Nonprofit Resources

Data Collection Survey

2021-11-08T20:26:23-05:00November 7th, 2021|Nonprofit Resources|

Montgomery County Workforce Investment Board through WorkSource Montgomery is requesting participation in a data collection survey of community-based organizations that serve as an adult (over 18 years of age) resource for services within Montgomery County. The goal is to develop a digital resource that serves as a regional adult services community asset map.

The benefits of Community Asset Mapping are: A) Introducing our constituents to a new community in a positive way B) Empowering them to see their own community through a positive lens; C) Directly engaging them in the process of community development. For more information, please email John Hattery.

Catch Our Latest Webinars

2021-10-27T10:25:06-04:00October 27th, 2021|Events, Nonprofit Resources|

Did you know Nonprofit Montgomery records and posts most of our webinars and programs? In case you ever missed an event, please check our website for a recording.

And, stay tuned for our November webinar where we’ll be presenting the results of the Salary & Benefits Survey.

Nonprofit Covid Response Meeting Recap

2021-10-06T10:39:57-04:00October 6th, 2021|Events, Nonprofit Resources|

In case you missed it, here’s the recording from our compelling conversation with Council Vice President Gabe Albornoz on Welcoming Newcomers: the County’s Initiative to welcome the County’s comprehensive plan to welcome children, youth and families from the border.

We were joined by Gillian Heubner, Consultant for Newcomer Support & Assistance, DHHS (DHHS & Montgomery County’s Response)

And presenting on the Nonprofit response were:

To get in touch with DHHS contact Monica Martin and at MCPS, Margarita Bohorquez.

Health Survey and Environmental Scan of Organizational Resources

2021-08-26T13:47:45-04:00August 26th, 2021|Nonprofit Resources, Uncategorized|

Healthy Montgomery, the County’s local health improvement coalition, is asking people to complete a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) Oral Health Capacity and Environmental Demand Scan Survey to assess resources available. The information collected will be used to address oral health concerns in the community; align and leverage resources; and contribute to the creation of a Community Health Improvement Plan for Montgomery County. In addition, the data will be posted on the Healthy Montgomery website and will be available to the public.

Organizations can be any type of group that provides oral health services in Montgomery County, such as hospitals, government agencies, social service providers, educational institutions, health insurers, and public and private dental offices and clinics. The deadline for completing the survey is Friday, Sept. 10.

Office Supplies Donations Available

2021-07-28T14:27:07-04:00July 27th, 2021|Nonprofit Resources, Uncategorized|

H.H.C. Group has following items available for a local nonprofit, school, group. Approximately 2,000 (3) hole binders (new and used), approximately 10 desks and credenzas (in good condition) as well as pendeflex files, manilla folders, white board, Thomas McKnight wall pictures, cork boards, desk organizers, office mugs, office mail box, binders/clips and more. Contact as soon as possible. The items must go asap.

In Case You Missed It: Nonprofit leaders on lessons learned from the pandemic.

2021-05-19T09:56:09-04:00May 19th, 2021|Nonprofit Resources, Uncategorized|

Our May 5 Covid Response meeting highlighted nonprofit leaders on their lessons learned over the last year:

Heather Bruskin, MoCo Food Council; Jackie DeCarlo, Manna Food Center; Leslie Graham, Primary Care Coalition; Susie Sinclair-Smith, MCCH; Diego Uriburu, Identity, Inc. and Black and Brown Coalition for Educational Equity and Excellence; and Elijah Wheeler, Collaboration Council and from the Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security: Patrick Fleming and Netta Squires.

Some themes emerged:

The importance of system building in advance of the crisis. Coordinating/backbone organizations like the Montgomery County Food Council, the Primary Care Coalition were already convening system wide partnerships with nonprofit providers. These trusting relationships and established ways of communicating were essential to a quick and comprehensive response.

A strong nonprofit sector can respond quickly. Nonprofits have trusting relationships with the people they serve. Nonprofits were able to get feedback from those most affected by the crisis, and to communicate community needs to funders and the County. Strong and trusting relationships with people served, funders, staff and the County were critical.

Nonprofits are essential partners to County government. Nonprofits were able to innovate and respond to needs; the partnership with the County and ongoing communication were critical to supporting nonprofit efforts. The County’s flexibility with existing contracts allowed nonprofits to respond. County leadership listened to nonprofits and deployed relief funds to meet urgent needs.

The need to take care of staff and ourselves. The sense of urgency makes it hard to step away, and remote work can blur the line between work and home. It is critical to care for staff and encourage them to take breaks, take vacation, focus on health and families. Nonprofit leaders can lead by example. Work towards better balance, and find joy.

The Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security will be compiling a report that documents the nonprofit response. More info to follow!

Compass Pro Bono Consulting for Nonprofits – Application Open

2021-04-19T13:38:04-04:00April 18th, 2021|Nonprofit Resources, Uncategorized|

Compass grants pro bono consulting services (valued at $200,000+) to nonprofits that benefit the Greater Washington community. Volunteer teams of experienced business professionals provide consulting to nonprofits in Board Development, Funding Strategy, Strategic Planning, Strategic Partnerships & Collaborations, Strategic Marketing, and more. Applications are due June 7. Click here to apply and to learn more information.

Identifying Vendors for Youth Support & Engagement Program Hubs

2021-02-22T13:09:41-05:00February 22nd, 2021|Grants & Funding, Nonprofit Resources|

The purpose of this funding is to increase access to quality youth programs focused on the positive development of and the academic, social-emotional, and overall well-being of the County’s students. The County has designated the Collaboration Council to provide these program services as a pilot targeting the communities in the following MCPS Cluster areas: Gaithersburg, Wheaton, Paint Branch (East County-Downcounty Consortium), and Watkins Mill in partnership. Click here for more information.

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