Nonprofit Resources

5/13 Weekly Covid-19 Response Meeting Recap

2020-05-18T10:58:40-04:00May 18th, 2020|Nonprofit Resources|

Here’s the video and a few take aways below. This meeting featured JoAnn Barnes from DHHS, and nonprofits serving immigrant communities.

Resources Mentioned During the Meeting:

Relief Opportunities for Nonprofits: Franca Brilliant’s presentation
City of Gaithersburg: Resources
Gilchrist Immigrant Resource Center: website and covid-19 resource page
Montgomery County Coalition for Adult English Literacy: Adult ESOL classes as well as organizations that offer other types of training (GED, citizenship,etc.)
Ayuda: services and resources – pro bono legal services, language services, survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and/or stalking
Community Reach of Montgomery County: resources during covid-19: Rockville Emergency Assistance Program, Language Outreach Program, Mansfield Kaseman Health Clinic

We’d Like to Help!

2020-04-23T10:35:09-04:00April 23rd, 2020|Nonprofit Resources, Training Opportunities|

Nonprofit Montgomery is providing pro bono technical assistance and consulting related to issues stemming from the COVID-19 crisis to County nonprofits with one of our partners. Participating partners include Franca Brilliant, Justin Pollock, Alicia Alexion, and Rubino & Company (CPA), and others.

Thanks to generous support from the County, Nonprofit Montgomery is offering free one-on-one consulting on topics including:

  • Determining which relief grant is appropriate for your organization.
  • Assistance with completing an application for grants and loans.
  • Questions on how to show losses on relief applications.
  • General accounting questions related to COVID-19 crisis.
  • Fundraising pivots and challenges.
  • Human resource issues and concerns.

Whether you might need 10 or 60 minutes, one of our experts can help guide you through your issue. Consultations are available at no charge to County nonprofits.

Please fill out our intake form and let us know what you need. You will receive a response within two business days.

ICYMI Nonprofit Montgomery’s PHEG Webinar for Nonprofits

2020-04-17T13:26:31-04:00April 17th, 2020|Events, Nonprofit Resources|

On Thursday, Nonprofit Montgomery partner Franca Brilliant answered questions about the new PHEG Program. Click here to see the video and here to view her presentation.

A few take aways: 

  • Organizations have to show a 50% loss since the disaster declared compared to a comparable period previously. Funding for first round of applications (approximately 50% of total funding) is a maximum of $10,000 plus a potential $2,500 for support for teleworking.
  • With these constraints the grant is likely to work best for organizations who have significant earned income, eg childcare providers, performing arts groups, ESOL providers, and who need short term assistance while they look for other resources.
  • There is a complicated formula for calculating the loss in revenue but essentially the County will compare a monthly average revenue from pre-COVID-19 operations to March 2020 revenue. The amount you will be awarded is based on revenue lost, not any additional costs incurred because of the emergency.
  • It is important to read the FAQs and the Executive Regulation to ensure that revenue calculations are done correctly. [NOTE: one of the questions on the webinar had to do with organizations that only had quarterly financials for the post emergency period. In that case, the monthly average revenue would be multiplied by three as a basis for comparison to the post emergency revenue).
  • Applicants may use the funds for a wide range of operating costs, and may use these funds along with other funds from state and federal sources such as the PPP or SBA disaster loans.
  • Funds may not be used to cover costs covered by insurance or for wages paid to employees who are eligible for unemployment at the same time.
  • The application asks for a percentage breakdown of how the funds will be used if awarded but the County has said that they understand that the percentages and use may change because conditions are evolving so rapidly.
  • There is no deadline for the application and there does not appear to be a specific grant period other than the duration of the public emergency. Organizations can apply monthly until the grant funding expires.

Montgomery County Public Health Emergency Grant (PHEG)

2020-04-13T09:50:53-04:00April 13th, 2020|Nonprofit Resources|

County Public Health Emergency Grant – Portal Is Up

The application for the Public Health Emergency Grant is set to launch this week. Here is the link to the webpage with information to help you get ready to apply. We anticipate that the funds will go quickly—so now is the time to begin gathering your documentation.

Nonprofit Montgomery will hold a webinar for nonprofits on the Public Health Emergency Grant application on Thursday, April 16 at 10am. Register here.

Email questions to: To be notified when the application for the PHEG program is available, email and include PHEG in the subject line.

MoCo Food Council – Weekly Meeting Updates

2020-04-13T09:56:18-04:00April 12th, 2020|Nonprofit Resources|

The Food Council’s next Weekly COVID-19 Food Security call is on 4/13 from 1-2:30pm. These calls will continue to be held each Monday from 1-2:30pm, now through May, and likely beyond. All are welcome to participate. Click here for more information.

One highlight from last week’s call:

Benefits Assistance: County SNAP and WIC offices are closed, but still offer support by phone. Maryland Hunger Solutions is offering SNAP applications assistance over the phone at 1-866-821-5552. The USDA has approved the State of Maryland emergency SNAP allotment money now through May, giving SNAP recipients that were receiving the minimum $16 a month will now receive the maximum of $194. The USDA has also approved P-EBT, which provides $115 per month in SNAP benefits to families of FARMs students. The Summer SNAP for Children pilot program has been approved, which will provide $30 per month to students in June, July, and August, and $10 in December, when they are out of school.

Personalized Strategy and Financial Consultations

2020-04-13T09:54:08-04:00April 10th, 2020|Events, Nonprofit Resources, Training Opportunities|

Nonprofit Montgomery in partnership with Orgforward, and with support from DHHS, is expanding the consultation and coaching that has traditionally been reserved for our FIRM program. We are offering members the opportunity to receive a coaching session with Justin Pollock of Orgforward to help with immediate strategy or structure decisions you are faced with.

A small team from your organization will have 1.5 hour to meet via Zoom with Justin to think through and plan around a current issue you are facing or decision you are trying to make.

These sessions could help you with: 

  • make strategy or structure decisions
  • develop financial forecasts for various short and long term scenarios
  • help prioritize goals and determine what it will take to advance those goals in the current environment.

Please fill out this interest form if you would like to reserve a space for your organization.

MORE Alumni Evaluation Network – Quarterly Meet-Up

2020-02-19T11:04:01-05:00February 20th, 2020|Events, Nonprofit Resources|

Want to take your surveys to the next level? Come join Sharp Insight for our upcoming quarterly brown bag on February 20 at noon. We’ll build on the tools and resources shared during this month’s Survey BASICS training. This will be a working session, so please bring a survey from your organization you would like to refine — or come with one in mind that you’d want to build.

When: February 20, 12:00-1:30 pm
Where: 6010 Executive Blvd, Suite 200, Rockville, MD 20852

If you’ve already registered, great! If not, please RSVP today so we know much desert and drinks we need.

Recently, the MORE Alumni Group learned: 

  • four common (and simple!) formulas for crunching numbers in Excel
  • specifics for evaluating arts programs, bar chart hacks, and
  • an incredible PowerPoint presentation translator resource

Unrelated Income Business Taxes (UBIT) for Nonprofits Repealed

2020-02-13T09:37:03-05:00February 9th, 2020|Advocacy, Nonprofit Resources|

The 2018 tax law imposed a new tax on benefits that nonprofits pay employees to help with parking and transportation costs. This was an issue for many Montgomery County nonprofits, as parking and transportation in our region are costly.

The National Council on Nonprofits successfully organized a campaign to get this tax repealed.  The tax was repealed retroactively, so if your organization paid the tax you can claim a refund. Find more information here.

Nonprofits Eligible for Make Office Vacancy Extinct (MOVE) Program

2020-02-13T09:36:21-05:00February 9th, 2020|Nonprofit Resources|

The MOVE Program is designed to assist new business attraction and business formation in the County. Businesses new to the County that lease up to 20,000 square feet of Class A or B office space and wet lab space may receive a grant of $8 per square foot. The MOVE Grant amount is capped at $80,000. Companies need to apply here for funding within 90 days of signing a lease. Click here for more information and to apply.

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