nonprofit montgomery news

Nonprofit COVID-19 Response Meeting

2020-12-09T16:11:55-05:00December 9th, 2020|Events|

Join Nonprofit Montgomery for our virtual meeting with Montgomery County and nonprofit leaders on Wednesday at 11am. This will be an opportunity to hear from our officials and receive updates on the local covid-19 response.

Topics and Speakers:

  • Council outlook for 2021 with incoming Council President Tom Hucker (rescheduled from 12/2)
  • Community Grants update with Rafael Murphy, Office of Management and Budget (rescheduled from 12/2)
  • Equity: Betty Lam, DHHS
  • Equity Scorecard: Adam Leuking, Clear Impact
  • Tips for working with the faith community: Rev. Kaseman 

When: December 16, 11am-12:30pm
Where: on Zoom. Click here to save your spot.

Grants and Funding – Week of December 7, 2020

2020-12-09T16:15:19-05:00December 8th, 2020|Grants & Funding|

Montgomery ‘Tourism Anchor Institution Grant Program’ Expanded to Impacted For-Profits and Nonprofits that Focus on Arts, Culture, Agriculture and/or Recreation
Deadline Extended to Dec. 13
Details on the Tourism Anchor Institution grant program and application information—in English and Spanish—can be found at

Collaboration Council: Youth Sports Initiative (updated)
The Collaboration Council seeks Letters of Interest from organizations and qualified individuals to serve as a pre-approved pool of potential youth sports program vendors who serve Montgomery County youth. New due date: December 14.

Impact 100 DC 
In 2021, Impact 100 DC will award a grant in one of the five following focus areas:  Family, Education, Health and Welfare, Arts and Culture, and Environment. Applications open at 7 a.m. on January 27, 2021, and are due by March 12 at 11:59 p.m. Learn more here.

To see more grants and funding opportunities, please see Franca Brilliant’s presentation.

Don’t forget: The Foundation Directory online is available for use (requires a library card).

MORE Alumni Evaluation Network

2020-12-09T16:12:40-05:00December 8th, 2020|Training Opportunities|

We wanted to share a note of gratitude to those who have joined us in the MORE Alumni Evaluation Network on LinkedIn. With the Fall 2020 cohort underway, and MORE’s first ever fully virtual cohort, we are extra appreciative of this online space to share resources and connect to support each other in our evaluation efforts.

So far this month we’ve shared a Sharp Insight survey development cheat sheet, tips on SMARTIE indicators, and some virtual evaluation consideration. For a little added fun, we included Sharp Insight’s newest (and first!) online quiz, Name That Election Chart!

Join us on LinkedIn to connect with 87 of your nonprofit colleagues.

The Nonprofit Impact Series: Culture & Strategy

2020-12-09T16:14:00-05:00December 7th, 2020|Events|

Culture does indeed eat Strategy for breakfast. Buy why? And what does it take to ensure great Strategy ideas aren’t stymied by counter-Culture forces?

This exploratory session, looks at how values, beliefs, and organizational assumptions (aka Culture Components) shape the outcomes and practices within an organization; how strategy execution is impacted by those Culture Components; and what it takes to sustain complimentary Culture and Strategy. Building a strong understanding of the role of culture allows us to harness it and ensure that our organizations are designed to effectively advance the benefits we hope to see in our communities.

When: December 17 at 9-11am
Where: on Zoom, click here to register.

This event is part of The Nonprofit Impact Series, which covers issues that are critical to nonprofits and build on the learnings from FIRM and MORE. The series is supported by the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services.


2020-12-01T18:03:14-05:00December 3rd, 2020|Events|

Nonprofit Covid-19 Response Meeting: 12/2
The Bottom Line of Burnout: 12/2
MORE Meet Up: 12/9
The Nonprofit Impact Series: Culture & Strategy: 12/17
FIRM: January 2021

Save the Date: Nonprofit Covid-19 Response Meeting: 12/16
Equity: Betty Lam, DHHS
Equity Scorecard: Adam Leuking, Clear Impact
Tips for working with the faith community: Rev. Kaseman

Nonprofit Montgomery’s Child Care Provider Assistance

2020-12-01T18:05:59-05:00December 3rd, 2020|Events, Training Opportunities, Uncategorized|

Nonprofit Montgomery is offering free technical assistance to help child care providers

Grant Reporting Webinars
To help center based providers who received grants to prepare for and complete the reports required by the County.

Wednesday, December 9 from  3:30-4:30pm: Click here to register.
Tuesday, December 15 from 11am-noon: Click here to register.

Doing Business with the State and County for Child Care Providers (open to all child care providers)
Thursday, Dec 3 from 12:30pm-1:30pm: Click here to register.

Financial Resiliency Program for Early Care and Education (ECE) Centers
Offered by 20 Degrees, this program will help you answer essential questions for making it through to the end of COVID.  At the end of the program attendees will have developed a COVID response strategy including contingency plans that are immediately actionable. See more information here.

Helpline and One on One Technical Assistance
For any child care provider, whether you received a grant or not, we are offering one on one technical assistance by emailing, or calling 301-349-6373 and requesting an appointment. Assistance will be available in Spanish and English, with Amharic available on request. For more information visit our website.

The Nonprofit Impact Series: Culture & Strategy

2020-12-01T18:01:17-05:00December 2nd, 2020|Events|

Culture does indeed eat Strategy for breakfast. Buy why? And what does it take to ensure great Strategy ideas aren’t stymied by counter-Culture forces?

This exploratory session, looks at how values, beliefs, and organizational assumptions (aka Culture Components) shape the outcomes and practices within an organization; how strategy execution is impacted by those Culture Components; and what it takes to sustain complimentary Culture and Strategy.

Building a strong understanding of the role of culture allows us to harness it and ensure that our organizations are designed to effectively advance the benefits we hope to see in our communities.

When: December 17 at 9-11am
Where: on Zoom, click here to register.

This event is part of The Nonprofit Impact Series, which covers issues that are critical to nonprofits and build on the learnings from FIRM and MORE. The series is supported by the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services.

The Bottom Line of Burnout – This Week

2020-12-01T18:01:51-05:00December 1st, 2020|Uncategorized|

Hosted by: Nonprofit Montgomery, EveryMind, and 20 Degrees

Did you miss last month’s session on burnout? Not to worry, we brought it back for December. This session got rave reviews when we offered it in October. The holidays are a difficult time for many in a “normal” year and this year is anything but normal.

Join us for a practical, honest conversation about the bottom line cost of burnout, along with the insights on how to actually integrate best practices in your organization in a way that is affordable and possible.

The goals of the session:

  • Make a financial case based on your budget to justify prioritizing mental health of yourself and your team that can be shared internally or with select funders
  • Highlight best practices for responding to burnout
  • Discuss the warning signs of burnout
  • Create a safe, community conversation for Executive Directors/CEOs
  • Highlight additional wellness resources for leaders

When: December 2, 9:30-11:00am
Where: Zoom, Click here to register.

Grants and Funding: 11/30/20

2020-12-01T18:00:09-05:00December 1st, 2020|Grants & Funding|

City of Rockville: Human Services Nonprofit Grant
The City of Rockville’s FY22 Human Services Nonprofit Grant application is now open. One staff member from all applicant organizations must attend one of the following mandatory technical assistance sessions, held virtually:
Wednesday, December 2, 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. or Thursday, December 10, 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Visit the website for more information.

Collaboration Council: Youth Sports Initiative
Please contact for more information.

Reopen Montgomery Grant Program
Will reimburse Montgomery County businesses for expenses incurred to comply with State and County reopening requirements. Reopening requirements are established to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and maintain public health.

County’s Tourism Anchor Institution Grants’ Available to Nonprofits that Focus on Arts, Culture, Agriculture and/or Recreation – Deadline 11/30, 5pm
The County has created a “Tourism Anchor Institution Grant Program” that will provide financial assistance to nonprofit entities that are tourist-oriented and focus on arts, culture, agriculture and/or recreation that have been hard-hit by the COVID-19 health crisis. The deadline for receiving completed applications is Monday, Nov. 30, 5pm.

Neighborhood Events Matching Funds Grant Program
To promote community engagement, encourage capacity building, networking, and stimulate the local economy. This program is administered by the five Regional Service Offices. Click here for the application.

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