Training Opportunities

NEW! FIRM: Financial Leadership Training for Small and Emerging Nonprofits

2019-01-07T15:21:21-05:00February 19th, 2018|Events, Training Opportunities|

Calling all small and emerging nonprofits! This FIRM is especially designed for nonprofits that are just starting up and/or are small (budgets under $750,000). The training introduces nonprofit leaders and board members to financial best practices for greater accountability and sustainability.

This is a full day training for up to four staff and board members from each nonprofit, plus an individual consultation with a nonprofit financial expert.

Thursday, April 19, 2018 from 8:30am to 5pm
The Universities at Shady Grove

Register for MORE, March 15 & 16, 2018

2018-02-23T08:15:03-05:00February 17th, 2018|Events, Member News, Training Opportunities|

Nonprofit Montgomery’s MORE (Metrics, Outcomes and Responsible Evaluation) Training helps nonprofits learn about evaluation, and offers a deep dive into measuring impact and gauging program effectiveness.
MORE will strengthen your organization’s capacity to measure results by:

  • Understanding key evaluation terminology.
  • Assessing your organization’s capacity for evaluation.
  • Exploring the six steps of evaluation.
  • Identifying external data and resources to strengthen evaluation efforts.
  • Engaging in meaningful dialogue about evaluation with key county funders and government leaders.
Nonprofits participate in MORE as a team of up to four senior leaders. The MORE program consists of 1-1/2 days of training on March 15 and 16 at The Universities at Shady Grove, an individual session with an evaluation consultant, and a follow-up session at The Nonprofit Village.

MORE is supported by Montgomery County Government, the Healthcare Initiative Foundation, and The Universities at Shady Grove. For information, please visit the MORE program page or contact Lesley. Registration is now open. The cost is just $25 for Nonprofit Montgomery members. .

March 15-16, 2018
The Universities at Shady Grove

Register for MORE 2018

2018-02-05T12:13:46-05:00February 8th, 2018|Events, Member News, Training Opportunities|

Nonprofit Montgomery’s MORE (Metrics, Outcomes and Responsible Evaluation) Training helps nonprofits learn about evaluation, and offers a deep dive into measuring impact and gauging program effectiveness.

MORE helps organizations develop strategic approaches to data collection and analysis, and guide them in developing metrics and to analyze program outcomes to improve service delivery. Participants develop their skills and make concrete plans to measure the results of their work. MORE will strengthen your organization’s capacity to measure results by:

  • Understanding key evaluation terminology.
  • Assessing your organization’s capacity for evaluation.
  • Exploring the six steps of evaluation.
  • Identifying external data and resources to strengthen evaluation efforts.
  • Engaging in meaningful dialogue about evaluation with key county funders and government leaders.
Nonprofits participate in MORE as a team of up to four senior leaders. The MORE program consists of 1-1/2 days of training on March 15 and 16 at The Universities at Shady Grove, an individual session with an evaluation consultant, and a follow-up session at The Nonprofit Village.

MORE is supported by Montgomery County Government, the Healthcare Initiative Foundation, and The Universities at Shady Grove. For information, please visit the MORE program page or contact Lesley. Registration is now open. The cost is just $25 for Nonprofit Montgomery members. .

March 15-16, 2018
The Universities at Shady Grove

[NEW EVENT] Making your Data Make Sense with Tech Impact

2018-01-08T19:23:24-05:00January 6th, 2018|Events, Nonprofit Resources, Training Opportunities|

Savvy data management and analysis can lead to more funding and improved programs and services. Interpreting the data we collect is critical to sustaining the work of our nonprofits.
This workshop led by Tech Impact will help you turn your data into actionable information. Join us for a presentation on data systems and analysis. We will outline important considerations to make while searching for a new data system and implementing a chosen system. Then, we will demonstrate two of the leading data visualization tools accessible to nonprofit organizations.

Presenter: Sara Thompson 
Sara Thompson is the Marketing & Community Manager at Tech Impact, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to empower nonprofits and communities to use technology to better serve our world.

February 13, 2018 from 9-11am

Jewish Council for the Aging: 12320 Parklawn Dr, Rockville

Table for Ten: Executive Directors of Small and Emerging Nonprofits

2019-01-07T15:21:22-05:00January 5th, 2018|Events, Training Opportunities|

According to the Nonprofit Finance Fund, three quarters of the 1.5 million nonprofits in the country have budgets under $1 million, and most are even smaller. Small organizations respond to local needs, and are started by people who are deeply committed to helping people and building community. Directors of small nonprofits wear many hats, and must know about fundraising, budgeting, managing a board, and everything else needed to run a mission driven organization.

This Table for Ten is for Directors of small and emerging nonprofits (budgets under $500,000.) Join your peers to share your challenges, learn about resources, and build a supportive network of nonprofit colleagues.

Tables for Ten meet three times for candid, confidential facilitated conversations and problem solving. As opposed to a formal presentation, the purpose is to learn from and support each other.

Participants must commit to attending all three meetings. Seats are filled on a first-come, first-served basis with priority for Nonprofit Montgomery member organizations. 

Wednesdays, February 21, March 14, and April 11 – 9 to 10:30am
The Nonprofit Village: 12320 Parklawn Dr, Rockville


Facilitator: Sharon Friedman
Sharon is the Program Director of Montgomery Moving Forward an initiative of Nonprofit Montgomery. For 18 years she was the Executive Director of the Mental Health Association of Montgomery County (now EveryMind). Sharon is also the past chair of the Nonprofit Montgomery Steering Committee. Sharon has been a recipient of numerous local and national awards. Her expertise was tapped for the transition teams of the last two Montgomery County Executives, and she has been included in The Daily Record’s Top 100 Women in Maryland. She is the current President of the Board of Directors of Holy Cross Hospital.

Lunch & Learn: A New Resource for Nonprofits: Skilled 50+ Volunteers – February 22

2019-01-07T15:21:22-05:00January 4th, 2018|Events, Nonprofit Resources, Training Opportunities|

The Montgomery County Volunteer Center’s new 50+ Volunteer Network matches nonprofits needing assistance with highly skilled volunteers who have the right experience, interest, and availability. The 50+ Volunteer Network provides this free service to county nonprofits that may need organizational support, assistance with grantwriting, or direct services such as tutoring and teaching adult literacy.

Come and learn more about how this new program can help your organization.

Wednesday, February 22 from noon to 1:30pm
Jewish Council for the Aging: 12320 Parklawn Dr, Rockville

Register for FIRM for Program Directors 2018

2019-01-07T15:21:23-05:00January 2nd, 2018|Events, Training Opportunities|

FIRM for Program Directors (February 1, 2018) is a day-long workshop that provides program directors and department leaders with a deeper understanding of the financial processes, planning, and decision making that support strong program and organizational sustainability. Participants will learn about program level financial modeling, strategic budgeting, and financial reporting to build confidence and competence in making decisions that balance assets and outcomes (aka money and mission) for individual programs and the organization at large.

This session prepares program directors to make informed contributions to the nonprofit budgeting process and provides future leaders with a framework for thinking about nonprofit accountability and sustainability. Nonprofits are encouraged to send a team of program directors to be trained together.

February 1, 2018 from 8:30 to 5pm
The Universities at Shady Grove

Click here to register. 

Montgomery County Volunteer Center Trainings for Nonprofits

2019-01-07T15:21:23-05:00December 28th, 2017|Nonprofit Resources, Training Opportunities|

Local nonprofits are encouraged to attend the Montgomery County Volunteer Center’s orientations which includes an overview of programs and services, an introduction to using the online database, and hints on ways to maximize volunteer recruitment. Organizations that engage students as volunteers may stay for the second portion of the meeting that focuses specifically on the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Student Service Learning (SSL) program and requirements.

The Nonprofit Impact Series

2019-01-07T15:21:23-05:00December 25th, 2017|Training Opportunities|

A new series of programs that build on and support the learnings from FIRM and MORE
We are pleased to announce the creation of The Nonprofit Impact Series, which builds on and continues the learning from FIRM and MORE. The series of workshops provides insights and hands-on tools that encourage nonprofit accountability, sustainability and program excellence. In addition to the series of workshops listed below, two new versions of FIRM will be offered: FIRM for Program Directors (February 1, 2018) and FIRM for Emerging Nonprofits (April 19, 2018).
Other offerings in The Nonprofit Impact Series include:
  • FIRM Financial Consultations, December 15: one hour consultation with FIRM faculty Justin Pollack for nonprofits that have attended FIRM recently
  • Matrix Map: Mix and Mingle, December 19 (see below for details)
  • Making your Data Make Sense with TechImpact, February 13, 2018
  • Metrics and Outcomes for Responsible Evaluation (MORE) intensive, March 15 and 16, 2018
Please contact Lesley for questions about any of our programs.

FIRM for Program Directors – Registration Now Open

2019-01-07T15:21:24-05:00December 21st, 2017|Events, Member News, Training Opportunities|

FIRM for Program Directors (February 1, 2018) is a day-long workshop that provides program directors and department leaders with a deeper understanding of the financial processes, planning, and decision making that support strong program and organizational sustainability. Participants will learn about program level financial modeling, strategic budgeting, and financial reporting to build confidence and competence in making decisions that balance assets and outcomes (aka money and mission) for individual programs and the organization at large.

This session prepares program directors to make informed contributions to the nonprofit budgeting process and provides future leaders with a framework for thinking about nonprofit accountability and sustainability. Nonprofits are encouraged to send a team of program directors to be trained together.

February 1, 2018 from 8:30 to 5pm
The Universities at Shady Grove

Register on our website. 

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