
Nonprofit Montgomery’s Child Care Provider Assistance

2020-10-26T11:08:20-04:00October 26th, 2020|Training Opportunities, Uncategorized|

Nonprofit Montgomery is offering free technical assistance to help child care providers

Grant Reporting webinars
To help center based providers who received grants to prepare for and complete the reports required by the County.

Thursday, October 29, 3-4pm: Click here to register.

Helpline and One on One Technical Assistance
For any child care provider, whether you received a grant or not, we are offering one on one technical assistance by emailing ecei.relief@gmail.com, or calling 301-349-6373 and requesting an appointment. Assistance will be available in Spanish and English, with Amharic available on request.

For more information visit our website.

County Executive to Hold Series of Virtual FY22 Budget Forums

2020-10-01T09:52:08-04:00September 26th, 2020|Uncategorized|

Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich will hold a series of virtual budget forums to get input from residents about both the Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22) Operating Budget priorities and the Capital Budget/Capital Improvements Program (CIP) priorities.  All the forums will be hosted via Microsoft Teams. Click here for more information.

The FY22 Budget forums are scheduled as follows:
Thursday, October 8: Citizens Advisory Board/CIP Forum, Mid County at 7:00 pm
Tuesday, October 13: Citizens Advisory Board/CIP Forum, Bethesda at 7:00 pm
Monday, October 26: Citizens Advisory Board/CIP Forum, Up County at 7:00 pm
Wednesday, October 28: Citizens Advisory Board/CIP Forum, Silver Spring at 7:00 pm

Nonprofit COVID-19 Response Meeting Recap (from 9/16)

2020-10-01T09:55:14-04:00September 20th, 2020|Events, Uncategorized|

  • Updates on the considerations and guidelines for re-opening offices and services from DHHS.
Latino COVID19 Initiative- Por Nuestra Salud y Bienestar (Health and Wellbeing Initiative)

  • Salud y Bienestar bilingual information hotline to help connect people to resources is staffed by CASA and operates M-F 9am-5pm. The phone number is 301-270-8432. Click here for the informational flyers.

Updates on how the libraries are supporting the needs of the community.

  • Regarding public libraries: Anyone can get a Montgomery County Library card if you live, work or go to school in Montgomery County. And, there is some content in Spanish in the digital libraries. This is something that they are working on increasing what is available.
  • MCPL is currently doing HOLDS to GO for for contactless library book pick up. Click here for more information.
  • The Friends of the Library Montgomery County Rockville bookstore (4886 Boiling Brook Parkway) is open. Click here for more information.
  • Currently the Foundation Directory online is available for use (requires a library card).

Franca Brilliant’s presentation on funding and grant opportunities for nonprofits.

What We’re Reading

2020-09-10T10:29:56-04:00September 12th, 2020|Uncategorized|

COVID-19 Impact on Childcare (US Chamber of Commerce Foundation)
During This Time of Deep Need, How Nonprofits Provide Service Is as Important as the Service Itself (Chronicle of Philanthropy, September 1)
Transformational Capacity Building (Stanford Social Innovation Review, Fall 2020)
How To Make A Less Racist, More Inclusive Job Listing (HuffPost, August 21)
Nonprofit and philanthropy and our bad habit of “both-siding” inequity and injustice (Nonprofit AF, August 31)

Professional Development Opportunity for Program Directors

2020-08-24T10:08:34-04:00August 26th, 2020|Uncategorized|

FIRM for Program Directors is a multi-day workshop that provides program directors and department leaders with a deeper understanding of the financial processes, planning, and decision making that support strong program and organizational sustainability. Participants will learn about program level financial modeling, strategic budgeting, and financial reporting to build confidence and competence in making decisions that balance assets and outcomes (aka money and mission) for individual programs and the organization at large.

The program delivery will be a mix of LIVE and self-paced sessions over two weeks as follows …

  • LIVE Sessions will be delivered using Zoom and facilitated by our instructor. The first one will be an orientation and introduction for everyone. The following sessions will be specific Q&A sessions around the topics covered throughout the program in the self-passed modules
  • Self-Guided Modules – each module consists of 30-40 minutes of pre-recorded content along with linked planning tools and prompts – expect to spend about an hour with your team on each module.


  • September 11, 9-10am: LIVE Orientation: 30-40min (3 content modules also posted)
  • September 16, noon to 1pm: LIVE Q&A on Module 1: 45-60min
  • September 18, noon to 1pm: LIVE Q&A on Module 2: 45-60min
  • September 22, noon to 1pm: LIVE Q&A on Module 3: 60-90min

Click here to register.

Missed our July 29 Meeting?

2020-08-10T09:56:21-04:00August 9th, 2020|Uncategorized|

On July 29 we met with various local leaders about the covid-19 response. Click here to watch the recorded webinar.

Congressman Jamie Raskin: Discussed federal relief funding available to nonprofits

Jerome Fletcher, Assistant CAO @Montgomery County Government: Provided updates on the County’s reopening fund and other County news. Some takeaways on the PHEG funding:

  • There were 6755 grant applications, 2353 grants were awarded a total of $21 million. The average grant was $8,500. Nonprofit organizations received approximately 8% of the grants.

Vickie Buckland, COO, DHHS: Gave updates from the Department of Health & Human Services.

Heather Bruskin, Executive Director, Montgomery County Food Council and Jackie DeCarlo, CEO, Manna Food Center gave updates on food insecurity in the County. Click here to see Heather’s presentation. Here are some key takeaways:

  • the estimated number of county residents considered food insecure pre-Covid was 60,000 people. That number is now estimated to be over 100,000.
  • Montgomery County is setting up a food access helpline that residents can call and learn how to access food. Help will be available in multiple languages – the line can be accessed by calling 311. Information about housing resources will be added.

Also, Franca Brilliant, Nonprofit Consultant provided information on County and State relief funds for nonprofits. Click here to download a PDF of the presentation.

Grants, Government, and Community News

2020-08-05T14:03:10-04:00August 5th, 2020|Grants & Funding, MoCo Government News, Nonprofit Resources, Uncategorized|

Grants and Funding

Reopen Montgomery Grant Program
Reopen Montgomery Program grants will reimburse Montgomery County businesses for expenses incurred to comply with State and County reopening requirements. Reopening requirements are established to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and maintain public health.

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for Nonprofits
Applications for Montgomery County’s fiscal year 2022 (July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Public Service Grants are due by September 11, 2020.

MoCo Food Council Capacity Building Grants
Montgomery County is accepting applications for its Food Assistance Provider Capacity Building Grant program.

Nonprofit and Community Organizations Eviction Prevention Overview

In collaboration with the county departments of Health and Human Services and Housing and Community Affairs, The Renters Alliance of Montgomery County will host a webinar about developing County supports for renters who are behind on their rent. These supports are being offered in the context of COVID, with an estimated 13,000 renters in Montgomery County at risk of losing their homes for failure to pay rent. The webinar is on August 5 from 7-8:30apm. Click here to register.

AHCMC hosts Senator Van Hollen and Enterprise’s Jarrod Elwell and Sarah Brundage

Please join AHCMC’s Virtual Town Hall with Senator Chris Van Hollen and Enterprise Community Partner’s Jarrod Elwell and Sara Brundage who will discuss the devolution of Fair Housing Planning resulting from HUD’s recent termination of the AFFH Rule and a conversation about what happens next. The Town Hall is on August 6 from 10:30 to 11:30am. Click here to register.

Become a Maryland Family Network Family Support CenterMaryland Family Network is currently accepting proposals to operate a Family Support Center in unserved and underserved Maryland jurisdictions. Awards are for July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021. The application, details, and specific requirements are available here. Proposals must be received by September 11, 2020. Apply now.

Missed our July 29 Meeting?

2020-08-05T14:07:55-04:00August 4th, 2020|Events, Uncategorized|

On July 29 we met with various local leaders about the covid-19 response. Click here to watch the recorded webinar.

Congressman Jamie Raskin: Discussed federal relief funding available to nonprofits

Jerome Fletcher, Assistant CAO @Montgomery County Government: Provided updates on the County’s reopening fund and other County news. Some takeaways on the PHEG funding:

  • There were 6755 grant applications, 2353 grants were awarded a total of $21 million. The average grant was $8,500. Nonprofit organizations received approximately 8% of the grants.

Vickie Buckland, COO, DHHS: Gave updates from the Department of Health & Human Services.

Heather Bruskin, Executive Director, Montgomery County Food Council and Jackie DeCarlo, CEO, Manna Food Center gave updates on food insecurity in the County. Click here to see Heather’s presentation. Here are some key takeaways:

  • the estimated number of county residents considered food insecure pre-Covid was 60,000 people. That number is now estimated to be over 100,000.
  • Montgomery County is setting up a food access helpline that residents can call and learn how to access food. Help will be available in multiple languages – the line can be accessed by calling 311. Information about housing resources will be added.

Also, Franca Brilliant, Nonprofit Consultant provided information on County and State relief funds for nonprofits. Click here to download a PDF of the presentation.

July 15: Nonprofit COVID-19 Response Meeting Recap

2020-07-22T10:47:00-04:00July 22nd, 2020|Uncategorized|

July 15: Nonprofit COVID-19 Response Meeting Recap
In case you missed last week’s meeting: 

  • Click here for the recording of the full meeting.
  • Benton Murphy, AVP, Community Investment, Greater Washington Community Foundation and Grant Buckles, Senior Research Consultant, Gallup shared Montgomery County findings of the VoicesDMV Community Insights Survey.
  • We also had Franca Brilliant, Nonprofit Consultant, present the most up to date relief funding opportunities for nonprofits. Franca provided updates on the MD Nonprofit Recovery Initiative as well as County’s Reopen Montgomery Business Assistance Program.
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