Training Opportunities

Join the MORE Evaluation Network

2019-09-30T09:08:31-04:00September 30th, 2019|Member News, Training Opportunities|

We at Nonprofit Montgomery are putting our MORE learning into practice. As we evaluated our MORE program, we noted that many of you asked for additional support for your evaluation work:

  • Our focus dropped off after the consulting session.We aspired to keep up the process but other priorities limited that possibility. Continued structured follow-up would have helped us.
  • You spoke of a community of practice… Foster/curate/gently incubate/push/develop that community! A yahoo group …. something like that so we can continue to support each other and remind each other that we are not alone!

Well, we listened. The MORE Evaluation Network includes an interactive online discussion group as well as quarterly meetings to support nonprofit staff in building their evaluation knowledge and help support one another implementing evaluation in nonprofits. This community of practice includes an online moderated discussion and quarterly gatherings for network members.

Who: The network is open to all MORE alumni.
What: Participants will be invited to a LinkedIn group where Sharp Insight will moderate a discussion forum around various evaluation topics. In addition, Nonprofit Montgomery will host quarterly brown bags facilitated by Sharp Insight.
When: First session: October 23, 12:00-1:30 pm
Where: Nonprofit Montgomery’s Office, 6010 Executive Blvd., Suite 200, Rockville
How: Register below to let us know if you plan to attend on October 23 and for instructions on how to join the LinkedIn group.
Bonus: Lunch at the October 23rd launch is on us!


Strategy Screens Workshop

2019-09-30T09:15:28-04:00September 29th, 2019|Events, Training Opportunities|

Are we investing our resources into the right programs?

Answering this question is the keystone to advancing community benefit and building financial health. This workshop explores the process of screening programs against your desired community outcomes so that you can determine the best portfolio of programs to carry forward into your next budgeting and strategy window. The process builds organizational integrity and sets the stage for more sophisticated financial analysis of the work that you do.

Participants should come with both a list of organizational programs/effort and a list of general community outcomes your organization seeks to advance.

When: Thursday, October 17, 9-11am
Where: The Leadership Hub, 6010 Executive Blvd, Suite 200, Rockville, MD 20852

Don’t let the potential for FRAUD keep you up at night

2019-09-14T14:12:34-04:00September 16th, 2019|Events, Training Opportunities|

Come and Learn about nonprofit internal controls and fraud basics

Internal control issues have been at the forefront of the public’s attention in recent years. Failures in internal controls have led to financial statement fraud, misappropriation of assets, and intentional misuse of grant funds.

We will discuss internal control and what unique fraudulent activities are perpetrated in these organizations and what makes nonprofit organizations vulnerable to fraud.

This course is most beneficial to professionals new to internal control and fraud detection who may be staff or entry level but also for experienced professionals with limited exposure to these topics.

When: Thursday, October 10, 2019 at 9am -10:15am
Where: The Leadership Hub: 6010 Executive Blvd., Suite 200, Rockville, MD 20852
Cost: Free

Table for Ten New Executive Directors and CEOs

2019-09-02T14:37:36-04:00September 2nd, 2019|Events, Training Opportunities|

Only 1 Spot Left!

Facilitated by Kathy Stevens, Executive Director, Montgomery Coalition for Adult English Literacy

Table for Ten is an opportunity for confidential and candid peer support and problem-solving on the challenges often faced by new Executive Directors. No need to reinvent the wheel—come and learn tips, tricks, and best practices from a seasoned Executive Director.

When: Wednesday mornings from 9-10:30am on September 18, October 16, and November 13
Where: The Leadership Hub, 6010 Executive Blvd. Suite 200, Rockville, MD 20852
Cost: Free – Open to Nonprofit Montgomery Members only

Upcoming Nonprofit Montgomery Programs and Events

2019-09-02T14:20:38-04:00September 2nd, 2019|Events, Training Opportunities|

BoardMatch Montgomery
Thursday, October 24, 9am to noon
Register here

Nonprofit Montgomery Workshop- Assessing Fiscal Health: The View from DHHS  
Monday, October 28, 10am-noon
Register here

HR for Nonprofits: Meaningful Performance Conversations
Thursday, October 31, 9-11am

MORE – Metrics, Outcomes and Responsible Evaluation
November 20 and 21 – 8:30am to 4pm
Registration opens in September

Build your organization’s financial confidence with FIRM

2019-09-02T14:19:58-04:00September 2nd, 2019|Events, Training Opportunities|

FIRM is a partnership with DHHS to strengthen nonprofits in our County
Nonprofit Montgomery’s FIRM (Financial Reporting and Management Institute) is an innovative program  in collaboration with Montgomery County to help nonprofits with financial leadership and sustainability. All nonprofits can benefit from this deep dive into understanding and strengthening your financial model.

Nonprofits attend as a team of up to four people including the Executive Director, Fiance Director/CFO, Board Member, and Program Director. The workshop consists of two full days of training, a personalized consultation with a nonprofit financial, and unlimited access to our programs and events.

The results: better clarity on the mission and funds needed to support it and improved budget conversations with the board.
Don’t miss this opportunity to take the full two day version of FIRM. The two day FIRM (recommended for organizations with budgets over $500,000) is only offered once per year. Register now for the only two-day FIRM session in FY20 will be on September 25-26, 2019 at The Universities at Shady Grove.

When: September 25 and 26, 2019, from 8:30am to 5pm
Where: The Universities at Shady Grove
Cost: $25 for Nonprofit Montgomery Members, $525 for non-members
Cost includes two days of training for up to four people, including breakfast and lunch on both days, plus a 60-90 minute consultation with a nonprofit finance expert.

FIRM is supported by The Montgomery County Government, The Greater Washington Community Foundation-Montgomery County, and The Universities at Shady Grove.

CFO/Finance Director Network

2019-09-02T14:14:19-04:00September 2nd, 2019|Nonprofit Resources, Training Opportunities|

Calling all CFOs, Finance Managers, and nonprofit staff who deal with organizational finances! We are due for another CFO networking–anyone want to host?

We’ll provide the CPAs to answer your 1099 contractor vs. employee questions in a confidential/judgment free space. If you are interested in joining the network or hosting, please contact Meredith.

Don’t let the potential for FRAUD keep you up at night

2019-09-02T14:15:28-04:00August 31st, 2019|Events, Training Opportunities|

Don’t let the potential for FRAUD keep you up at night
Come and Learn about nonprofit internal controls and fraud basics

Internal control issues have been at the forefront of the public’s attention in recent years. Failures in internal controls have led to financial statement fraud, misappropriation of assets, and intentional misuse of grant funds.

We will discuss internal control and what unique fraudulent activities are perpetrated in these organizations and what makes nonprofit organizations vulnerable to fraud.

This course is most beneficial to professionals new to internal control and fraud detection who may be staff or entry level but also for experienced professionals with limited exposure to these topics.

When: Thursday, October 10, 2019 at 9am -10:15am
Where: The Leadership Hub: 6010 Executive Blvd., Suite 200, Rockville, MD 20852
Cost: Free

Community Action Board Accepting Applications for Free Advocacy Training Program

2019-07-29T10:12:10-04:00July 30th, 2019|Events, Training Opportunities|

The County’s Community Action Board is accepting applications for its Community Advocacy Institute. The Community Advocacy Institute is a free program that will teach residents basic advocacy skills and it provides hands-on opportunities to advocate for important issues in the community. To qualify for the program, participants must be County residents with household incomes of $55,000 or less. Applications are due by Friday, August 16.

Digital Fundraising

2019-07-29T10:05:50-04:00July 27th, 2019|Events, Nonprofit Resources, Training Opportunities|

Wondering how to leverage online giving, giving days, crowdfunding, and other digital techniques to grow your fundraising efforts?

This one-hour session will provide you with an effective and unbiased roadmap to implementing best practices that work for organizations of all sizes. You’ll leave with tons of ideas, real-life advice on important areas to focus on, and guidelines for evaluating your own and vendors’ digital fundraising efforts.

Topics covered: website conversion optimization; performance analytics; online giving forms; outbound and inbound donor marketing techniques; crowdfunding platforms; email best practices (compliance, deliverability, and conversions); digital ambassadors and volunteer management; social media; giving day strategies, integrating digital with other channels.

Wednesday, August 14 from 9-10am
The Leadership Hub: 6010 Executive Blvd. Suite 200, Rockville, MD 20852
Click here to register

Facilitated by Louis Diez, Director of the Annual Fund and Development Business Operations at the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra

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