5/13 Weekly Covid-19 Response Meeting Recap
Here’s the video and a few take aways below. This meeting featured JoAnn Barnes from DHHS, and nonprofits serving immigrant communities.
Resources Mentioned During the Meeting:
Relief Opportunities for Nonprofits: Franca Brilliant’s presentation
City of Gaithersburg: Resources
Gilchrist Immigrant Resource Center: website and covid-19 resource page
Montgomery County Coalition for Adult English Literacy: Adult ESOL classes as well as organizations that offer other types of training (GED, citizenship,etc.)
Ayuda: services and resources – pro bono legal services, language services, survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and/or stalking
Community Reach of Montgomery County: resources during covid-19: Rockville Emergency Assistance Program, Language Outreach Program, Mansfield Kaseman Health Clinic