nonprofit montgomery news

Monthly MORE Meetup

2020-12-01T17:58:26-05:00December 1st, 2020|Events, Training Opportunities|

Spotlight on Youth Serving Organizations: The Civic Circle, LAYC, Passion 4 Learning

Whether you have taken MORE or not, if you are interested in learning more about how your peers approach evaluation, this is your chance!

There will be a panel of several youth serving organizations who will share their evaluation successes and challenges. Jana Sharp of Sharp Insight will facilitate this session and be available to answer questions. Lunch is on you, learning is on us!

When: Wednesday, December 9, noon to 1pm
Who: All MORE alumni (and Nonprofit Montgomery members)
Where: On Zoom, click here to register.

MORE Alumni Evaluation Network

We wanted to share a note of gratitude to those who have joined us in the MORE Alumni Evaluation Network on LinkedIn. With the Fall 2020 cohort underway, and MORE’s first ever fully virtual cohort, we are extra appreciative of this online space to share resources and connect to support each other in our evaluation efforts.

So far this month we’ve shared a Sharp Insight survey development cheat sheet, tips on SMARTIE indicators, and some virtual evaluation consideration. For a little added fun, we included Sharp Insight’s newest (and first!) online quiz, Name That Election Chart!

Join us on LinkedIn to connect with 87 of your nonprofit colleagues.

Nonprofit Montgomery’s Child Care Provider Assistance

2020-12-01T18:02:30-05:00November 26th, 2020|Training Opportunities|

Nonprofit Montgomery is offering free technical assistance to help child care providers

Grant Reporting Webinars
To help center based providers who received grants to prepare for and complete the reports required by the County.

Wednesday, December 9 from  3:30-4:30pm: Click here to register.
Tuesday, December 15 from 11am-noon: Click here to register.

Doing Business with the State and County for Child Care Providers (open to all child care providers)
Thursday, Dec 3 from 12:30pm-1:30pm: Click here to register.

Financial Resiliency Program for Early Care and Education (ECE) Centers
Offered by 20 Degrees, this program will help you answer essential questions for making it through to the end of COVID.  At the end of the program attendees will have developed a COVID response strategy including contingency plans that are immediately actionable. See more information here.

Helpline and One on One Technical Assistance
For any child care provider, whether you received a grant or not, we are offering one on one technical assistance by emailing, or calling 301-349-6373 and requesting an appointment. Assistance will be available in Spanish and English, with Amharic available on request. For more information visit our website.

Don’t Forget: Spending Deadlines for CARES Act Funds

2020-12-01T18:04:24-05:00November 22nd, 2020|Nonprofit Resources, Training Opportunities|

Nonprofits that have received CARES Act funding to address the pandemic through Council appropriations or contracts/grants through County departments are strongly advised to check the deadline for spending the funds.

The December 31 deadline may not apply to other funds, for example, grants made through the Public Health Emergency Grants (PHEG) are not included. Funds that are reimbursable by FEMA are intended for use through the end of the public health emergency.

It is critically important to check with your contract monitor about deadlines for spending any funds you may have received. Contracts written early in the pandemic may not have up to date information about the deadlines. Nonprofits should reach out to their contract manager first. If there are still questions, nonprofits funded through DHHS can reach out to IJ Oji, Manager of the DHHS Contract Management Team

The Bottom Line of Burnout

2020-11-09T10:43:25-05:00November 12th, 2020|Events|

Hosted by: Nonprofit Montgomery, EveryMind, and 20 Degrees

Did you miss last month’s session on burnout? Not to worry, we brought it back for December.

Join us for a practical, honest conversation about the bottom line cost of burnout, along with the insights on how to actually integrate best practices in your organization in a way that is affordable and possible.

The goals of the session:

  • Make a financial case based on your budget to justify prioritizing mental health of yourself and your team that can be shared internally or with select funders
  • Highlight best practices for responding to burnout
  • Discuss the warning signs of burnout
  • Create a safe, community conversation for Executive Directors/CEOs
  • Highlight additional wellness resources for leaders

When: December 2, 9:30-11:00am
Where: Zoom, Click here to register.

Monthly MORE Meetup

2020-11-09T10:41:13-05:00November 11th, 2020|Events|

This month MORE Alumni Evaluation Network had an exciting October—we kicked off our “Alumni Spotlight” series with an awesome conversation with VisArts.

Over in the LinkedIn network, we continued to share evaluation resources, including a rich toolkit for evaluating community programs. Shorter reads included an article with tips to improve data visualization and a case study example of testing survey questions. We also shared everyone’s new favorite listen—Dana Linnell Wanzer’s podcast, Evaluland. And we ended the month with a festive read—Sharp Insight’s latest blog post, Data Disguises, helping us ask ourselves if our data are masking a bigger story.

Find us on LinkedIn to connect with 68 of your nonprofit colleagues on all things program evaluation.

When: Wednesday, November 18, noon to 1pm
Who: All MORE alumni (and Nonprofit Montgomery members)
Where: On Zoom – Use this link

Commission for Women to Host Listening Tours

2020-11-09T10:38:28-05:00November 9th, 2020|Events, MoCo Government News|

The County Commission for Women will host its Listening Tours to provide a virtual microphone for the women in the county to share how they have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the current social climate and other concerns. The feedback will help guide the future work of the Commission. Click here for more information and to register.

Monday, Nov. 9 – Bethesda/Chevy Chase
County Executive Elrich and Councilmembers Friedson, Glass, Jawando, and Reimer
Tuesday, Nov. 10 – East County
County Executive Elrich and Councilmember Jawando
Monday, Nov. 16 – Upcounty
County Executive Elrich and Council President Katz, Councilmembers Friedson, Jawando and Rice
Tuesday, Nov. 17 – Mid-County
County Executive Elrich and Councilmembers Friedson, Jawando, and Reimer
Friday, Nov. 20 – Silver Spring
Council Vice President Hucker, Councilmembers Albornoz and Navarro. The meeting will take place in English and in Spanish.

Big Train Base Ball & Holiday Auction

2020-11-09T10:39:31-05:00November 8th, 2020|Events, Member News|

The Big Train Base Ball & Holiday Auction is coming back – in 2020 style in virtual form – during four consecutive Sundays from 7 to 8 p.m. on They’ll feature speakers, presentation of awards to volunteers and best players of the previous season, updates on the season, and auction items. Click here for more info.

Speaker Lineup:
November 15 – ESPN’s Tim Kurkjian will discuss the 2020 Season & World Series
November 22 – Hank Thomas will talk about the life of his grandfather Walter Johnson
November 29 – USA Today sports columnist Christine Brennan, best selling author Kitty Kelley, and Big Train Founder Peggy Engel discuss: “Women love baseball. How can baseball love them back?”
December 6 – Maury Povich will talk about his Hall of Fame father Shirley Povich for whom our ballpark is named.

The highlight of the Sunday night events will be online auctions with spectacular baseball memorabilia, family takeout from local restaurants, and fun baseball experiences.

Funding Opportunity: Health and Wellness Educational Services for Asian American Communities

2020-11-09T10:48:13-05:00November 7th, 2020|Grants & Funding|

The Asian American Health Initiative (AAHI) is excited to announce a funding opportunity for qualified Offerors to provide health and wellness educational services for Asian American communities. Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is soliciting bids for the procurement of health and wellness educational services for Asian American Communities funding opportunities that meet the criteria listed in the solicitation.  CBO and FBOs serving the Asian American community or have interest in working Asian American communities are encouraged to apply. Please see below/attached for details for this informal solicitation, or click the following link to view the solicitation posting online:

Informal #: 1124002
Informal Title: Health and Wellness Educational Services for Asian American Communities Funding Opportunities
Posting Dates/Times: Between 10/30/2020 12:00:00 AM and 12/4/2020 3:00:00 PM

  • The Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Office of Community Affairs’ Asian American Health Initiative is seeking qualified, responsible and experienced service providers/organizations/entities to provide health and wellness educational services to assist Asian Americans to live healthier and more holistic lives.
  • The educational activities must be designed to enable participants to learn about various topics pertinent to Asian Americans that fall within the following categories: disease prevention and management, mental health, and other wellness topics.
  • The Contractor must deliver content of educational activity in preferred language(s) of the community, such as Bengali, Burmese, Chinese, English, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Khmer, Korean, Nepalese, Sinhala, Tagalog, Tamil, Thai, Urdu, and Vietnamese.
  • The County is using the Informal Solicitation procurement process to contract with up to 20 successful Offerors, who will then be required to respond to Task Order Proposal Requests (TOPR) to be issued by the County. The annual compensation for each winning Task Order will not exceed $5,000 contingent upon annual fiscal appropriations and encumbrance of funding for the services described in this Solicitation.
  • Upon completion of the educational activity, the Contractor must complete the Outreach Outcomes and Evaluations Report (template is provided) and invoice for costs incurred.



  • The Contractor must have a minimum of 2 years of experience delivering one or more culturally- and linguistically competent services to ethnically and economically diverse Asian American communities
  • The Contractor must assign a Project Director who will coordinate and manage the project’s planning, participant recruitment, implementation, and evaluation efforts.
  • Health and wellness educational activities must be facilitated by trained and certified or licensed healthcare/public health/other professionals (MD, DO, NP, RN, RD, CHES, CHW, etc.) in a culturally- and linguistically competent manner for a specified target audience.

Nonprofit Montgomery’s Child Care Provider Assistance

2020-11-09T10:35:52-05:00November 5th, 2020|Events, Training Opportunities|

Nonprofit Montgomery is offering free technical assistance to help child care providers

Grant Reporting Webinars
To help center based providers who received grants to prepare for and complete the reports required by the County.

Friday, November 13 from 11:30am to 12:30pm: Click here to register.
Tuesday, November 17 from 11:30am to 12:30pm: Click here to register.
Wednesday, December 9 from  3:30-4:30pm: Click here to register.
Tuesday, December 15 from 11am-noon: Click here to register.

Special Topics Webinars

Accounting and Budgeting for Child Care Providers
Friday, November 20 from 12pm-1pm: Click here to register.

Doing Business with the State and County for Child Care Providers
Thursday, Dec 3 from 12:30pm-1:30pm: Click here to register.

Helpline and One on One Technical Assistance
For any child care provider, whether you received a grant or not, we are offering one on one technical assistance by emailing, or calling 301-349-6373 and requesting an appointment. Assistance will be available in Spanish and English, with Amharic available on request. For more information visit our website.

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