nonprofit montgomery news

Design Data Dashboards

2021-09-20T20:05:42-04:00September 19th, 2021|Events|

NEW! Design Data Dashboards
MORE Quarterly Alumni Skill-Building Sessions

Ever wish you had a go-to place to share data updates with your team and community partners? Are you swimming in data and not sure how to make sense of it all? Does it feel like you waste too much time trying to monitor progress toward targets for reporting requirements?

If so, we have some tips that could come in handy! Join Sharp Insight and fellow MORE alums for the first in this year’s How To series: Design Data Dashboards. The first half we’ll go through the basics of dashboard design and then have some time to play around with data and hone your own dashboard design skills. We’ll be using Google Sheets for the training and most of the concepts should be transferable to Excel.

When: September 27, noon to 1pm
Who: Intended for those who have participated in Nonprofit Montgomery MORE Metrics and Evaluation program.
Click here to register.

Grants & Funding Opportunities

2021-09-20T20:02:44-04:00September 18th, 2021|Grants & Funding|

Project Restore Rental Assistance Grant (MD’s Dept. of Housing and Community Development)

  • The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development is administering $25 million to provide financial support to Maryland’s new or expanding businesses to help incentivize commercial investment in vacant retail and commercial properties.​​
  • Project Restore will provide two grant opportunities for businesses that plan on opening or expanding into previously vacant spaces. The County is holding an information session on this on September 10 at 11am. Click here for the County’s flyer.

Cherry Blossom Giving Circle

  • grant cycle will open on September 12 (application deadline is October 15.
  • 2021 grantees based on a demonstrated commitment to advance racial justice, combating racism, and dismantling systemic racism in the DMV area.

Wheaton Cultural Project Grants

  • Wheaton Cultural Project Grants (WCPG) support impactful projects within the Wheaton, MD community and provide professional opportunities for artists and scholars to work in Wheaton. Montgomery County based non-profit arts and humanities organizations, groups, artists, and scholars are invited to apply. Grants for FY22 will be awarded for activities occurring between January 1, 2022, and December 31, 2022.

Many Hands Grant

  • Many Hands grant funds must be used to serve women, children, and/or families in socioeconomic need.
  • four grants each year, one in each of four focus areas–economic empowerment, education, health, and housing.
  • Applications open: October 1, 2021 at 9:00 am and Application deadline: November 5, 2021 at 11:59 pm

There’s Still Time to Renew Your Membership

2021-09-20T20:04:28-04:00September 17th, 2021|Member News|

Thank you to the members and partners that have joined or renewed for 2020-2021. Together we can help strengthen the nonprofit sector serving Montgomery County. If you forgot to renew, don’t worry there’s still time!

Only Nonprofit Montgomery members receive advocacy alerts, access to certain events and programs and much more. Please reach out to our Program & Membership Director, Lavontte Chatmon with any questions or concerns.

Don’t miss out ….

2021-08-26T13:48:27-04:00August 26th, 2021|Member News, Uncategorized|

Did you know that anyone can subscribe to Nonprofit Matters, Nonprofit Montgomery’s newsletter? But only Nonprofit Montgomery members receive advocacy alerts, access to certain events and programs and much more.

Not quite sure what our membership is about, or why you should join? Reach out to our Program & Membership Director, Lavontte Chatmon, and get all your questions answered.

Health Survey and Environmental Scan of Organizational Resources

2021-08-26T13:47:45-04:00August 26th, 2021|Nonprofit Resources, Uncategorized|

Healthy Montgomery, the County’s local health improvement coalition, is asking people to complete a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) Oral Health Capacity and Environmental Demand Scan Survey to assess resources available. The information collected will be used to address oral health concerns in the community; align and leverage resources; and contribute to the creation of a Community Health Improvement Plan for Montgomery County. In addition, the data will be posted on the Healthy Montgomery website and will be available to the public.

Organizations can be any type of group that provides oral health services in Montgomery County, such as hospitals, government agencies, social service providers, educational institutions, health insurers, and public and private dental offices and clinics. The deadline for completing the survey is Friday, Sept. 10.

Job Opportunities

2021-08-26T13:44:42-04:00August 26th, 2021|Job Opportunities|

Coordinator Level
Nonprofit Montgomery: Program Coordinator (Updated) 
Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers: Associate, External Affairs

Manager/Director Level
National Alliance on Mental Illness of Montgomery County, MD (NAMI MC):
 Communications and Engagement Manager and Resource Navigator
Montgomery History: Development and Communications Manager
LAYC: Program Manager
Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers: Director, Programs & Partnerships
KID Museum: Development Manager and Director of Finance
Jewish Foundation for Group Homes: Planned Giving Specialist

Chevy Chase At Home: Executive Director

Job Opportunities

2021-08-12T12:21:29-04:00August 12th, 2021|Job Opportunities|


Treehouse Child Advocacy Center: Executive Director
Cornerstone Montgomery: Chief Financial Officer

Manager/Director Level

Primary Care Coalition: Development Manager
Montgomery Coalition for Adult English Literacy (MCAEL): Manager of Grants & Administration and Manager of Network Learning and Development
MoCo Food Council: Multiple positions
Coordinator and/or Manager roles focused on Food Economy, Food Security, Advocacy, Agriculture, and/or Environmental Impact priorities (rolling)
Agriculture, Food Economy, and Sustainability Programs Coordinator/Manager
Community Bridges: Multiple Program Manager positions (College, HS, and Middle School Program Managers)
Adventure Theatre MTC: Education Director
Identity, Inc.: Workforce Development Specialist

Coordinator Level

Manna Food Center: Community Food Education Program Coordinator
Rebuilding Together MC: multiple AmeriCorps positions: Volunteer CoordinatorClient Outreach Coordinator, and Project Coordinator

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