nonprofit montgomery news

Nonprofit Montgomery’s Child Care Provider Assistance

2020-12-21T14:39:08-05:00December 27th, 2020|Uncategorized|

Nonprofit Montgomery is offering free technical assistance to help child care providers

Helpline and One on One Technical Assistance
For any child care provider, whether you received a grant or not, we are offering one on one technical assistance by emailing, or calling 301-349-6373 and requesting an appointment. Assistance will be available in Spanish and English, with Amharic available on request. For more information visit our website.

The first report on the ECEI funds from Montgomery County is due on December 31, 2020. We have just received a copy of the report form from the County that you can access here.

You can also get one-on-one technical assistance in English or Spanish December 18, 21,22, and 23 and 28, 29 and 30. Please email or call 301-349-6373 to request an appointment or leave a message.

El primer informe sobre los fondos de ECEI del condado de Montgomery vence el 31 de Diciembre del 2020. Acabamos de recibir una copia del formulario de informe del condado al que puede acceder aquí.

También puede obtener asistencia técnica personalizada en Inglés o Español el 18, 21, 22 y 23 y 28, 29 y 30 de diciembre. Envíe un correo electrónico a o llamenos al 301-349-6373 para solicitar una cita o deja un mensaje.

Thank you NM Board!

2020-12-21T14:34:04-05:00December 22nd, 2020|Uncategorized|

We would like to thank the Nonprofit Montgomery Board of Directors for their hard work and dedication.
We appreciate their tireless commitment to our work and the nonprofit sector.

Debbie Riley, Board President and CEO, Center for Adoption Support and Education
Jacob Newman, Board Vice President and Managing Director, Montgomery County, Latin American Youth Center
Jackie DeCarlo, Board Secretary and CEO, Manna Food Center
Ann Mazur, Board Treasurer and CEO, EveryMind

Shannon Babe-Thomas, Executive Director, Community Bridges, Inc.
Carson Henry, Association Executive, Social Responsibility  , YMCA Youth & Family Services
Suzan Jenkins, CEO, Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County
Ann Mazur, CEO, EveryMind
Kylie McCleaf, COO, Jewish Social Service Agency
Chloe Perez, President & CEO, Hearts & Homes for Youth
Susie Sinclair-Smith, CEO, Montgomery County Coalition for the Homeless
Kathy Stevens, Executive Director, MCAEL
Elijah Wheeler, Executive Director, Montgomery County Collaboration Council for Children, Youth and Families

NM Holiday Message

2020-12-21T14:33:16-05:00December 22nd, 2020|Uncategorized|

Dear Members, Partners, and Supporters,

As this challenging year draws to a close, we at Nonprofit Montgomery want to take a moment to wish you a restorative holiday season. To say 2020 was an unprecedented year, unlike anything we’ve seen, is an understatement. Thank you for your adaptability, hard work, dedication, and commitment to Montgomery County. We are truly in awe of how our sector stepped up, ramped up, pivoted, and retooled to meet community needs.

It has been a pleasure and a privilege to support all of our members—the county’s nonprofit community.

As 2021 approaches, we look forward to continuing this work together and, hopefully, in-person. Warmest wishes for a happy, safe, and healthy holiday season!

With thanks,
The Nonprofit Montgomery & Montgomery Moving Forward Team

Meyer Foundation: Fund for Black-Led Change

2020-12-21T14:38:05-05:00December 21st, 2020|Uncategorized|

Over the next five years, the Meyer Foundation will distribute $15 million in multi-year, general operating grants to Black-led power-building, organizing, and advocacy organizations, beginning with a cohort of current Meyer Foundation partners. The remaining $5 million in the Fund for Black-led Change will be reserved to support infrastructure and capacity building and other programming at the direction of the Black-led organizations’ stated needs.

Nonprofit Montgomery Advocacy Update

2020-12-21T14:34:40-05:00December 21st, 2020|Advocacy|

Nonprofit Montgomery Advocacy Update
Community Grants and FY 22 Budget Outlook

According to presentations by Council President Hucker and Rafael Murphy (OMB), projections show that FY22 tax-supported revenues are $163.2 million less than the approved FY21-26 Fiscal Plan. The greatest decline is in income tax revenue.

Programs funded through FY21 Community Grants will not need to reapply for funding in FY22. The County will forgo an FY22 Community Grants application to reduce the administrative burden on nonprofits.

Read more here.

A Table for Ten for EDs & CEOs: Self Care Isn’t Selfish!

2020-12-21T14:32:35-05:00December 21st, 2020|Events, Training Opportunities|

Open to Nonprofit Montgomery members
Intended for EDs/CEOs

Join other executive directors for a confidential, supportive, three-session series to explore strategies for how executive directors can secure their own oxygen masks first in order to better serve their staff and their community.

Ann Mazur, CEO of EveryMind, will facilitate this peer support group to help participants reflect on the challenges of the past year, build resilience through self-care, and fortify themselves for the year ahead.

Please register here and you will receive an email with the zoom link if your registration is accepted.  Registration is limited and this session will fill, so please register ASAP. We will maintain a waiting list as well.

About Table for Ten:
Table for Ten meets three times for candid, confidential facilitated conversations and problem solving. Seats are filled on a first-come, first-served basis for members only. Participants should plan to participate in all three sessions. These facilitated peer-to-peer sessions offer an opportunity for nonprofit executives to connect around issues of importance to them and their organizations.

When: Fridays, Jan. 29, Feb. 26, March 26, 9:00-10:30am
Location: Zoom Meetings. You’ll receive the links once you’ve been approved to participate.


Grants and Funding

2020-12-15T20:11:01-05:00December 14th, 2020|Grants & Funding|

Montgomery ‘Tourism Anchor Institution Grant Program’ Expanded to Impacted For-Profits and Nonprofits that Focus on Arts, Culture, Agriculture and/or Recreation
Deadline Extended to Dec. 13
Details on the Tourism Anchor Institution grant program and application information—in English and Spanish—can be found at

Collaboration Council: Youth Sports Initiative (updated)
The Collaboration Council seeks Letters of Interest from organizations and qualified individuals to serve as a pre-approved pool of potential youth sports program vendors who serve Montgomery County youth. New due date: December 14.

Impact 100 DC 
In 2021, Impact 100 DC will award a grant in one of the five following focus areas:  Family, Education, Health and Welfare, Arts and Culture, and Environment. Applications open at 7 a.m. on January 27, 2021, and are due by March 12 at 11:59 p.m. Learn more here.

To see more grants and funding opportunities, please see Franca Brilliant’s presentation.

Don’t forget: The Foundation Directory online is available for use (requires a library card).

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