Training Opportunities

Calling all responsible nonprofits!

2019-01-07T15:21:05-05:00November 6th, 2018|Events, Training Opportunities|

Risk assessment isn’t a topic we want to think about. But as nonprofits, we can’t put our collective “head in the sand.” Security risks to our clients, our donors, and other stakeholders is a real and growing threat no matter the size of the organization. Security breaches harm an organization’s reputation and make clients vulnerable. Every responsible nonprofit leader should know their vulnerabilities and have a security plan in place.You don’t need to be an expert in technology to learn how to protect your organization. Let us walk you through the basic steps!

Join Jordan McCarthy, Tech Impact Infrastructure & Security Lead for a seminar to lead you through the “Who, What, Where and Why” of combating security threats. Learn who the bad actors are, why they want your data and how you can arm your organization with that knowledge. We’ll also discuss common attacks and types of solutions available to nonprofits to combat them (nonvendor specific). Please come with your questions and concerns!

Most importantly: You will leave the session with a plan specific to your needs. Jordan will help you create an assessment of your organization’s specific threats and prioritized next steps for securing your organization.

This topic is relevant to every single nonprofit and is too important to ignore!

Friday, November 16, 2018 from 9-11am
The Nonprofit Village
12320 Parklawn Drive, Rockville, MD 20852

We are pleased to offer this session for free for Montgomery County nonprofits because of our partnership with TechImpact.

This event is part of The Nonprofit Impact Series, which covers issues that are critical to nonprofits and build on the learnings from FIRM and MORE. The series is supported by the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services.

Introduction to Finding Grants & Proposal Writing at Rockville Library

2019-01-07T15:21:05-05:00November 2nd, 2018|Training Opportunities|

A two–part webinar presentation from Grantspace at Rockville Library

  • Plan your nonprofit funding research
  • Identify funders that fit
  • Match your organization to the right grant
  • Search our Foundation Center databases

Tuesday, November 13, 7-8 PM
Intro to Finding Grants

Tuesday, November 20, 7-8 PM
Intro to Proposal Writing

See Full Description Here

Governor’s Annual Grants Training Conference

2018-10-24T17:54:02-04:00October 22nd, 2018|Events, Training Opportunities|

Join experts in the field of grants and colleagues throughout Maryland and beyond for this comprehensive day of workshops and networking. Topics include the latest in the fast-moving world of federal grants regulations and resources. CPEs will be offered. The conference will be on October 29, 9am-4pm at the College Park Marriott Hotel and Conference Center.

Has your organization had a financial health check up recently?

2018-10-05T11:08:55-04:00October 5th, 2018|Events, Nonprofit Resources, Training Opportunities|

Build a stronger and healthier nonprofit with better financial management.
Register for FIRM Financial Leadership Institute on October 24-25

Are you a new CEO/ED of your organization or have you gone through a few staff changes? Do you need take take some time with your senior leaders to discuss your financial matters?

Consider learning better financial practices by taking FIRM, Nonprofit Montgomery’s Financial Leadership Institute, which is specifically designed for nonprofit executives serving residents of Montgomery County.

FIRM is a unique approach to building financial leadership capacity within nonprofits.FIRM’s curriculum provides a strategic framework and practical tools to help leadership teams develop and implement effective financial leadership.

FIRM strengthens nonprofits by helping:

  • Improve staff/board fiscal leadership – working together as a leadership team to insure healthy finances.
  • Learn about opportunities for County funding and how to “do business” with the County.
  • Create a specific workplan to for better financial administration procedures.
  • Develop and use budgets that reflect vision, mission and strategy.
  • Use financial statements and reports as strategic management and assessment tools.

The program engages teams from each organization in active learning, exploring the context, infrastructure, communication, and assessment needed to leverage financial management for greater organizational and community benefit.


Nonprofits participate in FIRM as a team of up to four senior leaders.

FIRM Training Includes: 
DAY 1: Wednesday, October 24 from 8:30am-5pm at The Universities at Shady Grove
DAY 2: Thursday, October 25 from 8:30am-5pm at The Universities at Shady Grove
Individual Consultation with FIRM Instructor Justin Pollock
Learning Tutorial

Please don’t hesitate to contact Meredith Bowers with any questions. We look forward to seeing you and your team at FIRM.


Survey Design with Sharp Insight

2018-09-30T13:50:05-04:00September 28th, 2018|Events, Training Opportunities|

The workshop will begin with the “why” — why quality surveys matter. Participants will then work on what to consider before you even think about designing specific questions (e.g., audience, objectives, burden, method). Finally, Jana Sharp of Sharp Insight will go over “tips and tricks” for designing high quality survey items.

As a result of the workshop, participants will be better able to:

  • Describe why quality surveys matter,
  • Plan for a quality survey,
  • Develop quality survey questions and response options.
Thursday, October 18 from 9-11am
The Nonprofit Village (12320 Parklawn Drive, Rockville, MD 20850)

BoardMatch Montgomery – Thursday, October 11

2018-09-30T13:49:38-04:00September 27th, 2018|Events, Training Opportunities|

BoardMatch Montgomery, a collaboration between Nonprofit Montgomery, Leadership Montgomery, and Capacity Partners, helps nonprofit organizations recruit effective and engaged board candidates to serve on their boards of directors. BoardMatch recruits and trains potential board members and matches them with nonprofits.

BoardMatch Montgomery benefits nonprofit organizations by:
Strengthening board practices,
Increasing board effectiveness and engagement,
Providing the opportunity to be matched with highly-qualified, trained board candidates.
This program is available Nonprofit Montgomery members. To be eligible for the matching process, the Executive Director and a board member must attend the Nonprofit BoardMatch Orientation on October 11, 2108 from 9-11:30am. Please note, the matching process will also include on mandatory interview with the Executive Director/CEO and Board Chair/President.

*Materials related to nonprofit board matching best practices were generously provided by Compass. Interested in becoming a Board Member? Click here to register with Leadership Montgomery for the Board member training.

Nonprofit Orientation: Thursday, October 11 from 8:30-11:30am
The Universities at Shady Grove

BoardMatch Montgomery – Thursday, October 11

2018-09-12T11:02:40-04:00September 11th, 2018|Events, Training Opportunities|

BoardMatch Montgomery, a collaboration between Nonprofit Montgomery, Leadership Montgomery, and Capacity Partners, helps nonprofit organizations recruit effective and engaged board candidates to serve on their boards of directors. BoardMatch recruits and trains potential board members and matches them with nonprofits.

BoardMatch Montgomery benefits nonprofit organizations by:
Strengthening board practices,
Increasing board effectiveness and engagement,
Providing the opportunity to be matched with highly-qualified, trained board candidates.
This program is available Nonprofit Montgomery members. To be eligible for the matching process, the Executive Director and a board member must attend the Nonprofit BoardMatch Orientation on October 11, 2108 from 9-11:30am. Please note, the matching process will also include on mandatory interview with the Executive Director/CEO and Board Chair/President.

*Materials related to nonprofit board matching best practices were generously provided by Compass. Interested in becoming a Board Member? Click here to register with Leadership Montgomery for the Board member training.

Nonprofit Orientation: Thursday, October 11 from 8:30-11:30am
The Universities at Shady Grove

Boost Your Evaluation Skills – Only a Few Spots Open for MORE

2018-09-12T10:17:47-04:00September 10th, 2018|Events, Training Opportunities|

Nonprofit Montgomery’s MORE (Metrics, Outcomes and Responsible Evaluation) program helps nonprofits identify and measure program outcomes. Being able to demonstrate that programs are effective is key to a nonprofit’s sustainability and success.

This specialized training was designed with the input of county funders to help nonprofits learn about effective evaluation. It offers a deep dive into measuring impact and gauging program effectiveness.

MORE will strengthen your organization’s capacity to measure results by:

  • Understanding key evaluation terminology.
  • Assessing your organization’s capacity for evaluation.
  • Identifying external data and resources to strengthen evaluation efforts.
  • Engaging in meaningful dialogue about evaluation with key county funders and government leaders.
September 27-28, 2018
The Universities at Shady Grove

BoardMatch Montgomery – Thursday, October 11

2019-01-07T15:21:13-05:00September 3rd, 2018|Events, Training Opportunities|

BoardMatch Montgomery, a collaboration between Nonprofit Montgomery, Leadership Montgomery, and Capacity Partners, helps nonprofit organizations recruit effective and engaged board candidates to serve on their boards of directors. BoardMatch recruits and trains potential board members and matches them with nonprofits.

BoardMatch Montgomery benefits nonprofit organizations by:

  • Strengthening board practices,
  • Increasing board effectiveness and engagement,
  • Providing the opportunity to be matched with highly-qualified, trained board candidates.

This program is available Nonprofit Montgomery members. To be eligible for the matching process, the Executive Director and a board member must attend the Nonprofit BoardMatch Orientation on October 11, 2108 from 9-11:30am. Please note, the matching process will also include on mandatory interview with the Executive Director/CEO and Board Chair/President.

*Materials related to nonprofit board matching best practices were generously provided by Compass. Interested in becoming a Board Member? Click here to register with Leadership Montgomery for the Board member training.

Nonprofit Orientation: Thursday, October 11 from 8:30-11:30am
The Universities at Shady Grove

Registration Opens September 5, 2018

CFO/Finance Directors Network

2018-08-30T10:28:14-04:00August 30th, 2018|Events, Nonprofit Resources, Training Opportunities|

Join your fellow Finance Directors, CFOs, and COOs for collaborative problem solving, support and also share effective policies and practices. We encourage anyone who took Table for Ten-Finance Directors/CFOs/COOs to attend, along with anyone who does finance work. Questions? Contact us at

Date: September 20, 9-10:30am
Where: Flying V at the Silver Spring Black Box Theatre – 8641 Colesville Road, Silver Spring

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