Training Opportunities

Register for MORE: September 27-28, 2018

2018-08-30T10:24:50-04:00August 30th, 2018|Events, Training Opportunities|

Nonprofit Montgomery’s MORE (Metrics, Outcomes and Responsible Evaluation) Training helps nonprofits learn about evaluation, and offers a deep dive into measuring impact and gauging program effectiveness.

MORE will strengthen your organization’s capacity to measure results by:

  • Understanding key evaluation terminology.
  • Assessing your organization’s capacity for evaluation.
  • Exploring the six steps of evaluation.
  • Identifying external data and resources to strengthen evaluation efforts.
  • Engaging in meaningful dialogue about evaluation with key county funders and government leaders.

Nonprofits participate in MORE as a team of up to four senior leaders. The MORE program consists of 1-1/2 days of training on September 27 and 28 at The Universities at Shady Grove, an individual session with an evaluation consultant, and a follow-up session at The Nonprofit Village.

MORE is supported by the Montgomery County Government, the Healthcare Initiative Foundation, and The Universities at Shady Grove. For information, please visit the MORE program page or contact us. Registration is now open. The cost is just $25 for Nonprofit Montgomery members.

September 27-28, 2018
The Universities at Shady Grove

Dashboards Plus with Justin Pollock

2019-01-07T15:21:13-05:00August 29th, 2018|Events, Training Opportunities|

This Nonprofit Impact Series session will be an opportunity for participants to learn how to use dashboards and develop a dashboarding strategy. Join us to learn more about this powerful tool to help you monitor your organization’s progress and make better decisions.

Date: September 21, 9-11:30am
Where: The Nonprofit Village, 12320 Parklawn Drive, Rockville

Register for MORE: September 27-28, 2018

2018-08-13T20:22:33-04:00August 17th, 2018|Events, Training Opportunities|

Nonprofit Montgomery’s MORE (Metrics, Outcomes and Responsible Evaluation) Training helps nonprofits learn about evaluation, and offers a deep dive into measuring impact and gauging program effectiveness.

MORE will strengthen your organization’s capacity to measure results by:

  • Understanding key evaluation terminology.
  • Assessing your organization’s capacity for evaluation.
  • Exploring the six steps of evaluation.
  • Identifying external data and resources to strengthen evaluation efforts.
  • Engaging in meaningful dialogue about evaluation with key county funders and government leaders.

Nonprofits participate in MORE as a team of up to four senior leaders. The MORE program consists of 1-1/2 days of training on September 27 and 28 at The Universities at Shady Grove, an individual session with an evaluation consultant, and a follow-up session at The Nonprofit Village.

MORE is supported by the Montgomery County Government, the Healthcare Initiative Foundation, and The Universities at Shady Grove. For information, please visit the MORE program page or contact us. Registration is now open. The cost is just $25 for Nonprofit Montgomery members.

September 27-28, 2018
The Universities at Shady Grove

Community Action Board Accepting Applications For Free Advocacy Training Program

2018-08-13T20:01:02-04:00August 8th, 2018|Training Opportunities|

The Community Action Board is accepting applications for its Community Advocacy Institute. The Community Advocacy Institute is a free program that will teach residents basic advocacy skills and it provides hands-on opportunities to advocate for important issues in the community.

The program includes a series of training workshops led by Community Action Board members and workshops feature elected officials, local advocates, and issue experts. Participants will have the opportunity to develop their own testimony and complete an advocacy project. To qualify for the program, participants must be Montgomery County residents with household incomes of $54,000 or less. Applications are due August 24.

Pro Bono Consulting for Nonprofits – Application Now Open

2019-01-07T15:21:16-05:00May 7th, 2018|Nonprofit Resources, Training Opportunities|

Compass volunteer teams of experienced business professionals provide consulting to nonprofits in Board Development, Funding Strategy, Strategic Planning, Strategic Partnerships and Collaborations, and Strategic Marketing. Each nonprofit client receives approximately $150,000 of FREE strategic consulting services. Applications are due June 8.

Free Intellectual Property Legal Clinic for Nonprofits

2018-04-24T10:44:28-04:00April 24th, 2018|Nonprofit Resources, Training Opportunities|

The D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center is hosting a legal clinic for nonprofit groups with basic intellectual property issues, including trademarks, copyrights, and licensing. The clinic is Thursday, May 10, from 9-11:30 am at Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP, 607 14th Street, NW.  Registration required. If you are interested in attending, contact Lauren at or (202) 780-2755 before April 26.

Champions for Children Event for Educators and Parents

2018-04-24T10:40:45-04:00April 23rd, 2018|MoCo Government News, Nonprofit Resources, Training Opportunities|

Parents, caregivers of children and early childhood educators are invited to a free Champions for Children event on Saturday, May 19 from 10am-1pm at the Universities at Shady Grove.

Parents can receive free screening for developmental delays; attend parenting workshops and get information about resources available in the community for young children.

Early childhood educators can earn Professional Activity Units for attending workshops on topics such as Make and Take activities and Communicating Challenging News to Parents. Children’s entertainment include: 123 Andrés, face painting, balloon making, and other giveaways.

Tables for Ten for Finance Directors

2019-01-07T15:21:17-05:00April 6th, 2018|Events, Member News, Nonprofit Resources, Training Opportunities|

The Finance Director (CFO or COO) plays a unique role in a nonprofit organization. According to a recent survey of finance directors, challenges include: wearing many hats–the Finance Director might also be in charge of HR, IT, and more; reporting to both the Executive Director and the Board of Directors; managing cash flow in cash-challenged organizations; multiple grant requirements; and the need to be both strategic and involved in day to day operations.

Finance Directors are invited to join colleagues for discussion, information sharing and support for this unique, challenging and satisfying role. Tables for Ten meet three times for candid, confidential facilitated conversations and problem solving.

Dates: Thursdays, April 26, 8:30-10am, May 10, 8:30-10am and May 31, 8:30-10am
Facilitator: Ann Mazur, CEO, EveryMind
Location: The Nonprofit Village: 12320 Parklawn Dr, Rockville


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