Nonprofit Resources

Don’t Forget: Spending Deadlines for CARES Act Funds

2020-12-01T18:04:24-05:00November 22nd, 2020|Nonprofit Resources, Training Opportunities|

Nonprofits that have received CARES Act funding to address the pandemic through Council appropriations or contracts/grants through County departments are strongly advised to check the deadline for spending the funds.

The December 31 deadline may not apply to other funds, for example, grants made through the Public Health Emergency Grants (PHEG) are not included. Funds that are reimbursable by FEMA are intended for use through the end of the public health emergency.

It is critically important to check with your contract monitor about deadlines for spending any funds you may have received. Contracts written early in the pandemic may not have up to date information about the deadlines. Nonprofits should reach out to their contract manager first. If there are still questions, nonprofits funded through DHHS can reach out to IJ Oji, Manager of the DHHS Contract Management Team

Nonprofit COVID-19 Response Meeting August 26 Highlights

2020-09-10T09:26:53-04:00September 1st, 2020|Nonprofit Resources|

Link to the full meeting.

Franca Brilliant’s presentation on funding opportunities.

Ralph Watkins from the League of Women Voters of Montgomery County provided updates on current voting procedures. He provided forms for Designation of Agent in English and Spanish.
due to COVID the number of polling places in Montgomery County will be greatly reduced.  Voters are encouraged to vote by mail.

  • Applications for a mail in ballot are arriving in the mail now; you can also request a ballot online at
  • Mail in ballots must be postmarked before 8pm on November 3.  Voters are encouraged to send ballots in early.
  • Early voting takes place October 26-November 2.  There are 11 locations for early voting and those locations can be found on the Board of Elections website.
  • The League of Women Voters produces Election Guides in English and Spanish with unbiased information on candidates and ballot issues. Email for the guides and more.

We also heard from Lynn Arndt, BlackRock Center for the Arts and Michael Rubin, Impact Silver Spring on how they are updating their programs and work to meet their clients changing ways. Currently, BlackRock is the Upcounty Consolidation HubClick here to see a chart of what they are doing and with whom they are working.

Learn How to be a Community Advocate

2020-08-24T10:04:00-04:00August 24th, 2020|Events, Nonprofit Resources, Training Opportunities|

The Community Action Board’s Community Advocacy Institute provides residents with the opportunity to learn and utilize basic advocacy skills. Participants must attend virtual monthly workshops and complete an advocacy project (testifying before County Council or submitting a letter to County Council) in order to graduate from the program. This year, all workshops will be live interactive webinars.

Participants must be Montgomery County residents with a combined household income of $56,000 or less. Applications are due August 28.

Grants, Government, and Community News

2020-08-05T14:03:10-04:00August 5th, 2020|Grants & Funding, MoCo Government News, Nonprofit Resources, Uncategorized|

Grants and Funding

Reopen Montgomery Grant Program
Reopen Montgomery Program grants will reimburse Montgomery County businesses for expenses incurred to comply with State and County reopening requirements. Reopening requirements are established to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and maintain public health.

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for Nonprofits
Applications for Montgomery County’s fiscal year 2022 (July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Public Service Grants are due by September 11, 2020.

MoCo Food Council Capacity Building Grants
Montgomery County is accepting applications for its Food Assistance Provider Capacity Building Grant program.

Nonprofit and Community Organizations Eviction Prevention Overview

In collaboration with the county departments of Health and Human Services and Housing and Community Affairs, The Renters Alliance of Montgomery County will host a webinar about developing County supports for renters who are behind on their rent. These supports are being offered in the context of COVID, with an estimated 13,000 renters in Montgomery County at risk of losing their homes for failure to pay rent. The webinar is on August 5 from 7-8:30apm. Click here to register.

AHCMC hosts Senator Van Hollen and Enterprise’s Jarrod Elwell and Sarah Brundage

Please join AHCMC’s Virtual Town Hall with Senator Chris Van Hollen and Enterprise Community Partner’s Jarrod Elwell and Sara Brundage who will discuss the devolution of Fair Housing Planning resulting from HUD’s recent termination of the AFFH Rule and a conversation about what happens next. The Town Hall is on August 6 from 10:30 to 11:30am. Click here to register.

Become a Maryland Family Network Family Support CenterMaryland Family Network is currently accepting proposals to operate a Family Support Center in unserved and underserved Maryland jurisdictions. Awards are for July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021. The application, details, and specific requirements are available here. Proposals must be received by September 11, 2020. Apply now.

Pro-Bono Development Opportunity for NM Members

2020-07-28T14:39:28-04:00July 28th, 2020|Grants & Funding, Nonprofit Resources|

Aspire Nonprofit Partners is offering pro-bono counsel to selected nonprofits that are adapting their fundraising programs to the current Covid-19 pandemic. Aspire sees today’s pandemic as an obligation and an opportunity to give back to the community.

Aspire will offer customized development services through through an evaluation of current needs and six remote coaching sessions focusing primarily on major giving and major gift prospect pipeline building. For more information about services to be offered and eligibility, click here. Two nonprofits will be selected for this intensive development coaching.

Applications are due by COB July 31, 2020 to

Hurry and Apply by July 31

Childcare relief fund: updates and assistance

2020-07-06T12:01:16-04:00July 6th, 2020|MoCo Government News, Nonprofit Resources, Uncategorized|

Early Care and Education Initiative Recovery Fund Assistance

Montgomery County is offering grants to child care providers, both for profit and nonprofit, to help with costs for reopening and compliance with COVID 19 guidance as well as to help cover financial losses due to the pandemic. The online application portal for the grants is available here until July 17. More information on the program and answers to frequently asked questions are available on the County’s website.

The County has also created a step by step guide which you can access here.

Important things to remember: 

  • Your application must be done in one sitting. You cannot save your information and come back to it.
  • After you submit the application, you will receive an email confirming your submission with an ID number and a link to the upload application. You will upload documents via that link and will also report your actual enrollment for April and May there.
Need help completing your application?
We are offering the following assistance:

Phone number: #301-349-6373

Information & Consulting for Childcare Centers

2020-06-26T16:00:13-04:00June 26th, 2020|Events, Nonprofit Resources|

Nonprofit Montgomery is offering the following free webinars to help you apply for this funding:

Monday, June 29, 2pm: Click here to register

Tuesday, June 30, 10am: Click here to register

Tuesday, June 30, 3pm: Click here to register

Wednesday, July 1, 4pm: Click here to register

Thursday, July 2, 10am: Click here to register

The content and presentation (in English) will be the same for all webinars. If you are unable to attend the webinar, we will post a recording of the sessions on our website.

Please send questions to:

A Message from Unite Us

2020-06-15T09:22:20-04:00June 15th, 2020|Nonprofit Resources|

A Message from Unite Us

Unite Us and Kaiser Permanente are excited to collaborate with organizations in our County to support the launch of a community referral network on June 23. Thank you for giving us your time at last week’s meeting.

If you’d like to participate in the network to electronically refer community members in need to service providers and track outcomes, please complete this Partner Registration Form. We’d also love to connect with you at one of our upcoming info sessions on Tuesday, June 16. Please register here.

Contact for questions, or schedule some time to talk with her here.

Wednesday’s Covid-19 Response Call – June 10

2020-06-15T09:42:52-04:00June 13th, 2020|Events, Grants & Funding, Nonprofit Resources|

Wednesday’s Covid-19 Response Call

Here’s the video and a few take aways below. This meeting featured Leonard Howie, CEO, Worksource Montgomery (former Labor Secretary of Maryland); Kendra Kanty, Sr. Account Manager, Unite Us; Franca Brilliant, Nonprofit Consultant, and more.

Take Aways from Wednesday’s Meeting: 

Updated Relief Opportunities by Franca Brilliant, Nonprofit Consultant
Click here to see Franca’s presentation with links

FEMA Public Assistance Program – MEMA will be on the 6/17 meeting to answer questions.
Reimbursement of up to 75% of expenses for COVID 19 response
Minimum $3,300, due by 6/26
Questions to:

Mid Atlantic Arts Council grants: through 6/22

DOL Susan Harwood Training Grants
Three programs, all due 7/20

Maryland Humanities mini-grants
support for public humanities projects, documentaries, and civic education
$1,200, due 7/1

USDA SNAP improvements, 6/15

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