
What We’re Reading

2022-01-13T12:37:36-05:00January 13th, 2022|Uncategorized|

Governor Hogan Declares 30-Day State of Emergency

2022-01-07T17:26:53-05:00January 5th, 2022|Advocacy, Nonprofit Resources, Uncategorized|

Governor Larry Hogan just declared a 30-day state of emergency to take urgent short-term actions to combat the current COVID-19 surge and mobilized 1,000 members of the Maryland National Guard to assist state and local health officials with the ongoing pandemic response.

From MD Nonprofits: The covid surge has increased the demand for nonprofit services, and at the same time many organizations are struggling to manage covid infections and risks in their own staff.  How do the Governor’s recent actions help or hinder you from providing crucial support? Please reach out to us with information about how the Governor’s decision impacts your services and any other support you may need. We’ll collect your feedback and send it to MD Nonprofits.

Pandemic Response Information Requested

2021-12-02T11:15:23-05:00December 2nd, 2021|Nonprofit Resources, Uncategorized|

Pandemic Response Information Requested
Survey of Nonprofit Organizations’ COVID Response for County’s After Action Report

The Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security asks that nonprofit organizations answer 4 additional follow-up questions to a survey that was distributed in August. The responses to these survey questions will provide the basis for an After Action Report that will highlight the critical work of Montgomery County’s nonprofit organizations during the COVID-19 response. The survey may be accessed at the following link.

The results of the report will be announced at Nonprofit Montgomery’s January 12 Meet Up.

City of Rockville Awards: Nominate Today

2021-12-02T11:14:50-05:00December 2nd, 2021|Uncategorized|

The City of Rockville’s Human Rights Commission hosts an event for MLK Jr. Day and gives out two awards. (1) A high school student who lives in or attends school in Rockville and has worked to fulfill King’s dream in their school or the community will receive the Martin Luther King Jr. Youth Award. (2) An individual, organization or business that has helped to improve the lives of people with disabilities in the City of Rockville, such as through efforts to improve accessibility or raise public awareness, will receive the F. Michael Taff Award.

Find and submit nomination forms by December 5.

Grants & Funding Opportunities

2021-12-02T11:10:51-05:00December 1st, 2021|Uncategorized|

City of Rockville: FY23 Human Services Nonprofit Grant

  • Required Application Technical Assistance Meeting: December 3rd, 1-2pm or December 14th, 11am-12pm.
  • Application Due Date: December 22
Impact 100 DC
  • will hold an online workshop for nonprofits interested in learning more about 2022 grant application and process on December 13, 5-6pm. The grant application will open for online submissions on January 7, 2022. Click here to register. Email for more information.
SBA: Opportunity to Apply for Economic Injury Disaster Loans Advances
  • up to $15,000 that does not need to be paid back
  • Deadline is December 10, 2021
  • To receive this funding, you must be eligible. As you prepare to apply, please review the eligibility criteria and application instructions.

Montgomery County Council News and Updates

2021-11-08T20:25:33-05:00November 8th, 2021|MoCo Government News, Uncategorized|

Represent our sector and learn more at County Council committee sessions. Click here for the current committee schedule.

GO/PHED: Nov 18, 1:30pm  Bill 26-21, Taxation – Payments in Lieu of Taxes – Affordable Housing
HHS/E&C: Nov 22, 9:30am, Early Care and Education Initiative Update. “Impact of COVID on School Health Services”
HHS/E&C: Nov 29, 9:30am, Briefing: Migrant and Asylum-Seeking Children and Families

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