
Childcare relief fund: updates and assistance

2020-07-06T12:01:16-04:00July 6th, 2020|MoCo Government News, Nonprofit Resources, Uncategorized|

Early Care and Education Initiative Recovery Fund Assistance

Montgomery County is offering grants to child care providers, both for profit and nonprofit, to help with costs for reopening and compliance with COVID 19 guidance as well as to help cover financial losses due to the pandemic. The online application portal for the grants is available here until July 17. More information on the program and answers to frequently asked questions are available on the County’s website.

The County has also created a step by step guide which you can access here.

Important things to remember: 

  • Your application must be done in one sitting. You cannot save your information and come back to it.
  • After you submit the application, you will receive an email confirming your submission with an ID number and a link to the upload application. You will upload documents via that link and will also report your actual enrollment for April and May there.
Need help completing your application?
We are offering the following assistance:

Phone number: #301-349-6373
Website: nonprofitmoco.org/ecei
Email: ECEI.Relief@gmail.com

Government & Community News: week of 6/15/20

2020-06-15T09:31:08-04:00June 15th, 2020|MoCo Government News, Uncategorized|

Montgomery County Council News and Updates 

Stay up to date with issues that affect our sector and learn more at County Council committee sessions. Click here for the current committee schedule.

Public hearing on special appropriations for Coronavirus Relief Fund and Early Care and Education Initiative Recovery Fund
June 16, 1:30pm

Workforce Development (PHED/E&C)
June 18, 1:30pm

HOC Housing Production Fund and Affordable Housing Preservation Fund Options and Affordable Housing Opportunity Fund (PHED)
June 22, 9:30am

Recent OLO Reports
Autism-Friendly and Sensory-Friendly: Expanding Community Access
COVID-19 Recovery Outlook: Public Transit
COVID-19 Recovery Outlook: Office & Industrial Commercial Real Estate

Council introduces $10 million in emergency funding for Early Care and Education Initiative Recovery Fund
Council’s HHS Committee and E&C Committees are scheduled to review the special appropriation on June 11. The Council is tentatively scheduled to receive public testimony and vote on the special appropriation on June 16, 1:30pm. Click here for info on how to submit testimony.

Amplify US!: Confronting Racial Inequities in America 2020

Story Tapestries presents performances by professional and community artists addressing the racial crisis sparked by recent deaths of Breanna Taylor, George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery at the hands of police brutality, amid a global pandemic. The event will be hosted by award-winning poet and theater artist, Regie Cabico, with moderator and racial equity facilitator, Carolyn Lowery. The event is on Saturday, June 27 from 6-7:30pm. Register here.

Coffee with Capacity Partners – Free!

Join the experts from Capacity Partners Tuesday, July 7, from 9 am to 9:30 am, for a free informal Zoom chat. The consultants will answer questions  on challenges with fundraising, strategic planning, management, leadership, and board development. Register here.

 New disability site for Montgomery County Government

The County has created a new site focusing on disability resources and information.

Nonprofit Working Group Recommendations MD Strong: Roadmap to Recovery

2020-05-20T15:40:27-04:00May 20th, 2020|Uncategorized|

Members of the nonprofit working group met six times to discuss and generate recommendations for the phased reopening of nonprofit organizations in accordance with the Maryland Strong: Roadmap to Recovery Plan. The group made broad recommendations which are included in this report. They also made specific recommendations for like organizations (e.g., protocols for reopening fitness centers, protocols for providing programming to children, and strategies for serving vulnerable populations in congregate care settings). Those recommendations will be shared outside of this report.

Nonprofit Working Group Recommendations for Maryland Strong_ Roadmap to …

Take aways from Wednesday’s (5/20) call ….

2020-05-21T14:49:55-04:00May 20th, 2020|Uncategorized|

Take aways from Wednesday’s call ….

  • Nonprofit Consultant Franca Brilliant’s presentation on relief opportunities.
  • DHHS Pulse Report on Covid-19 Impact and Recovery in the county.

2020 Census Updates: Visit the website
Q: How can you complete the census if you lost the postcard and you can’t remember your personal census code?
A: Go online to complete the census and instead of using your code, choose the other option of using your physical address.

Updates from the Community Action Agency
The mission of the Montgomery County Community Action Agency (CAA) is to reduce poverty and increase self-sufficiency among county residents through services, partnerships and advocacy. The CAA, the County’s federally-designated anti-poverty agency, is part of Montgomery’s County Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Community Affairs, and a member of the National Community Action Partnership and the Maryland Community Action Partnership.

Click here to read Community Needs Assessment publications and more.

CAA is preparing to submit its application for supplemental Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) funding included in the CARES Act. Although the agency completed its three-year Community Needs Assessment in the fall of 2019, as part of this current application process, the agency will submit a new Limited Community Needs Assessment (LCNA) highlighting the critical community issues that have arisen since the public health emergency started.

Please help by filling out this survey!
Nonprofit Response Survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HCYZZ3Z

Nonprofit Montgomery COVID-19 Resource Page Updates

2020-05-19T11:13:19-04:00May 19th, 2020|Uncategorized|

Nonprofit Montgomery COVID-19 Resource Page

Visit our webpage with updates, resources, and news from the sector, as well as from the County government, philanthropy, and more.

The Telework Assistance Program – There’s still time to apply!

  • Applications must be submitted by 5:00 pm on Wednesday each week to be considered for that week’s lottery. Applicants who are qualified but not selected in the  lottery will be included in the upcoming weekly lottery.
  • This process will continue until June 5, unless funding runs out prior to that date.

Budgeting in Uncertain Times with Justin Pollock 

  • Did you miss our May 12 session featuring our FIRM instructor Justin Pollock? Click here to see the recorded presentation and here for the PowerPoint.

MCPS SSL Guidelines for Virtual/Remote SSL Opportunities

  • To meet the service-learning needs of students during this time period, students can now earn Student Service Learning (SSL) hours for virtual/remote service completed from home under the sponsorship of an approved nonprofit organization or MCPS school staff member.
  • Students may engage in the specific virtual/remote MCPS SSL opportunities outlined below until schools return to normal status.
  • Click here for more information.

County Recreation Cancels Summer Camp

Nonprofit Montgomery COVID-19 Resource Page – Updates

2020-05-18T10:56:15-04:00May 16th, 2020|Uncategorized|

Visit our webpage with updates, resources, and news from the sector, as well as from the County government, philanthropy, and more.
  • Montgomery County Food Access Grants Awarded to 38 Community Organizations
  • Franca Brilliant’s updates on relief opportunities
  • Council approves $1,250,000 special appropriation spearheaded by Councilmember Friedson to provide further funding for Telework Assistance Program

Nonprofit Montgomery COVID-19 Resource Page

2020-04-23T10:36:50-04:00April 23rd, 2020|Uncategorized|

Visit our webpage with updates, resources, and news from the sector, as well as from the County government, philanthropy, and more.

CareFirst COVID-19 Response and Relief Request For Proposal due April 24 by 11:59pm. 

  • CareFirst will invest up to $2 million to address the impact of COVID-19 in the CareFirst region.
  • In this first round of funding, CareFirst will support nonprofit organizations providing relief to communities’ health and social needs during the outbreak and recovery phases.
  • Special consideration will be given to organizations serving those who are immuno-compromised and seniors.
  • Eligible applicants include qualified 501(c)3 non-profit organizations or public (governmental) health entities in Maryland, Washington, DC, Northern Virginia. Click here to read FAQs.

ICYMI Nonprofit Montgomery’s Weekly Meeting on April 22

2020-04-23T10:36:03-04:00April 23rd, 2020|Uncategorized|

What we heard on the 4/22 call

PHEG program will close on Saturday. To help the County understand the need, Councilmembers encouraged all those in need to apply even if they don’t meet the current criteria. There may be a second round of this funding.

Community Grants and Funding

  • The Council is working towards a same services budget for FY21, if possible, which will maintain services at FY20 funding levels. The Council passed a resolution communicating its commitment to dedicating any additional funds available to COVID-19 relief efforts. They hope to be able to come back early in FY21 with supplemental appropriations for recommended expansions.
  • The Council anticipates funding FY21 Community Grants, as recommended by the County Executive, which includes moving some services to the base budgets of County departments. We will continue to work through the details and share new information as it becomes available, including any opportunities for new nonprofit organizations and programs.

Nonprofit Montgomery’s Advocacy Agenda

  • Councilmembers are considering two items from Nonprofit Montgomery’s advocacy agenda: continued payment on nonprofit contracts with flexibility on deliverables, and a one to two month advance on contracted funds in FY21 to address nonprofit cash flow issues.
  • DHHS is communicating flexibility on contracts (and encouraging all nonprofits to stay in touch with contract monitors.) The decision about advancing funds has been forward to the finance department. See below for news on a third agenda item: making PPE available to nonprofits.
Montgomery County Volunteer Center
  • Molly Calloway, Director of the Montgomery County Volunteer Center reported that the Volunteer Center is taking requests from nonprofits for volunteers and other things they need (such as masks and supplies). Those interested in helping can go to the website and choose projects or nonprofits to help. There is great interest in volunteering and helping nonprofits, so all are encouraged to post their needs.
On Early Care and Education
  • Research from NAEYC on Maryland child care providers indicates that up to 50% of providers report that they may be unable to survive a two week closure of their business.
  • The DHHS Resource and Referral Canter is partnering with the Women’s Business Center to help child care programs address financial issues and apply for funding.
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