nonprofit montgomery news

Government and Community News

2024-07-19T12:51:21-04:00July 19th, 2024|Uncategorized|

Interfaith Works Women’s Shelter fire

On July 4, Interfaith Works women’s shelter experienced a fire that caused extensive damage. Residents and staff will be displaced for potentially two months to a location that lacks kitchen facilities This MoCo360 article describes the needs. County residents looking to help out can prepare a home-cooked meal or order food from a restaurant to be delivered, Hall said. Those interested can contact Roslyn Roberts, Interfaith Works’ director of faith and community partnerships, at 240-468-6386.

Montgomery County food pantries struggle to meet need in face of limited county funding

Area food hubs are trying to figure out ways to continue to meet the needs of a growing population of food-insecure residents while dealing with less funding than they had hoped for coming from the county this fiscal year–as well as the end of pandemic-era federal funding. Read more.

400 new laws are now in effect, among over 1,000 signed into law this year. Measures affect everything from housing and health care to taxes and psychedelics

While many of the laws set up task forces to study an issue or start the clock on a change in the law that will take effect months in the future, some will be felt immediately. Those include a raft of tax and fee increases, and at least one decrease. Learn more.

School board’s new student member to focus on mental health, opioid awareness and school safety

Praneel Suvarna, a rising Clarksburg High School senior and newly sworn in student member of the county school board, plans to prioritize school safety and student mental health and take steps to help address the opioid crisis impacting students during his year-long term. Learn more.

Child care is scarce in MoCo and Maryland — and the pandemic made matters worse

Maryland has lost 15% of its childcare providers and 7% of its childcare slots in the last five years. The number of child care providers in Montgomery County fell 9.21% between Jan. 1, 2020, and Jan. 1, 2024. That’s the second smallest decrease in the state. Read more.

Compass Pro Bono Nonprofit Information Session

Compass Pro Bono provides free strategic consulting and board matching services to nonprofits across the Greater Washington region. Learn more on their website and register for an upcoming information session to find out how Compass Pro Bono can support your organization.
Register here

Fiscal Year 2024 Resident and Community Food Gardening Grant Program recently awarded $200,000 to seven community-based organizations.

To learn more about this grant program and other opportunities for engagement in local food gardening efforts, visit

25,000 Free Computers Will Be Provided 

Montgomery County’s digital equity and inclusion program, “Montgomery Connects,” which is operated by the County’s Department of Technology and Enterprise Business Solutions (TEBS), will be distributing approximately 25,000 computers at no charge to eligible residents. Nonprofits who want to assist residents they serve in making arrangements to get computers can reach out to Montgomery Connects at to reserve blocks of appointments on specific dates for large enrollment events.

2024 Takoma Park Folk Festival (Sunday, September 8): Applications Open for Food Vendors & Community Tables

Takoma Park Folk Festival (TPFF) is getting ready for this year’s festival on September 8 and is ready to receive applications. For more information visit the City of Takoma Park blog.

If you are a Nonprofit Montgomery member and have news to share with our subscribers, please send it to

Advocacy Updates July 2024

2024-07-19T11:15:27-04:00July 19th, 2024|Advocacy|

Make your voice heard!
Upcoming Council Committee Worksessions – full schedule here

NOTE: Residents can upload written or prerecorded video or audio testimony online

All Council and committee meetings are broadcast live on County Cable Montgomery (Comcast channel 996 HD, 6 SD; RCN channel 1056 HD, 6 SD; & Verizon channel 30) and are streamed on the Council’s YouTube and Facebook pages. Archived materials and videos can be found here.

Planning, Housing and Parks Committee – July 18 – 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

  • Executive Regulation 2-24, Rent Stabilization
  • Executive Regulation 16-23 Tenant Displacement – Right of First Refusal (ROFR)

ECON/TE  July 22 –  9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

  • Executive Regulation #8-21, Transportation Demand Management
  • Parking Lot District Funding
  • Urban Districts

PHP July 22 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

  • Worksession – Growth Tiers Map
  • Worksession – Attainable Housing
  • ZTA 24-02, Agricultural and Rural Zones – Campground

PHP July 25 – 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

  • Executive Regulation 2-24, Rent Stabilization

Three upcoming community conversations with Councilmember Sayles.
July 17, 6pm – Mid County
July 24, 6pm – Silver Spring
July 25, 6pm – Bethesda – Chevy Chase
Register here 

Board of Education Meetings

Upcoming Business Meeting – July 18

Montgomery County Residents Encouraged to Join State, Local Health Officials for Listening Session on Public Health Priorities on Tuesday, July 30

Residents wishing to speak should sign up here.

Opportunity to Provide Comments on Draft Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance Regulations.

Stakeholders (
Employers (

For more information, watch the zoom recording

Governor Moore is bringing a list of proposed state budget cuts to the Board of Public Works on Wednesday, July 17.

Learn more

Nonprofit Montgomery News

2024-06-19T15:47:49-04:00June 19th, 2024|Member News|

Nonprofit Montgomery is thrilled to announce the appointment of Brigid Howe as the permanent Executive Director of Nonprofit Montgomery. Brigid had been our Interim ED for the last 9 months and it was a very easy decision to make it permanent. She brings a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to strengthening the nonprofit sector. With a robust background in nonprofit management and a passion for innovative collaboration and cross-sector partnerships, Brigid is poised to lead Nonprofit Montgomery into a new era of growth and impact.

Brigid’s extensive experience in the nonprofit sector includes leadership roles that have consistently demonstrated her ability to build strong, effective organizations and foster meaningful collaborations. A native of Montgomery County, she was Senior Director of District Councils at the Urban Land Institute from 2019 – 2023. Earlier in her career, she was appointed the first Executive Director of Nonprofit Montgomery in 2015.

Please join us in welcoming Brigid Howe back to Nonprofit Montgomery. Her visionary approach and dedication to community engagement align with Nonprofit Montgomery’s mission to support and empower the nonprofit community. We look forward to the exciting developments and achievements that lie ahead under her leadership.


Cari Guthrie
Chair of Nonprofit Montgomery Advisory Board

Job Opportunities

2024-06-19T15:42:55-04:00June 19th, 2024|Job Opportunities|

Carpe Diem Arts: Executive Director 

Chevy Chase At Home: Member and Volunteer Programs Manager

Jubilee: Quality Assurance Specialist, Academy Coordinator, Academy Instructor
Manna Food Center: Donor Relations CoordinatorBilingual SNAP Outreach Coordinator
Parent Encouragement Program: Outreach ManagerLatino Program Coordinator 

Rebuilding Together: Manager of Program Services

Red Wiggler Community Farm: 2024 Farm Apprentice

Sandy Spring Museum: Advancement DirectorMuseum Manager

Strathmore: Director of Individual GivingDirector of Human Resources

VisArts: Individual Giving Manager (Part Time with Benefits)

Grants & Funding

2024-06-19T15:33:31-04:00June 19th, 2024|Grants & Funding|

The Community Foundation now has the following funding opportunities available for organizations in the Greater Washington Region. Applications are now being accepted for the following initiatives:

  • 2024 Community Action Awards (DC, MD, NoVA) – These small grants will support nonprofits working to make our region more equitable and inclusive by addressing issues and challenges highlighted in the VoicesDMV Community Insights report. Applications must be submitted by Monday, June 24 at 4 pm.

  • Health Equity Fund (DC) Fostering Networks for Economic Mobility seeks to fund organizations that value community networks that strengthen community support services, provide health resources, and implement service models that increase income, economic mobility, and/or build wealth. Applications must be submitted by Wednesday, July 10 at 4 pm

  • Health Equity Fund (DC) Demonstration Projects seeks to support nonprofits working in innovative, collaborative, and targeted ways to implement economic mobility models that build community wealth for people and communities with the greatest economic and health disparities. Letter of Interest are being accepted on a rolling basis through March 2026 (or until funds have been exhausted)
    Learn more

FY 2024 Nonprofit Security Grant Program
In Fiscal Year (FY) 2024, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is providing $274.5 million for facility hardening and other physical and cyber security enhancements and activities to nonprofit organizations that are at high risk of terrorist or extremist attacks.
Learn more

Marilyn Hatza Memorial SHINE Grant: Strengthening the Humanities Investment in Nonprofits for Equity.
Maryland Humanities’ grants program funds general operating support to nonprofits conducting work in the humanities throughout Maryland. We have been actively adjusting our grant practices over the past few years with a focus on equity and accessibility.
Learn more

AmFund 2024 Golden Pear Grant Application Open
The American Fundraising Foundation (AmFund) officially announced it will begin accepting applications for its much-anticipated 2024 Golden Pear Grant Program beginning today, Tuesday, June 4th, at 10:00 am Eastern, through Tuesday, July 16th, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. Eastern.

Wheaton Access Program will distribute a total of $75,000 in in-kind assistance towards the reduction of permitting costs for use of local government facilities and venues. Submission deadline: June 30.
Learn more

lululemon invites applications for the 2025 Here to Be Grant
which will award general operating support of up to $50,000 to community-led nonprofit organizations working to create equity in well-being, and serving populations most impacted by systemic inequity. Applications from organizations working at the intersection of environment and well-being are also welcomed. An annual budget of less than $2 million is preferred.
Learn more

Ben & Jerry’s Foundation invites applications from grassroots organizations
The foundation invites applications to its National Grassroots Organizing Program (NGO), which offers two-year, unrestricted, general operating support grants of up to $30,000 per year—with an average grant size of $20,000 per year—to small, constituent-led grassroots organizations across the United States and its territories.
Learn more

Additional Grant Opportunities for Food Assistance & Nonprofit Partners

Community News & Resources

2024-06-19T15:29:43-04:00June 19th, 2024|Events, Member News|

Councilmember Evan Glass (At-Large) announced a series of LGBTQ+ Pride Month events throughout June. Events include a Pride flag raising outside the Executive Office Building in Rockville, Pride Family Day at Glen Echo Park, and a mixer at the Olney Theatre Center. There are events for the whole family and for residents throughout Montgomery County.
Click here to RSVP!

Connecting the Government Contractors Community to HHS Opportunities – Virtual 
Tuesday, June 18, 2024, 2-3:30 pm
Calling all government contractors! Are you ready to tap into a treasure trove of opportunities in the federal government with HHS? This event will be packed with insights, connections, and a chance to secure your next big win.

Easterseals Community Fair
Tuesday, June 25 from 3 – 5:30 pm
1420 Spring Street, Silver Spring

Enjoy an afternoon of fun at Easterseals! Kona Ice, a petting zoo, music, and more will keep the kids smiling. Parents and others can tour Easterseals programs for children, older adults, those with disabilities, and veterans and military families. FREE! No reservations are required.

Montgomery County’s Office of Food Systems Resilience (OFSR), Manna Food Center (Manna) and the Morningstar Foundation have awarded more than $350,000 in funding to 14 nonprofit food assistance organizations and Montgomery County-based farm partners to support the purchase and installation of cold storage infrastructure that will build the capacity of the local food system and food security network.

Montgomery County and the Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County (HOC) have launched the Nonprofit Preservation Fund (NPF) to preserve affordable housing. The NPF will be funded with $50 million by Fiscal Year 2025 to provide low-interest interim loans to support nonprofit developers and HOC in acquiring and preserving naturally occurring affordable housing (NOAH).

25,000 Free Computers Will Be Provided 
Montgomery County’s digital equity and inclusion program, “Montgomery Connects,” which is operated by the County’s Department of Technology and Enterprise Business Solutions (TEBS), will be distributing approximately 25,000 computers at no charge to eligible residents. Nonprofits who want to assist residents they serve in making arrangements to get computers can reach out to Montgomery Connects at to reserve blocks of appointments on specific dates for large enrollment events.

If you are a Nonprofit Montgomery member and have news to share with our subscribers, please send it to

Community News & Resources

2024-05-20T16:29:21-04:00May 17th, 2024|Events|

The FY24 Community Grants review and awarding process is complete with Notification Letters sent to all applicants. The Office of Grants Management (OGM) received over 310 applications with the value of requests totaling nearly $50 million with less than six million available for awards; an 8.5 to one ratio of requests received to funds available. The full list of award winners in pdf format may be downloaded here.

Montgomery County and the Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County (HOC) have launched the Nonprofit Preservation Fund (NPF) to preserve affordable housing. The NPF will be funded with $50 million by Fiscal Year 2025 to provide low-interest interim loans to support nonprofit developers and HOC in acquiring and preserving naturally occurring affordable housing (NOAH).

The Montgomery County Council’s public hearing on the Great Seneca Plan, Connecting Life & Science, is on June 12 at 7 p.m. at The Universities at Shady Grove. To testify at a Council public hearing and submit written, audio or video testimony, please use the following link:, or call 240-777-7803.

IRA Direct Pay Webinar for Maryland Tax Exempt Entities
The Inflation Reduction Act is the largest investment in clean energy in U.S. history. Most of the investment comes through tax incentives. Under a novel provision known as “direct pay” or “elective pay”, tax exempt entities can benefit from these tax incentives.

Easter Seals DC VA MD Celebrates 20 Years of Advocacy for Disability and Military Communities.

County Executive Marc Elrich has appointed Easterseals Cohen Clinic Director Grace Caulfield to the Commission on Veterans Affairs, bringing an expert voice in high-quality, accessible veterans mental healthcare to the Commission. As director of the Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Easterseals, Caulfield has successfully worked with prominent veteran and military leaders to ensure veterans quickly receive help at Easterseals.

Maryland Market Rate and Cost of Care Survey
The Maryland State Department of Education, Division of Early Childhood is requesting your help to estimate the cost of child care, both current costs and the “true cost” for a financially sustainable child care program. This survey is being conducted by a non-profit organization, Prenatal to Five Fiscal Strategies.

Grants & Funding Opportunities

2024-05-20T16:32:06-04:00May 17th, 2024|Grants & Funding|

Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation invites applications from nonprofits in the D.C. area. 
The foundation invites applications for its grants program, through which it aims to improve the lives of D.C.-area residents, with an emphasis on creating a more equitable region. Grants are awarded in five program areas: arts and humanities, community services, education, environment, and health and wellness. The portal opens on June 1, 2024, for the July 1, 2024 deadline.
Learn more

Purple Line Transit Partners (PLTP) is excited to sponsor the Beyond the Rails community grant program and we’re inviting local organizations throughout the project corridor to apply for our next group of grants (deadline is May 31, 2024). For your information, PLTP is the State of Maryland’s private-sector partner on the Purple Line and we are the sole funder of the grant program.
Learn more

FY 2024 Nonprofit Security Grant Program
In Fiscal Year (FY) 2024, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is providing $274.5 million for facility hardening and other physical and cyber security enhancements and activities to nonprofit organizations that are at high risk of terrorist or another extremist attack.
Learn more 

Wheaton Access Program will distribute a total of $75,000 in in-kind assistance towards the reduction of permitting costs for use of local government facilities and venues. Submission deadline: June 30.
Learn more

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation 
Culture of Health Award
Is your community actively working to ensure residents have what they need to reach their best health and well-being? The 2024 Culture of Health Prize call for applications is now open until June 3.
Learn more 

Gladys Brooks Foundation Grants
The Foundation will consider major grant applications for innovative projects in the fields of libraries, education, hospitals and clinics. The deadline for submitting a Grant Proposal Letter is May 31.
Learn more

Ben & Jerry’s Foundation invites applications from grassroots organizations
The foundation invites applications to its National Grassroots Organizing Program (NGO), which offers two-year, unrestricted, general operating support grants of up to $30,000 per year—with an average grant size of $20,000 per year—to small, constituent-led grassroots organizations across the United States and its territories.
Learn more

Additional Grant Opportunities for Food Assistance & Non-profit Partners

Job Opportunities

2024-05-20T16:38:04-04:00May 17th, 2024|Job Opportunities|

Carpe Diem Arts: Executive Director 

Chevy Chase At Home: Member and Volunteer Programs Manager

Jubilee: Quality Assurance Specialist, Academy Coordinator, Academy Instructor

Manna Food Center: Donor Relations Coordinator

Parent Encouragement Program: Outreach ManagerLatino Program Coordinator 

Rebuilding Together, Manager of Program Services

Red Wiggler Community Farm: 2024 Farm Apprentice

VisArts: Individual Giving Manager (Part Time with Benefits)

Washington Revels: Community Engagement CoordinatorBusiness Manager

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