nonprofit montgomery news

Nonprofit Montgomery Member Updates & News

2021-10-27T10:18:11-04:00October 25th, 2021|Member News|

ICYMI Cornerstone Montgomery just celebrated 50 years! Congratulations!
Cornerstone Montgomery works with people throughout the behavioral health spectrum of acute crisis through long-term support. Cornerstone Montgomery helps empower more than 2,500 adults and transition aged youth.

We’d like to welcome and thank our new and renewing members!
Asian American LEAD: Leadership Empowerment & Development for Youth and Family
City First Enterprises, Inc. – Devon C. Rubenstein Foundation –  American Muslim Senior Society
Tree Of Hope Association – CREATE Arts Center Inc. – CCI Health & Wellness Services
National Philharmonic – Cantate

It’s never too late to join/renew Nonprofit Montgomery membership. Please contact Lavontte with any questions.

Job Opportunities – Week of October 20, 2021

2021-10-20T13:00:14-04:00October 20th, 2021|Job Opportunities|

Coordinator Level

Montgomery County Renters Alliance: Renter Outreach Worker
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Rockville: Technology & Communications Assistant
AA LEAD: Maryland Program Coordinator and DC Program Coordinator
Grantmakers for Effective Organizations: Executive Assistant and Board Liaison Office of the President and CEO

Manager/Director Level

Junior Achievement of Greater Washington : Manager, Education
Maryland Programs Manager
Jubilee Association of MD: Major and Planned Gift Officer
Collaboration Council: Accountant (Full time)
CASE: Director of Clinical Services
Greater Washington Community Foundation: Director of Partnerships

Community Asset Mapping Data Collection

2021-10-27T10:21:40-04:00October 20th, 2021|Member News|

Montgomery County Workforce Investment Board through WorkSource Montgomery is requesting participation in a data collection survey of community-based organizations that serve as an adult (over 18 years of age) resource for services within Montgomery County. The goal is to develop a digital resource that serves as a regional adult services community asset map.

AALEAD is Hiring

2021-10-15T09:30:06-04:00October 15th, 2021|Job Opportunities|

Asian American LEAD is hiring for a Maryland Programs Manager, Maryland Program Coordinator, and DC Program Coordinator!
Are you passionate about impacting AAPI youth and positive youth development? AALEAD is seeking full time Managers and Program Coordinators to join a dynamic and committed team providing new opportunities for low-income and underserved Asian American and Pacific Islander youth in the DMV.

BoardMatch Montgomery

2021-10-06T10:46:27-04:00October 9th, 2021|Events, Training Opportunities|

BoardMatch Montgomery is a collaboration between Nonprofit Montgomery and Leadership Montgomery and is a two part program.

  1. Nonprofit Orientation & Training: Designed for the ED/CEO and a board member who will be reacquainted with current governance best practices and the curriculum of the candidate training to establish shared expectations and ensure successful board placements. BoardMatch helps nonprofit organizations recruit effective and engaged board candidates to serve on their boards of directors.
  2. Candidate Training: Designed for local leaders that wish to serve on a nonprofit. BoardMatch recruits and trains potential board members and matches them with nonprofits.

BoardMatch Montgomery benefits nonprofit organizations by:

  • Strengthening board practices.
  • Increasing board effectiveness and engagement.
  • Providing the opportunity to be matched with highly-qualified, trained board candidates.

This program is available Nonprofit Montgomery members. To be eligible for the matching process, the Executive Director/CEO and a board member must attend the Nonprofit BoardMatch Virtual Orientation/Training on Wednesday, October 27, 2021 from 9am to noon

Please note, the matching process will also include on mandatory interview with the Executive Director/CEO and Board Chair/President. Cost: $25 per attendee

Click here to register.

Welcome New Board Members

2021-10-06T10:40:57-04:00October 8th, 2021|Member News|

Nonprofit leaders know that a strong, functioning board is essential for success. We at Nonprofit Montgomery are very grateful to the nonprofit leaders who serve on our Board of Directors. Though they are busy leaders of their own organizations, our Board members think broadly about the nonprofit sector and give their time and expertise to furthering our mission to strengthen, support and give visibility to the sector.

We would like to welcome our newest Board Members: Courtney Hall and Cari Cho. We’d also like to thank our departing Board Members Jacob Newman, LAYC and Carson Henry, YMCA Youth & Family Services for their dedication and service to Nonprofit Montgomery.

Our Executive Board includes:  
Jackie DeCarlo, President and CEO, Manna Food Center
Elijah Wheeler, Vice President and  Executive Director, Montgomery County Collaboration Council for Children, Youth and Families, Inc.
Shannon Babe-Thomas, Secretary and  Executive Director, Community Bridges, Inc.
Ann Mazur, Treasurer and CEO, EveryMind

Current Board Members: 
Chloe Bernardi, President & CEO, Hearts & Homes for Youth
Cari Cho, President & CEO, Cornerstone Montgomery
Courtney Hall, CEO, Interfaith Works
Suzan Jenkins, CEO, Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County
Kylie McCleaf, COO, Jewish Social Service Agency
Debbie Riley, CEO, Center for Adoption Support and Education
Susie Sinclair-Smith, CEO, Montgomery County Coalition for the Homeless
Kathy Stevens, Executive Director, MCAEL

If you have any interest in applying for a position on the Nonprofit Montgomery Board of Directors, please reach out to us.

Nonprofit Montgomery: Candidate Conversations

2021-10-06T09:15:07-04:00October 7th, 2021|Advocacy, Events|

We’ll be organizing small groups of nonprofit leaders to talk to candidates about nonprofit concerns and more.

Our first candidate running for County Executive is David Blair. We’ll be scheduling more conversations with candidates soon. So stay tuned!

When: October 14, 11am to noon
Where: On Zoom. Once you register and are approved, we’ll send you an email with the details.
Who: Nonprofit Montgomery members only. We ask that only one person from your organization register since seats are limited. Click here here to save your spot.

Questions? Contact us at

Nonprofit Covid Response Meeting Recap

2021-10-06T10:39:57-04:00October 6th, 2021|Events, Nonprofit Resources|

In case you missed it, here’s the recording from our compelling conversation with Council Vice President Gabe Albornoz on Welcoming Newcomers: the County’s Initiative to welcome the County’s comprehensive plan to welcome children, youth and families from the border.

We were joined by Gillian Heubner, Consultant for Newcomer Support & Assistance, DHHS (DHHS & Montgomery County’s Response)

And presenting on the Nonprofit response were:

To get in touch with DHHS contact Monica Martin and at MCPS, Margarita Bohorquez.

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