Nonprofit Montgomery invites you and your leadership team to participate in our FIRM Financial Leadership Institute, which is specifically designed nonprofit organizations serving residents of Montgomery County.

FIRM is a unique approach to building financial leadership capacity within nonprofits. FIRM’s curriculum provides a strategic framework and practical tools to help leadership teams develop and implement effective financial leadership. FIRM strengthens nonprofits by helping:

  • Improve staff/board fiscal leadership – working together as a leadership team to insure healthy finances.
  • Learn about opportunities for County funding and how to “do business” with the County.
  • Create a specific workplan to for better financial administration procedures.
  • Develop and use budgets that reflect vision, mission and strategy.
  • Use financial statements and reports as strategic management and assessment tools.
The program engages teams from each organization in active learning, exploring the context, infrastructure, communication, and assessment needed to leverage financial management for greater organizational and community benefit.

FIRM is presented by expert nonprofit financial educators and practitioners and is a public-private partnership with Montgomery County government.

FIRM consists of two full days of training on October 24-25, 2018 followed by a learning tutorial and individual consultations. This is the last opportunity to take the full 2-day course in FY19. We will offer FIRM for Program Directors and FIRM for Small and Emerging Nonprofits in the spring.

October 24-25, 2018
The Universities at Shady Grove
Register Today