On July 29 we met with various local leaders about the covid-19 response. Click here to watch the recorded webinar.

Congressman Jamie Raskin: Discussed federal relief funding available to nonprofits

Jerome Fletcher, Assistant CAO @Montgomery County Government: Provided updates on the County’s reopening fund and other County news. Some takeaways on the PHEG funding:

  • There were 6755 grant applications, 2353 grants were awarded a total of $21 million. The average grant was $8,500. Nonprofit organizations received approximately 8% of the grants.

Vickie Buckland, COO, DHHS: Gave updates from the Department of Health & Human Services.

Heather Bruskin, Executive Director, Montgomery County Food Council and Jackie DeCarlo, CEO, Manna Food Center gave updates on food insecurity in the County. Click here to see Heather’s presentation. Here are some key takeaways:

  • the estimated number of county residents considered food insecure pre-Covid was 60,000 people. That number is now estimated to be over 100,000.
  • Montgomery County is setting up a food access helpline that residents can call and learn how to access food. Help will be available in multiple languages – the line can be accessed by calling 311. Information about housing resources will be added.

Also, Franca Brilliant, Nonprofit Consultant provided information on County and State relief funds for nonprofits. Click here to download a PDF of the presentation.