Don’t Forget: Spending Deadlines for CARES Act Funds
Nonprofits that have received CARES Act funding to address the pandemic through Council appropriations or contracts/grants through County departments are strongly advised to check the deadline for spending the funds.
The December 31 deadline may not apply to other funds, for example, grants made through the Public Health Emergency Grants (PHEG) are not included. Funds that are reimbursable by FEMA are intended for use through the end of the public health emergency.
It is critically important to check with your contract monitor about deadlines for spending any funds you may have received. Contracts written early in the pandemic may not have up to date information about the deadlines. Nonprofits should reach out to their contract manager first. If there are still questions, nonprofits funded through DHHS can reach out to IJ Oji, Manager of the DHHS Contract Management Team