nonprofit montgomery news

Food Council Upcoming virtual Trainings

2021-06-03T12:13:38-04:00June 3rd, 2021|Events|

Recursos Para Asistencia de Comida en Condado de Montgomery, Introduction to Food Assistance Resources in Montgomery County 
10 de Junio, 11:00am-12:00pm en Zoom
Presented in Spanish.  Enlace de registro:
Esta capacitación virtual proporcionará a los participantes una descripción general de la inseguridad alimentaria en el condado y la respuesta de asistencia alimentaria COVID-19 brindada por el condado. Discutiremos la red de recursos desarrollada por el Consejo de Alimentos y nuestros socios, como el Directorio de recursos de asistencia alimentaria en línea, la herramienta de referencia de asistencia alimentaria y el sitio web de Asistencia alimentaria del condado. También revisaremos los beneficios nutricionales federales y otros recursos que pueden ser beneficiosos para mitigar la inseguridad alimentaria.Esta formación es gratuita y está abierta a todos. Tenga en cuenta que es necesario registrarse con anticipación para recibir el enlace de Zoom. Corepresentado de Caridades Catholicos y El Consejo de Comida del Condado de Montgomery.

Data Privacy and Confidentiality Requirements for Food Assistance Providers
June 24, 2021, 10:00am
In this virtual training session, you will learn about rules governing privacy and confidentiality and how to comply with these requirements when you collect, store, and process data about the clients you serve. Co-hosted via Zoom call by the Montgomery County Food Council and the Montgomery Department of Health and Human Services. Click here to register.

Nonprofit Covid-19 Response Meeting

2021-06-03T12:17:50-04:00June 2nd, 2021|Events|

Join Nonprofit Montgomery for our virtual meeting with Montgomery County and nonprofit leaders for opportunity to hear updates on the local covid-19 response.

FY22 Budget: Council Vice President Albornoz
DHHS Contracting: IJ Oji, Manager, HHS Contracts Administrator
Grants & Funding Updates: Franca Brilliant, Consultant

Join us on June 9

Grants & Funding Opportunities

2021-06-03T12:16:25-04:00June 2nd, 2021|Grants & Funding|

Community Care Corps
Request for Proposals (RFP) for innovative local models in which volunteers assist family caregivers or directly assist older adults or adults with disabilities with non-medical care to maintain their independence

State Relief Funds for Nonprofits

The MD Department of Housing and Community Development announced a new $20 million in state relief funds for nonprofits. The funds are allocated by the General Assembly as part of the Maryland COVID-19 Recovery Act. $3,475,000 is allocated to Montgomery County. The grants will be administered by the Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation (MCEDC) by September. Click here for more information.

Job Opportunities – Week of June 1

2021-06-03T12:15:42-04:00June 1st, 2021|Job Opportunities|

Nonprofit Montgomery: Program & Membership Director
Gaithersburg Beloved Community InitiativeExecutive Director
PEP (Parent Encouragement Program): Director of Development and Marketing Manager
Manna Food Center: Program Coordinator
Interfaith Works: multiple openings
Brand and Content Manager
Director of Development
Director of Finance
Foundation & Corporate Relations Manager
Manager of Community & Individual Giving
Carpe Diem Arts: Executive Director
Greater Washington Community Foundation: AmeriCorps VISTA  

In Case You Missed It: Nonprofit leaders on lessons learned from the pandemic.

2021-05-19T09:56:09-04:00May 19th, 2021|Nonprofit Resources, Uncategorized|

Our May 5 Covid Response meeting highlighted nonprofit leaders on their lessons learned over the last year:

Heather Bruskin, MoCo Food Council; Jackie DeCarlo, Manna Food Center; Leslie Graham, Primary Care Coalition; Susie Sinclair-Smith, MCCH; Diego Uriburu, Identity, Inc. and Black and Brown Coalition for Educational Equity and Excellence; and Elijah Wheeler, Collaboration Council and from the Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security: Patrick Fleming and Netta Squires.

Some themes emerged:

The importance of system building in advance of the crisis. Coordinating/backbone organizations like the Montgomery County Food Council, the Primary Care Coalition were already convening system wide partnerships with nonprofit providers. These trusting relationships and established ways of communicating were essential to a quick and comprehensive response.

A strong nonprofit sector can respond quickly. Nonprofits have trusting relationships with the people they serve. Nonprofits were able to get feedback from those most affected by the crisis, and to communicate community needs to funders and the County. Strong and trusting relationships with people served, funders, staff and the County were critical.

Nonprofits are essential partners to County government. Nonprofits were able to innovate and respond to needs; the partnership with the County and ongoing communication were critical to supporting nonprofit efforts. The County’s flexibility with existing contracts allowed nonprofits to respond. County leadership listened to nonprofits and deployed relief funds to meet urgent needs.

The need to take care of staff and ourselves. The sense of urgency makes it hard to step away, and remote work can blur the line between work and home. It is critical to care for staff and encourage them to take breaks, take vacation, focus on health and families. Nonprofit leaders can lead by example. Work towards better balance, and find joy.

The Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security will be compiling a report that documents the nonprofit response. More info to follow!

Job Opportunities

2021-05-19T09:54:23-04:00May 18th, 2021|Job Opportunities|

Nonprofit Montgomery: Program & Membership Director

EveryMind: Multiple openings
Human Resources Generalist
Community School Coordinator
Division Director
Development Associate

Primary Care Coalition: 5 job openings
Senior Director, Health Equity Programs
Senior Accountant
Accounting Manager
Community Health Program Coordinator
Program Coordinator, Coverage & Connections

BlackRock Center for the Arts: Multiple openings
Rentals Director (Full-Time)
Business Manager (Part-Time)
Special Events Manager (Part-Time)
Tech Coordinator (Part-Time)

Manna Food Center: Multiple openings
Lead Coordinator
Development Manager
Transportation Manager

MoCo Food Council: Coordinator and/or Manager roles focused on Food Economy, Food Security, Advocacy, Agriculture, and/or Environmental Impact (rolling)

LCV: SVP, Community & Civic Engagement

Budgeting vs. Forecasting with Lescault & Walderman

2021-05-05T13:00:21-04:00May 7th, 2021|Events|

Find out how these two tools serve very different but very valuable purposes in the management of your organization and in measuring your progress and success.

Lescault & Walderman is a business consulting firm that provides DMV Accounting, Bookkeeping and CFO Services to small to medium businesses in the Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia regions.

Date: June 8, 1-2pm
Who: Open to everyone
Where: on Zoom, click here to register.

FIRM for Small or Emerging Nonprofits

2021-05-05T13:02:49-04:00May 5th, 2021|Events|

FIRM for Small or Emerging Nonprofits
LAST CHANCE until 2022! Space still available.

This version of FIRM (Financial Reporting and Management Institute) is specifically designed for our small but mighty nonprofits who are either just starting, intentionally small (budget under $750,000), or exploring future growth. FIRM is an opportunity for staff and board to attend as a team to engage in thoughtful planning for financial sustainability.

FIRM includes four one hour sessions, plus self paced modules and introduces nonprofit leaders and board members to financial best practices for greater accountability and sustainability. FIRM’s unique curriculum provides a strategic framework and practical tools to help leaders better understand and implement best practices in financial management.
FIRM is supported and strongly encouraged by the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services as an essential tool for nonprofits. Questions? Please reach out to us.

Dates: May 24, 26, 28, and June 1 (1-2pm)
Cost: Only $25 per team (up to four)
Click here to register your team.

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