
Workshop: Engaging your Board in Fundraising

2019-01-07T15:21:04-05:00November 28th, 2018|Events, Uncategorized|

Does your organization have all the fundraising support it wants and needs from the board? Attempting to twist arms and begging for assistance is not the answer. During this interactive session, we will review strategies to more effectively engage your board in fundraising efforts.

Specific topics include implementing a different approach when seeking fundraising assistance and establishing a more intentional board cultivation and recruitment strategy.

Join us for a two hour session as Lewis Flax, of Flax Associates, leads us through three key strategies to enhance the fundraising potential of your board.

January 24, 2019 from 9-11am
Jewish Council for the Aging: 12320 Parklawn Dr, Rockville

In addition to the Workshop, we will be doing a Table for Ten on Board Fundraising Engagement with Lewis Flax. Tables for Ten meet three times for candid, confidential facilitated conversations and problem solving. Contact Meredith for more information.

November 7, 2018 Reading List

2018-11-07T20:42:54-05:00November 9th, 2018|Nonprofit Resources, Uncategorized|

Nonprofit Tech Remains Poorly Resourced (The NonProfit Times, November 6)

How To Motivate Millennials To Become Nonprofit Leaders (Forbes, October 29)

Is there a difference between nonprofit and for-profit senior care? (WTOP, October 29)

Local Jewish Communities Respond To The Tree Of Life Shooting (Kojo Nnamdi, October 30)

We studied freelancing for five years: Here’s how work is changing (Fast Company, October 31)

Increasing Nonprofit Executive Team Effectiveness (h/t Maryland Nonprofits)

2018-11-07T10:08:09-05:00November 9th, 2018|Uncategorized|

According to a new study by The Bridgespan Group anonprofit executive team’s effectiveness is essential for an organization’s success. Yet often these teams underperform for a variety of reasons. The five steps laid out here can help nonprofit executive teams move from underperforming to high-performing in their work to advance their organizations’ missions. Click here to access the report.

New Report: Health Disparities in Our Region

2018-11-07T10:10:17-05:00November 7th, 2018|Uncategorized|

The Healthcare Initiative Foundation sponsored a new study that found that life expectancy across the metropolitan Washington region varies by as much as 27 years and health can differ drastically within a single county, from neighborhood to neighborhood. Due to be presented later this morning at a meeting of area leaders, the report analyzed extensive data across the region’s 1,223 census tracts. The report – Uneven Opportunities: How Conditions for Wellness Vary Across the Metropolitan Washington Region – aims to better understand health status and health disparities across the region.

Congratulations October 2018 FIRM Graduates

2018-11-07T09:58:39-05:00November 5th, 2018|Uncategorized|

Nonprofit Montgomery would like to recognize organizations for participating in the October 2018 session of FIRM, Nonprofit Montgomery’s financial leadership program to help unlock nonprofit sustainability.  FIRM aims to increase nonprofit comfort, competence, and confidence in financial leadership.

Nonprofit Montgomery partners with the County government and other local funders to offer capacity building programs such as MORE (our evaluation and metrics program) and FIRM.

Aumazo, Inc.
Hispanic Business Foundation of Maryland
Interfaith Works
Jewish Social Service Agency (JSSA)
Kolot HaLev
Montgomery County Collaboration Council
NAMI Montgomery County

Save the Date for upcoming FIRM Programs: 
FIRM for Program Directors on February 7, 2019 and FIRM for Small/Emerging Nonprofits on April 11, 2019

Interesting Reads

2018-10-01T10:31:57-04:00October 3rd, 2018|Uncategorized|

Unemployment is down. But do the new jobs pay enough to live? (The New York Times, September 11)

Political nonprofits must now name many of their donors under federal court ruling after Supreme Court declines to intervene (Washington Post, September 18)

Five ways your body language is inadvertently offending people (Fast Company, September 19)

About Nonprofit Waste, Overhead, and Financial Subservience (The Nonprofit Quarterly, September 21)

2018 Giving is Dropping. Now What? (Independent Sector, September 26)

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