nonprofit montgomery news

Nonprofit Capacity Building – Register Now!

2022-05-20T09:38:46-04:00May 20th, 2022|Events, Nonprofit Resources|

Registration is now open for the Nonprofit Capacity Building two-part workshop series. The virtual workshop will be hosted from 12pm – 1pm on Tuesday, June 14th and Thursday, June 16th.

Registration is strongly encouraged for both workshops as important items will be shared on both days by key community partners.

June 14

Register for the June 14 Workshop Here

Maryland Nonprofits will discuss their available range of resources for both existing and emerging nonprofits while highlighting the importance of structural requirements and operational compliance to be ‘grant ready.’

Nonprofit Montgomery will share their membership resources, FIRM and MORE trainings for organizational leadership, and share the new and exciting capacity building opportunities for nonprofits in the county.

June 16

Register for the June 16 Workshop Here

Institute for Public Health Innovation will provide their Grants 101 presentation that offers a wonderful high-level perspective on how to tackle grant applications and the process – from developing boilerplate communications to determining next steps after award or decline.

Montgomery County Food Council’s Food Security Community will discuss their collaboration and coordination amongst food providers and county distribution centers. The existing infrastructure of the Food Council was a game-changer when the pandemic first started and allowed providers to grow and flourish in their food security supports.

Montgomery County Volunteer Center will provide details on how their programs work and how Montgomery County nonprofits can benefit from using local, professional talent for their operational and programmatic growth.

Job Opportunities

2022-05-20T09:33:50-04:00May 20th, 2022|Job Opportunities|

CA: Mobility Specialist Outreach & Travel Trainer (P/T hybrid option)
BlackRock Center for the Arts: Education Manager
Jubilee Association of MD: Nursing Supervisor, RN
Adventure Theatre MTC: Academy Office Manager
EveryMind, Inc.: Program Manager, Serving Together, Baltimore Region, Hotline Specialist Trainee
Primary Care Coalition: Program CoordinatorAdministrative CoordinatorSenior Accountant; and more

We’re Hiring! 
Nonprofit Montgomery: Program & Membership Coordinator
Nonprofit Montgomery: Early Care and Education Consultant (part-time)

Grants & Funding Opportunities

2022-05-20T09:28:02-04:00May 20th, 2022|Grants & Funding|

Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development: FY 23 Community Investment Tax Credits

  • This income tax credit is a strong incentive to attract donors. Awardees use these available tax credits to generate support for their approved project. The CITC program permits awardees to return one half of the donor’s eligible gift in the form of a state income tax credit. This credit is used like a payment towards Maryland income taxes for the year the gift is made.
  • All applications must be submitted by 5:00 pm Thursday, June 2, 2022

Virtual County Council Candidates Forums

2022-05-20T08:24:56-04:00May 19th, 2022|Advocacy, Events|

Nonprofit Montgomery has invited candidates from districts 2 to 8 to come and meet with local nonprofit leaders. Candidates will have an opportunity for introductions and then we’ll break out into Zoom rooms with nonprofit leaders from their respective districts. Join us and get to know the candidates and their platforms.

Districts 2, 3, and 4 – Click here to register.
Wednesday, June 8, noon to 1:30pm 
District 2: Marilyn Balcombe, Lorna Phillips Forde
District 3: Robert Wu (tentative)
District 4: Al Carr, Amy Ginsburg, Troy Murtha, John F. Zittrauer

Districts 5, 6, and 7 – Click here to register.
Thursday, June 9, noon to 1:30pm 
District 5: Brian Anleu, Fatmata Barrie, Daniel Amara Koroma, Cary Lamari, Kristin Mink, Jeremiah Pope, Kate Woody, Christopher Bolton
District 6: Natali Fani Gonzalez, Steve Solomon, Christa Tichy, Vicki S. Vergagni
District 7: Dawn Luedtke, Jacqueline Manger, Paul K. Schwartz, Ben Wikner, Paul Geller

Earn $300 – Complete the Financial Resilience Program

2022-05-06T09:43:23-04:00May 6th, 2022|Events, Nonprofit Resources, Training Opportunities|

Complete the Financial Resilience Program and Earn $300
For In-Home Providers

Hello Childcare Provider,
Thank you for your hard work! We are reaching out to invite you to be part of the First Cohort of the Early Childhood Education (ECE) Financial Resilience Program for in-home providers, sponsored by Nonprofit Montgomery. The Financial Resilience program is a partnership between 20 Degrees (a local consulting firm) and Nonprofit Montgomery. The program has been deployed around the region and is showing promising results in improving the budgeting process, cash flow management, general planning, and stress management for fellow ECE providers.

This program requires you to:

  • Participate in three training webinars that are scheduled for:
    • Wednesday, May 18 from 6-8pm
    • Wednesday, June 1 from 6-8pm
    • Wednesday, June 15 from 6-8pm
  • Participate in a 30 minute private coaching session with a member of the 20 Degrees team.

You will receive a $300 stipend for completing this program. Designed to respect that your time is the most valuable resource, it will deliver real value and hopefully support your existing quality and program efforts.

This program has been created for and shaped by feedback from ECE providers and includes scenario planning, financial modeling and other elements. By the end of the program, you will be able to plan for different scenarios across the next 12-18 months, learn how to boost enrollments, better manage budgets, taxes and cash flow, as well as use a new tool to help manage the pressures of your job and reduce burn out.

Please register for this program HEREThere are a limited number of slots available so this is open to just one person from your center. Upon registration, we will follow up with you a few days before the event with your meeting login information. We look forward to working with you!


May 4, 22: Grants, Jobs, Resources, and More

2022-05-04T14:55:24-04:00May 4th, 2022|Events, Grants & Funding, Nonprofit Resources, Uncategorized|

Grants & Funding Opportunities 

Children’s Opportunity Fund Spring Grant Round

  • Grants of up to $100,000 are available, for a term of 12 months or less.
  • An informational webinar scheduled for May 4, 2022 at 10 a.m. will review the RFP guidelines and application submission process.
  • Applications are due Monday, May 23, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. ET.

Urban Institute: Partnering for Vaccine Equity: Funding Opportunity for Community-Based Organizations

  • With funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Urban Institute is pleased to announce that a second year of funding and technical assistance will be made available to up to 20 community-based organizations (CBOs) working to increase vaccine confidence and uptake for adults of color.
  • Applications must be submitted by 8:00 p.m. (EDT) on Friday, May 20, 2022.

Reading & Resources

New Job Opportunities 

Jewish Council for the Aging: Assistant Director of Development (Exempt, F/T with hybrid option)
Shepherd’s Table: Development Associate
Wonders Early Learning + Extended Day: Human Resources Manager
Adventure Theatre-MTC: Director of Development

We’re Hiring! 
Nonprofit Montgomery: Program & Membership Coordinator
Nonprofit Montgomery: Director (Montgomery Moving Forward
Nonprofit Montgomery: Early Care and Education Consultant (part-time)

MORE Quarterly Alumni Skill-Building Sessions: How to Keep Data Secure

2022-04-20T12:51:11-04:00April 23rd, 2022|Events, Nonprofit Resources, Training Opportunities|

Has your organization formalized an approach to keeping your data secure? And by “data,” we’re not just talking about survey or focus group data, we also mean data collected from registration forms, intake questionnaires, donor records, and staff records. You don’t need an IT department or any fancy software to establish internal protocols for respecting and securing your organization’s data.

Join Sharp Insight and fellow MORE alums for the final in this year’s How To series: How to Keep Data Secure. We will review the phases of the data lifecycle and some key action steps that might be feasible for your organization. Data security might not sound like a fun topic, but we think you’ll enjoy walking through a real-world case study on the data lifecycle and Sharp Insight’s top data security actions that your organization can put into place right now.

Whether your organization is actively working on your internal data security processes or you’re just thinking about getting started with increased data security, this workshop is for you!

When: Wednesday, June 6, noon-1pm
Where: On Zoom. Click here to register.

Don’t Miss Our County Executive Candidates Forum

2022-04-20T12:52:39-04:00April 20th, 2022|Events|

On Monday, April 25 from 6-8pm, Nonprofit Montgomery and partners will host a forum for the candidates for Montgomery County Executive.

County Executive candidates will share their vision for Montgomery County and address questions related to jobs, housing, health and mental health care, safety net services, early care and education, and other topics of concern to our sector. Everyone is welcome!


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