Training Opportunities

Department of Health and Human Services Contractor and Provider Training

2017-08-29T09:58:12-04:00August 25th, 2017|Training Opportunities|

Did you know? DHHS contractors and providers can access free training opportunities provided by the Montgomery County Center for Continuous Learning (CCL) which may include the possibility of earning professional continuing education units. Additional opportunities related to project management, related administrative supports and performance measurement are also be available for other partners. For more information, contact Lylie Fisher. You can access the catalog here.

Community Action Board Accepting Applications For Free Advocacy Training Program

2017-08-12T20:16:14-04:00August 16th, 2017|Training Opportunities|

The Community Action Board is accepting applications for its Community Advocacy Institute (formerly the Leadership Development Institute). The Community Advocacy Institute is a free program that will teach residents basic advocacy skills and it provides hands-on opportunities to advocate for important issues in the community.

The program includes a series of training workshops led by Community Action Board members and workshops feature elected officials, local advocates and issue experts. Participants will have the opportunity to develop their own testimony and complete an advocacy project. To qualify for the program, participants must be Montgomery County residents with household incomes of $54,000 or less. Applications are due August 25.

Leadership Training for Residents Interested in Issues Impacting Older Adults

2017-07-25T09:35:10-04:00July 29th, 2017|Training Opportunities|

The National Hispanic Council on Aging, Montgomery County Aging and Disability Services, and the Montgomery County DHHS Community Action Agency Takoma-East Silver Spring (TESS) Center is hosting a free leadership training program on August 15-16, 2017 from 9-4pm at the Silver Spring Civic Building. The program is for residents who are interested in and committed to issues impacting older adults. Click here to register.

Results-Based Accountability Professional Certification

2019-01-07T15:21:34-05:00July 6th, 2017|Training Opportunities|

The Results-Based Accountability Professional Certification Program from Clear Impact is an online training and certification course designed for individuals and organizations that want to master the principles of RBA.

By participating in the online course, participants will deepen your knowledge, enhance your RBA implementation skillset, and become better equipped to lead data-driven initiatives.

Certifying staff in Results-Based Accountability can help organizations increase internal capacity, improve performance, and create measurable results for customers and communities.

Nonprofit Montgomery Executive Director Brigid Howe and Program & Membership Director Lesley MacDonald earned this certification in the pilot phase, which will inform Nonprofit Montgomery’s programs and advocacy into the future.

FIRM: Only 3 Spots Left!

2019-01-07T15:21:35-05:00June 22nd, 2017|Events, Member News, Training Opportunities|

Only 3 spots left! FIRM is for members of nonprofit organizations serving residents of Montgomery County. This 2-day intensive workshop with follow-on tutorials and personal support provides the strategic framework and practical tools needed to strengthen your organization’s financial leadership and management. The cost is just $25 for Nonprofit Montgomery members.

Summer session begins July 17 & 18. Registration is now open to all. This is the last FIRM session offered in 2017—so be sure to reserve a space for your organization!     

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