
What We’re Reading This Week

2019-08-12T12:44:35-04:00August 12th, 2019|Uncategorized|

All in for Women & Girls: How women’s fund and foundation donors are leading through philanthropy (Women’s Philanthropy Institute, July 2019)

Which Cities Have the Most Nonprofits, and Why? (The Nonprofit Quarterly, July 31)

Immigrants and Their Communities Pay a Dear Price in Fear (The Nonprofit Quarterly, July 31)

12 Reasons Why You Should Gracefully Resign from a Nonprofit Board (The Nonprofit Quarterly, July 26)

Vacation tips for nonprofit professionals who suck at vacationing (Nonprofit AF, July 15)

ICYMI: Nonprofit Uses of Direct Public Offerings as Community Capital (The Nonprofit Quarterly, May 31)

Opportunities at the Takoma Park Folk Festival

2019-07-29T10:14:22-04:00July 29th, 2019|Uncategorized|

Takoma Park Folk Festival has opportunities for community-based nonprofits to participate by becoming a beneficiary group or exhibiting as a community table. The Folk Festival takes place this year on Sunday, September 8, 2019, at the Takoma Park Middle School, 7611 Piney Branch Road, Takoma Park, MD. Attendance at this free festival is expected to be 5,000+ and represents a cross-section of the DC area community. Learn more here.

Government and Community News and Updates

2019-07-29T10:11:20-04:00July 29th, 2019|Member News, Uncategorized|

Identity’s Report on Early Care and Education Needs
Recently Identity, Inc. released a report, “EARLY CARE AND EDUCATION NEEDS ASSESSMENT-Among Latino Families in Montgomery County, Maryland.” In it Identity hoped through the assessment, they could better understand two issues:

  1. the reasons Latino parents do, or do not, enroll their children in formal early care programs;
  2. how Latino children who are not enrolled in formal care settings are being cared for.

The report contains survey findings of 130 local families and provided recommendations on them.

Congratulations Hope Gleicher and Andy Burness
The Greater Washington Community Foundation-Montgomery County recently named the 2019 Philanthropists of the year: Hope Gleicher, Chief Strategy Officer, Identity, Inc. and Andy Burness, President, Burness. Both Hope and Andy serve on Montgomery Moving Forward’s Leadership Group. Hope was also a founding leader of Nonprofit Montgomery. The Celebration of Giving where the couple will be honored, will be on December 9 at the Round House Theatre.

Age Discrimination Affects All in the Workplace 
Recently, the Office of Human Rights released an article on age discrimination in the workplace that all employers should read. The County established the OHR to help educate and promote compliance with human rights laws, provide technical assistance to the residents and the marketplace and provides mediation and conciliation services. For additional information visit theOHR website.

New Job Opportunities – week of July 25, 2019

2019-07-29T10:08:28-04:00July 25th, 2019|Uncategorized|

Collaboration Council: Program Manager (Children with Intensive Needs)
Chevy Chase at Home: Executive Director (part-time)
Jewish Social Service Agency: Director, Development & Operations andDirector, Major Gifts
Nonprofit VOTE: Program Director, National Voter Registration Day
Reading is Fundamental: Director of Strategic Partnerships
Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments: CFO

Be Part of our Alliance

2019-06-28T10:40:39-04:00June 24th, 2019|Member News, Uncategorized|

Nonprofit Montgomery is an alliance of the county’s nonprofits. We help the nonprofit sector speak with one voice, provide critical capacity building programs and bring leaders together for learning and support. The success of our alliance depends on your membership. Now is the time to renew your membership or join if your organization is not currently a member.Click here for more information about the benefits of membership.

Join or renew by July 31 to take advantage of the $25 membership discount.

Free Summer Coding Camps for Middle Schoolers

2019-05-14T10:56:26-04:00May 15th, 2019|Uncategorized|

Montgomery College, Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) and Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation (MCEDC) are working together to bring coding camp opportunities to County middle school students, through a summer program called Montgomery Can Code. This partnership will help students get familiar with the skills they need to pursue careers in the app economy by working in Swift, Apple’s easy-to-learn programming language. Click here for more information.

Montgomery County Community Organizations Active in Disaster Meeting

2019-05-14T11:06:29-04:00May 14th, 2019|MoCo Government News, Nonprofit Resources, Uncategorized|

The Montgomery County COAD is a collaborative partnership between community stakeholders – voluntary, private and nonprofits that assists in organizing community efforts to provide needed services to community members that arise as the result of a disaster. The next meeting will be on June 13, 1-3pm at Public Safety Headquarters in Gaithersburg.

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