights on how to actually integrate best practices in your organization in a way that is affordable and possible.

Our conversation will look at burnout and consider mental health through two lenses:

  • Budget implications and opportunities
  • Organizational best practices that support staff well-being

The goals of the session:

  • Make a financial case based on your budget to justify prioritizing mental health of yourself and your team that can be shared internally or with select funders
  • Highlight best practices for responding to burnout
  • Discuss the warning signs of burnout
  • Create a safe, community conversation for Executive Directors/CEOs
  • Highlight additional wellness resources for leaders

When: October 7, 9:30-11:00am
Where: Zoom
Click here to register.

Nonprofit Montgomery is an alliance of leaders of nonprofit organizations serving Montgomery County. 20 Degrees helps nonprofits and social enterprises unlock new forms of revenue and impact capital. EveryMind strengthens communities and empowers individuals to reach optimal mental wellness.

What We’re Reading

2020-09-10T10:29:56-04:00September 12th, 2020|Uncategorized|

COVID-19 Impact on Childcare (US Chamber of Commerce Foundation)
During This Time of Deep Need, How Nonprofits Provide Service Is as Important as the Service Itself (Chronicle of Philanthropy, September 1)
Transformational Capacity Building (Stanford Social Innovation Review, Fall 2020)
How To Make A Less Racist, More Inclusive Job Listing (HuffPost, August 21)
Nonprofit and philanthropy and our bad habit of “both-siding” inequity and injustice (Nonprofit AF, August 31)

Nonprofit COVID-19 Response Meeting

2020-09-10T10:32:38-04:00September 10th, 2020|Events|

Nonprofit COVID-19 Response Meeting

Wednesday, September 16 at 11am

Join Nonprofit Montgomery for our now twice a month virtual meeting with Montgomery County and nonprofit leaders on Wednesday at 11am. This will be an opportunity to hear from our officials and receive updates on the local covid-19 response.

Councilmember Nancy Navarro and Sonia E. Mora, Sr. Manager, Latino Health Initiative
Will discuss Latino COVID19 Initiative- Por Nuestra Salud y Bienestar (Health and Wellbeing Initiative)

Clark R. Beil, MHA, FACHE, Sr. Administrator, Licensure and Regulatory Services, Montgomery County Dept. of Health and Human Services
Will provide updates on the considerations and guidelines for re-opening offices and services.

Franca Brilliant, Consultant
Will review the most current grant and funding opportunities for nonprofits.

When: September 16, 11-12:30pm
Where: on Zoom
Click here to save your spot.

The Bottom Line of Burnout

2020-09-10T09:30:40-04:00September 10th, 2020|Events|

Nonprofit Montgomery, EveryMind, and 20 Degrees are partnering to explore an important and timely topic: burnout. We invite Executive Directors, CEOs, and other organizational leaders to join us on October 7.

The pressure endured by leaders in nonprofits is unprecedented. Balancing uncertainty, staffing, and complex programming needs is taking its toll on leaders. According to a CDC report, over 40% of people have reported their mental health being adversely impacted, with substance abuse and suicidal thoughts on the rise.

Join us for a practical, honest conversation about the bottom line cost of burnout, along with the insights on how to actually integrate best practices in your organization in a way that is affordable and possible.

Our conversation will look at burnout and consider mental health through two lenses:

  • Budget implications and opportunities
  • Organizational best practices that support staff well-being

The goals of the session:

  • Make a financial case based on your budget to justify prioritizing mental health of yourself and your team that can be shared internally or with select funders
  • Highlight best practices for responding to burnout
  • Discuss the warning signs of burnout
  • Create a safe, community conversation for Executive Directors/CEOs
  • Highlight additional wellness resources for leaders

When: October 7, 9:30-11:00am
Where: Zoom
Click here to register.

Nonprofit Montgomery is an alliance of leaders of nonprofit organizations serving Montgomery County. 20 Degrees helps nonprofits and social enterprises unlock new forms of revenue and impact capital. EveryMind strengthens communities and empowers individuals to reach optimal mental wellness.

Job Opportunities

2020-09-10T10:05:40-04:00September 9th, 2020|Job Opportunities|

Identity, Inc.: Identity is growing and seeking talented applicants for a number of full and part-time positions, such as Accounts Payable and Payroll Specialist, Case Workers, Program Faciliators, and more. Some are permanent and some are temporary.

We are looking for individuals who are committed not only to Identity’s vision of a just and equitable society that nurtures all youth and is enriched by their contributions, but also to our mission to create opportunities for Latino and other historically underserved youth to realize their highest potential and thrive.

If you are looking to make a real difference in the lives of young people and their families, visit the career section of our websiteClick here for job descriptions. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis.  Please submit a cover letter and resume to

Partnering with Public Allies
Public Allies is looking to place Americorps apprentices in Montgomery County for 10 month assignments in nonprofits. They are seeking partners who work to make our region more equitable, and who see investing in leadership as a part of their mission. A brief overview of hosting an ally is here. More information about Public Allies is here. They are recruiting partners for fall hosting opportunities. Please fill out this short interest form to learn more.

Montgomery County Coalition for the Homeless: Six open positions
Program Manager | Rapid Rehousing Program
Case Manager | Rapid Rehousing Program
Case Manager | Partnership for Permanent Housing
Assistant Program Director | PPH
Case Manager | Keys First
Housing Locator | HBCAC

Future Link, Inc.: Program and Special Projects Associate

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