nonprofit montgomery news

Grants and Funding

2020-11-09T10:34:05-05:00November 5th, 2020|Grants & Funding|

City of Rockville – Community Organizations Grant

  • Open to nonprofit organizations that provide services to Rockville residents.
  • Application deadline is December 18, 2020.

Health and Wellness Educational Services for Asian American Communities
Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is soliciting bids for the procurement of health and wellness educational services for Asian American Communities funding opportunities that meet the criteria listed in the solicitation. CBO and FBOs serving the Asian American community or have interest in working Asian American communities are encouraged to apply.

Impact100 Grant
Organizations apply in one of the five focus areas described below – Arts & Culture, Education, Environment, Family, or Health & Wellness. Online workshops will be offered from November 30-December 18, 2020 to walk potential applicants through the application process.

MD Department of Labor: COVID-19 Layoff Aversion Fund
Designed to support small businesses undergoing economic stresses due to the pandemic by preventing or minimizing the duration of unemployment resulting from layoffs. The award (up to $50,000 per applicant), will be a quick deployable benefit and customizable to the specific needs of your business to minimize the need for layoffs.

MD Department of Health: Promoting Community Health Resources RFP
Supporting innovative, replicable, and sustainable projects that serve vulnerable populations and promote health equity​ is the grants program of the CHRC. The program will award grants to community health resources serving Maryland residents.

Nonprofit COVID-19 Response Meeting Recap (from 10/28)

2020-11-09T10:35:09-05:00November 1st, 2020|Uncategorized|

The Impact of Covid-19 on Montgomery County’s Nonprofit Sector and Resources for Renters.
More than 170 County nonprofit responded to the Covid-19 Impact Survey in August. Nonprofit Montgomery conducted the survey with Maryland Nonprofits, Nonprofit Prince George’s and other regional partners. Click here for the presentation. Some takeaways:

Impact on staff:

  • 45% of respondents reported that 20% or more of their staff have children under 12 at home.
  • 43 nonprofits reported a staff member was diagnosed with Covid

Impact on programs:

  • most nonprofits either continued to operate in person programs or shifted to virtual.  Very few stopped or severely decreased programs.
  • 57% saw the demand for service increase or stay the same; food and human service providers were most likely to see an increase.
  • 30% of respondents are offering services in person.

Impact on funding:

  • Fee for service revenue was most likely to have decreased since March, 2020 (63% reported a drop in fee for service)
  • 37% reported a decline in individual giving.
  • 28% of nonprofits responding had less than 30 days of cash reserves pre-covid.
  • 77 nonprofits (of 147) received help from the Paycheck Protection Program.
  • 26 nonprofits reported receiving a Montgomery County Public Health Emergency Grant.

Amanda Harris, Chief of Services to End & Prevent Homelessness, DHHS
Resources for Renters

  • DHHS Rent Relief information. Or call 311 – if unable to complete an online application
  • Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD): OVID-19 Planning & Response for Homeless Assistance Providers office hours.
  • Homeless Prevention Index: Indicators

Grants and Funding

2020-10-27T09:57:09-04:00October 27th, 2020|Grants & Funding|

Community Development Block Grant Program
The Community Development Block Grant Program is a federal grant for housing and community development projects that benefit low and moderate-income persons. Rockville is accepting applications for an anticipated $263,000 in federal CDBG funds it will receive in fall 2022. CDBG money can be used to provide grants to housing providers for housing and community development projects that benefit low- and moderate-income households or neighborhoods. Applications are due 10/23.

Children’s Opportunity Fund
The Children’s Opportunity Fund is focused on funding innovation opportunities that close the achievement gap in Montgomery County. Applicants must submit a proposal via The Community’s Foundation’s online application system no later than 4pm on October 26. Click here for more info.

Community Action Awards, part of the three-part VoicesDMV initiative, are small grants of up to $2,000 for individuals and nonprofits in Greater Washington working to make our region a more equitable place for everyone to live, work, and thrive. Deadline: 11/2

COVID-19 School-Age Subsidy Program (CSSP)
For low-income families with children at MCPS schools who attend a qualifying full-day childcare program. Short term program which may provide assistance paying for childcare between October and January. Find more information here.

Nonprofit Montgomery’s Child Care Provider Assistance

2020-10-26T11:08:20-04:00October 26th, 2020|Training Opportunities, Uncategorized|

Nonprofit Montgomery is offering free technical assistance to help child care providers

Grant Reporting webinars
To help center based providers who received grants to prepare for and complete the reports required by the County.

Thursday, October 29, 3-4pm: Click here to register.

Helpline and One on One Technical Assistance
For any child care provider, whether you received a grant or not, we are offering one on one technical assistance by emailing, or calling 301-349-6373 and requesting an appointment. Assistance will be available in Spanish and English, with Amharic available on request.

For more information visit our website.

Grants and Funding

2020-10-23T11:51:08-04:00October 23rd, 2020|Grants & Funding|

Community Development Block Grant Program
The Community Development Block Grant Program is a federal grant for housing and community development projects that benefit low and moderate-income persons. Rockville is accepting applications for an anticipated $263,000 in federal CDBG funds it will receive in fall 2022. CDBG money can be used to provide grants to housing providers for housing and community development projects that benefit low- and moderate-income households or neighborhoods. Applications are due 10/23.

Children’s Opportunity Fund
The Children’s Opportunity Fund is focused on funding innovation opportunities that close the achievement gap in Montgomery County. Applicants must submit a proposal via The Community’s Foundation’s online application system no later than 4pm on October 26. Click here for more info.

Community Action Awards, part of the three-part VoicesDMV initiative, are small grants of up to $2,000 for individuals and nonprofits in Greater Washington working to make our region a more equitable place for everyone to live, work, and thrive. Deadline: 11/2

COVID-19 School-Age Subsidy Program (CSSP)
For low-income families with children at MCPS schools who attend a qualifying full-day childcare program. Short term program which may provide assistance paying for childcare between October and January. Find more information here.

Nonprofit COVID-19 Response Meeting – Wednesday, October 28 at 11am

2020-10-23T11:44:54-04:00October 23rd, 2020|Events|

Join Nonprofit Montgomery for our twice a month virtual meeting with Montgomery County and nonprofit leaders on Wednesday at 11am. This will be an opportunity to hear from our officials and receive updates on the local covid-19 response.

How are County nonprofits managing the effects of Covid-19? This will be a first look at the results of the Covid-19 and Racial Equity Survey for County Nonprofits.

Topics include:

  • how many staff/family members have been infected?
  • which sectors are seeing an increase in demand for services?
  • shifts in funding by sector
  • the impact of virtual schooling on the sector workforce

Resources for Renters
Amanda Harris, Chief of Services to End & Prevent Homelessness, DHHS

When: October 28, 11-12pm
Where: on Zoom. Click here to save your spot.

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