nonprofit montgomery news

Solo Support Group

2021-05-05T13:01:23-04:00May 5th, 2021|Uncategorized|

Come join us for an informal, no judgement sharing session for solo-preneurs.

Are you the leadership group of one at your organization? Want to chat and learn from others? This is always a challenging role, but especially right now during this unprecedented time.

When: The first Friday of every month at 9:30am. Friday, May 7 and Friday, June 4
Where: on Zoom, click here to register.

Nonprofit Montgomery Member News

2021-05-05T12:55:04-04:00May 5th, 2021|Member News|

We’d like to welcome our newest members: BlackRock Center for the Arts and Pillars 4 Dignity.

Membership in Nonprofit Montgomery is open to all nonprofits that serve or do business in Montgomery County. Join now and get three months free! Your membership is good through June of 2022.

Coming Soon: 2021 Salary & Benefits Survey
We get frequent requests for comparative salary and benefits information for nonprofits. Updated data is coming soon!  Nonprofit Montgomery is partnering with Maryland Nonprofits on a comprehensive look at salaries locally and in the region. Thank you to the 66 Montgomery County nonprofits that responded to the salary survey. Watch for results coming out in July.

Nonprofit Montgomery Budget Advocacy
We are actively engaged in budget advocacy on behalf of Montgomery County nonprofits and have completed meetings with Councilmembers and staff to discuss nonprofit budget priorities. On April 22 the Health and Human Services Committee discussed the budget request, including our request for a 3% increase for nonprofits contracts in departments other than Health and Human Services. You can view the staff report here. It is difficult to capture how many nonprofit contracts are held in other departments. If your nonprofit contract is a department other than HHS, please share the information with Lesley.

Our social media campaign for the sector is in week seven, with engagements up all around. We are sharing nonprofit stories of covid impact on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, and asking everyone to share their own stories under the “More Essential than Ever” banner. Add your story here! Check out our Facebook pages for stories featuring MCCHInterfaith WorksCentroNiaWonders Early Learning and Extended DayVoices for Children Montgomery and much more. Also, we are featuring additional stories on our website.

Pro Bono Consulting for Nonprofits

2021-05-05T12:59:48-04:00May 3rd, 2021|Member News, Training Opportunities|

Compass grants pro bono consulting services (valued at $200,000+) to nonprofits that benefit the Greater Washington community. Volunteer teams of experienced business professionals provide consulting to nonprofits in Board Development, Funding Strategy, Strategic Planning, Strategic Partnerships & Collaborations, Strategic Marketing, and more. Applications are due June 7. Click here to apply and to learn more information.

Nonprofit Montgomery Member News

2021-04-19T13:51:54-04:00April 21st, 2021|Member News|

We’d like to welcome our newest members! Membership in Nonprofit Montgomery is open to all nonprofits that serve or do business in Montgomery County. Join now and get three months free! Your membership is good through June of 2022.

Green SEEDS Company
Housing Initiative Partnership
Milk Lady Farmers Market

COVID-19 Response Meeting

2021-04-19T13:41:28-04:00April 19th, 2021|Events|

Wednesday, April 21, 11am   

Join Nonprofit Montgomery for our bimonthly virtual meeting with Montgomery County and nonprofit leaders for opportunity to hear updates on the local covid-19 response.

Workforce programs and the covid recovery

  • Councilmember Hans Riemer
  • Anthony Featherstone, CEO, WorkSource Montgomery

Grants and Funding Updates

  • Franca Brilliant, Consultant

When: April 21, 11am-12:15pm
Where: On Zoom. Once you register you’ll receive an auto-email with all the details.

Join us on April 21

Job Opportunities – Week of 4/19/21

2021-04-19T13:40:44-04:00April 19th, 2021|Job Opportunities|

Nonprofit Montgomery: Program & Membership Director
Compass: Development and Communications Associate and Salesforce and Data Analytics Associate
Rebuilding Together Montgomery County: Development & Communication Coordinator and Home Assessment & Project Coordinator
Housing Initiative Partnership: Tenant Outreach Specialist – Montgomery County
Round House Theatre: Development Associate
Audubon Naturalist Society: Kindergarten Teacher
KID Museum: Marketing Associate and Maker Educator
Zero To Three: Chief Development and Strategy Officer

Funding and Grants – Week of 4/19/21

2021-04-19T13:39:23-04:00April 19th, 2021|Grants & Funding|

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