Nonprofit Resources

Identity’s Report on Promise of Latino Youth in Montgomery County

2018-11-29T20:01:51-05:00December 1st, 2018|Advocacy, Nonprofit Resources|

A new report by researchers at the University of Maryland School of Public Health found that Latino youth in Montgomery County express high academic motivation, high academic expectations, and a positive outlook for the future, but that they become markedly less optimistic as they get older because of significant barriers to success in their studies, work, and life.

In The Promise of Latino Youth in Montgomery County, researchers say that Latino youth in Montgomery County are exceptionally vulnerable, citing downward trends in school performance, as well as poverty, and high rates of adversity and psychological distress. As a result, the authors say that there is a “breach in the compact between a community and its youth to help them achieve their highest potential.” Click here to access the report.

ICYMI Security Workshop with Tech Impact

2019-01-07T15:21:04-05:00November 28th, 2018|Events, Nonprofit Resources, Training Opportunities|

On November 16 Jordan McCarthy of Tech Impact led a workshop on nonprofit security for a group of our members. During the session he helped navigate the tricky world of online security, including how to identify areas of vulnerability and low-cost ways to secure our data, including our client and organization’s sensitive information. In this rapidly evolving security world, nonprofits need the support of security professionals to protect themselves from current and emerging threats.

Click here to read our ICYMI and learn:

  • types of phishing techniques frequently used
  • tips on low-cost security measures
  • tools to help monitor risks
Nonprofit Montgomery would like to our partner Tech Impact for leading this event. Tech Impact empowers communities and nonprofits to use technology to better serve our world.

November 7, 2018 Reading List

2018-11-07T20:42:54-05:00November 9th, 2018|Nonprofit Resources, Uncategorized|

Nonprofit Tech Remains Poorly Resourced (The NonProfit Times, November 6)

How To Motivate Millennials To Become Nonprofit Leaders (Forbes, October 29)

Is there a difference between nonprofit and for-profit senior care? (WTOP, October 29)

Local Jewish Communities Respond To The Tree Of Life Shooting (Kojo Nnamdi, October 30)

We studied freelancing for five years: Here’s how work is changing (Fast Company, October 31)

Introduction to Finding Grants & Proposal Writing at Rockville Library

2019-01-07T15:21:05-05:00November 7th, 2018|Events, Nonprofit Resources, Training Opportunities|

Montgomery County Public Libraries (presented by the Foundation Center/Grantspace) is offering a free two-part seminar on finding grants and proposal writing for nonprofits at the Rockville Memorial Library. Participants will be able to: plan nonprofit funding research, identify funders that fit, match your organization to the right grant, and search Foundation Center databases. Intro to Finding Grants: Tuesday, November 13, 7-8pm and Intro to Proposal Writing, November 20, 7-8pm.

PCC Equity Conference

2019-01-07T15:21:05-05:00November 6th, 2018|Events, Nonprofit Resources, Training Opportunities|

Primary Care Coalition is celebrating it’s 25th Anniversary with a Conference themed Opportunity. Equity. Health. This event will explore opportunities to create more person-centered systems of care delivery with a particular focus on equity. The conference is on November 28, 2018, 9am – 3pm at The Samuel Riggs IV Alumni Center, University of Maryland. Click here to register.

Has your organization had a financial health check up recently?

2018-10-05T11:08:55-04:00October 5th, 2018|Events, Nonprofit Resources, Training Opportunities|

Build a stronger and healthier nonprofit with better financial management.
Register for FIRM Financial Leadership Institute on October 24-25

Are you a new CEO/ED of your organization or have you gone through a few staff changes? Do you need take take some time with your senior leaders to discuss your financial matters?

Consider learning better financial practices by taking FIRM, Nonprofit Montgomery’s Financial Leadership Institute, which is specifically designed for nonprofit executives serving residents of Montgomery County.

FIRM is a unique approach to building financial leadership capacity within nonprofits.FIRM’s curriculum provides a strategic framework and practical tools to help leadership teams develop and implement effective financial leadership.

FIRM strengthens nonprofits by helping:

  • Improve staff/board fiscal leadership – working together as a leadership team to insure healthy finances.
  • Learn about opportunities for County funding and how to “do business” with the County.
  • Create a specific workplan to for better financial administration procedures.
  • Develop and use budgets that reflect vision, mission and strategy.
  • Use financial statements and reports as strategic management and assessment tools.

The program engages teams from each organization in active learning, exploring the context, infrastructure, communication, and assessment needed to leverage financial management for greater organizational and community benefit.


Nonprofits participate in FIRM as a team of up to four senior leaders.

FIRM Training Includes: 
DAY 1: Wednesday, October 24 from 8:30am-5pm at The Universities at Shady Grove
DAY 2: Thursday, October 25 from 8:30am-5pm at The Universities at Shady Grove
Individual Consultation with FIRM Instructor Justin Pollock
Learning Tutorial

Please don’t hesitate to contact Meredith Bowers with any questions. We look forward to seeing you and your team at FIRM.


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