Training Opportunities

Nonprofit Montgomery Signature Programs

2020-01-27T09:33:59-05:00January 25th, 2020|Events, Training Opportunities|

MORE: Metrics, Outcomes, and Responsible Evaluation: March 4-5
Learn about evaluation, and take a deep dive into measuring impact and gauging program effectiveness.

FIRM for Small or Emerging Nonprofits: March 25
Calling all Program Directors! Learn to make informed contributions to the budgeting process and understand financial accountability and sustainability.

BoardMatch Montgomery: March 26
A collaboration between Nonprofit Montgomery, Leadership Montgomery, and Capacity Partners, this program helps nonprofits recruit effective and engaged board candidates to serve on their boards of directors.

MORE Alumni: Network and Quarterly Meet-Up

2020-01-27T09:33:33-05:00January 25th, 2020|Events, Training Opportunities|

The MORE Alumni Evaluation Network on LinkedIn is here for you! Created specifically for our alumni, this online community is designed to support you in exploring the field of evaluation and engage with your Montgomery County nonprofit peers and the Sharp Insight team. Together we’ve discovered tips for designing charts, learned dashboards, gotten a refresher on the program evaluation cycle, and found resources for local data.

Join the network, ask a question, create a post, and connect with your local evaluation community!  This is a live resource—content is updated weekly and Sharp Insight evaluation experts moderate the discussion, answer questions, and respond to comments from members.

We also host quarterly brown bags facilitated by Sharp Insight.

When: February 20, 12pm – 1:30pm
Where: The Leadership Hub, 6010 Executive Blvd, Suite 200, Rockville, MD 20852
RSVP for the Brown Bag Lunch on February 20. We’ll provide the drinks and dessert.

HR for Nonprofits: Difficult Conversations

2020-01-13T10:00:59-05:00January 12th, 2020|Events, Training Opportunities|

We heard you! We received tremendous feedback on our session Meaningful Performance Evaluation with Kelly Collins that we’ve asked her to lead Difficult Conversations. Kelly will lead a discussion/workshop on how to have difficult, but crucial and sometimes necessary, conversations with staff.

Kelly Collins, Director of Human Resources, EveryMind and member of the Board of Directors, Society of Human Resource Management, Montgomery County.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020 from 9-11am
The Leadership Hub: 6010 Executive Blvd., Suite 200, Rockville, MD 20852

The Nonprofit Impact Series

2020-01-13T09:59:54-05:00January 11th, 2020|Events, Training Opportunities|

Matrix Map
This session introduces the Matrix Map – a helpful tool for assessing both the financial and mission impact of programs. The Matrix Map looks at your program mix and helps you think about how programs contribute (or don’t contribute) to the long term sustainability of an organization.

Tuesday, February 4 from 9-11am
The Leadership Hub: 6010 Executive Blvd., Suite 200, Rockville, MD 20852


Survey Basics and Design

The workshop will begin with the “why” — why quality surveys matter. Participants will then work on what to consider before you even think about designing specific questions (e.g., audience, objectives, burden, method). Finally, Jana Sharp of Sharp Insight will go over “tips and tricks” for designing high quality survey items.

As a result of the workshop, participants will be better able to:

  • Describe why quality surveys matter,
  • Plan for a quality survey,
  • Develop quality survey questions and response options.

Tuesday, February 11 from 9-11am
The Leadership Hub: 6010 Executive Blvd., Suite 200, Rockville, MD 20852

Accounting for Nonprofits: Keys for a Successful Audit

2020-01-13T09:58:13-05:00January 8th, 2020|Events, Training Opportunities|

Preparation is the single most important factor for a successful financial statement audit. In this next session of our accounting series, we will discuss
  • best practices for audit preparation
  • common issues encountered by auditors
  • the role that the audit committee can, and should, play in the process
Wednesday, January 22 at 9am -10:30 am
The Leadership Hub: 6010 Executive Blvd., Suite 200, Rockville, MD 20852

2020 Sneak Peak: Programs and Events

2020-01-02T13:03:37-05:00December 26th, 2019|Events, Nonprofit Resources, Training Opportunities|

Mark your calendar for these can’t be missed opportunities in 2020!


Keys for Successful Audit
Table for Ten: Board Governance

Survey Basics

MORE: Metrics, Outcomes, and Responsible Evaluation
Matrix Map
FIRM for Small or Emerging Nonprofits

Focusing on Focus Groups
Founder’s Dilemma
FIRM for Program Directors
Accounting for Nonprofits: 990s

Table for Ten: Board Governance

2019-12-11T10:51:11-05:00December 16th, 2019|Events, Training Opportunities|

Table for Ten: Board Governance
with Kristalee Overdahl, Principal, Virescent Group

Across this three-part Tables for Ten series on board governance, we will examine common challenges facing nonprofits boards including evaluating the “who’s who” of your board especially as it relates to the mission and vision of your organization, outlining approaches on getting the most out of individual board members today, and sharing tried and true methods of increasing board impact and effectiveness.

This Tables for Ten is beneficial to all nonprofit leaders who would like to tackle board governance head-on in the new year.

About Table for Ten:
Table for Ten meet three times for candid, confidential facilitated conversations and problem solving. Seats are filled on a first-come, first-served basis for members only. These facilitated peer-to-peer sessions offer an opportunity for nonprofit executives to connect with peers around issues of importance to them and their organizations.

When: 1/28, 2/27, 3/31 from 9 to 10:30am
Location: 6010 Executive Blvd., Suite 200, Rockville

Strategy Screens Workshop

2019-12-11T10:54:31-05:00December 13th, 2019|Events, Training Opportunities|

Strategy Screens Workshop  
Assessing Your Program Portfolio

Are you investing your resources into the right programs? Do you have a program you love, but suspect it might not be a good financial return for your organization? Yes, some programs are worth the effort even at a loss—but some aren’t. But, how do you determine which is which?

This workshop explores the process of screening programs against your desired community outcomes so that you can determine the best portfolio of programs to carry forward into your next budgeting and strategy window.

If this sounds daunting–don’t despair! Justin Pollock of OrgForward, and our skillful FIRM facilitator will walk us through this process during the session and you will leave with a much better understanding of which of your programs is most aligned with desired outcomes. To get the most out of this, participants should come with both a list of organizational programs/effort and a list of general community outcomes your organization seeks to advance.

When: December 17, 9-11am
Where: The Leadership Hub, 6010 Executive Blvd, Suite 200, Rockville, MD 20852

Table for Ten: Board Governance

2019-12-03T11:04:27-05:00December 2nd, 2019|Events, Nonprofit Resources, Training Opportunities|

with Kristalee Overdahl, Principal, Virescent Group

Across this three-part Tables for Ten series on board governance, we will examine common challenges facing nonprofits boards including evaluating the “who’s who” of your board especially as it relates to the mission and vision of your organization, outlining approaches on getting the most out of individual board members today, and sharing tried and true methods of increasing board impact and effectiveness.

This Tables for Ten is beneficial to all nonprofit leaders who would like to tackle board governance head-on in the new year.

About Table for Ten:
Table for Ten meet three times for candid, confidential facilitated conversations and problem solving. Seats are filled on a first-come, first-served basis for members only. These facilitated peer-to-peer sessions offer an opportunity for nonprofit executives to connect with peers around issues of importance to them and their organizations.

When: Tuesdays 1/28, 2/27, 3/31 from 9 to 10:30am
Location: 6010 Executive Blvd., Suite 200, Rockville

Strategy Screens Workshop – Assessing Your Program Portfolio

2019-12-03T11:06:51-05:00November 28th, 2019|Events, Training Opportunities|

Part of The Nonprofit Impact Series: 

Are we investing our resources into the right programs? Do you have a program you love, but suspect it might not be a good financial return for your organization? Yes, some programs are worth the effort even at a loss—but some aren’t. How do you determine which is which?

Answering this question is the keystone to advancing community benefit and building financial health. This workshop explores the process of screening programs against your desired community outcomes so that you can determine the best portfolio of programs to carry forward into your next budgeting and strategy window. The process builds organizational integrity and sets the stage for more sophisticated financial analysis of the work that you do.

Participants should come with both a list of organizational programs/effort and a list of general community outcomes your organization seeks to advance.

When: December 17, 9-11am
Where: The Leadership Hub, 6010 Executive Blvd, Suite 200, Rockville, MD 20852

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