Nonprofit Resources

Making Sense of the Census—The Role of Nonprofits

2019-08-12T12:27:47-04:00August 12th, 2019|Advocacy, Nonprofit Resources|

Mobilizing around the 2020 Census is critical for Montgomery County and the nonprofit sector. In addition to providing demographic data that is essential for planning purposes, the US Census determines the allocation of billions of dollars in federal funds for schools, roads, hospitals and many public benefits. Representation in Congress is also determined by Census data.

Last week Nonprofit Montgomery convened nonprofits with the County’s 2020 Census leadership—Diane Vu, Director of the Office of Community Partnerships and Shawn Ellis, Montgomery County Census Director for a conversation about how nonprofits can support the effort in 2020.

Guest speaker Barry Robinson, former lead counsel for the US Census Bureau, explained the laws safeguarding the confidentiality of Census data. Data gathered in the Census is shared only in the aggregate. Individual data is protected. This is an important message for nonprofits to convey to the people we serve. For more information, read these articles authored by Mr. Robinson.

Montgomery County has already convened a 2020 Census Complete Count Committee. Regional subcommittees are organizing to support the effort. These committees are convened by the Directors of the Regional Services Centers. Nonprofits are encouraged to connect with the regional committees to learn more.

Stay tuned for more information about how nonprofits can get involved, and County resources to support this work. Contact Shawn Ellis, 2020 Census Director.


City of Rockville Elections: Nonprofits May Apply to “Host” Debates

2019-07-29T10:13:19-04:00July 29th, 2019|Events, Nonprofit Resources|

Community-based organizations may apply to host three debates at City of Rockville facilities that will be televised live on the city’s cable channel. Organizations that are eligible to host a debate televised by Rockville 11 must be independent, nonpartisan organizations that do not endorse candidates and focus on citywide issues. Eligible organizations must agree to abide by the City of Rockville Campaign Policy.

The city is responsible only for taping and airing the debates. Hosting organizations are responsible for coordinating the debate’s details, including candidate invitations, and moderator selection. Click here to fill out the Televised Election Debate 2019 Expression of Interest Form.

Questions may be directed to Linda Moran 240-314-8115 or

Digital Fundraising

2019-07-29T10:05:50-04:00July 27th, 2019|Events, Nonprofit Resources, Training Opportunities|

Wondering how to leverage online giving, giving days, crowdfunding, and other digital techniques to grow your fundraising efforts?

This one-hour session will provide you with an effective and unbiased roadmap to implementing best practices that work for organizations of all sizes. You’ll leave with tons of ideas, real-life advice on important areas to focus on, and guidelines for evaluating your own and vendors’ digital fundraising efforts.

Topics covered: website conversion optimization; performance analytics; online giving forms; outbound and inbound donor marketing techniques; crowdfunding platforms; email best practices (compliance, deliverability, and conversions); digital ambassadors and volunteer management; social media; giving day strategies, integrating digital with other channels.

Wednesday, August 14 from 9-10am
The Leadership Hub: 6010 Executive Blvd. Suite 200, Rockville, MD 20852
Click here to register

Facilitated by Louis Diez, Director of the Annual Fund and Development Business Operations at the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra

Making Sense of the Census – Q&A with Montgomery County Government

2019-07-29T09:27:10-04:00July 26th, 2019|Events, Nonprofit Resources|

Nonprofits have an important role to play in engaging diverse communities to complete the Census. This meeting will be an opportunity to: 

  • learn more about the 2020 Census
  • dialogue with County leaders about participation and the fear generated by a potential citizenship question, and
  • find out about resources available to help nonprofits get the word out.

Mobilizing our community around the 2020 Census is critical for representation and the allocation of resources on which nonprofits and communities depend.

Diane Vu, Director of the Office of Community Partnerships and the 2020 Census team will answer your questions and provide information about how nonprofits can get involved.

Tuesday, August 6, 3:30-5pm
The Leadership Hub, 6010 Executive Blvd. Suite 200, Rockville, MD 20852
Register here

Nonprofit VOTE’s Report Engaging New Voters, If Nonprofits Don’t, Who Will?

2019-06-28T12:49:29-04:00July 5th, 2019|Nonprofit Resources|

In case you missed it, Nonprofit VOTE‘s guide on how to engage new voters is available online. Some important findings from the report:

  • Voters contacted by nonprofits are TWICE as likely to be nonwhite, TWICE as likely to be under 25 and TWICE as likely to have $30,000 in household income.
  • These voters were also MORE likely to vote – 11 percentage points more likely. Asian, Latino and Black voters contacted by nonprofits show up 13-16 percentage points higher than those who weren’t; those under 25 turned out 20 percentage points higher.

New OLO Report: Racial Equity Profile Montgomery County

2019-06-28T12:43:34-04:00June 30th, 2019|Nonprofit Resources|

The Office of Legislative Oversight released a new report conducted by the Jupiter Independent Research Group, “Racial Equity Profile Montgomery County.”  The objectives of the report: to provide a collection of tables on different demographic factors from various sources by race and ethnicity and to identify disparities, where relevant, between different racial/ gender groups in different categories.

New OLO Report: Racial Equity Profile Montgomery County

2019-06-28T11:00:32-04:00June 28th, 2019|Advocacy, Nonprofit Resources|

The Office of Legislative Oversight released a new report conducted by the Jupiter Independent Research Group, “Racial Equity Profile Montgomery County.”  The objectives of the report: to provide a collection of tables on different demographic factors from various sources by race and ethnicity and to identify disparities, where relevant, between different racial/ gender groups in different categories.

2020 Census Convening for Nonprofit Leaders in Montgomery County

2019-06-14T11:21:51-04:00June 14th, 2019|Advocacy, Nonprofit Resources, Training Opportunities|

The Office of Community Partnerships is leading 2020 Census outreach efforts in Montgomery County and is hosting a discussion with leaders from the nonprofit community on July 11 from 5-6:30pm at the County Executive Office. The purpose is to provide information on the 2020 Census, discuss education and outreach strategies and specific messaging around the citizenship question in anticipation of the SCOTUS decision to be announced at the end of June.

As nonprofit leaders, we play a critical role in the County’s 2020 Census Campaign. Come and learn about the resources available for nonprofits to engage in the census. RSVP to Jennifer by June 28.

Montgomery County Community Organizations Active in Disaster Meeting

2019-05-14T11:06:29-04:00May 14th, 2019|MoCo Government News, Nonprofit Resources, Uncategorized|

The Montgomery County COAD is a collaborative partnership between community stakeholders – voluntary, private and nonprofits that assists in organizing community efforts to provide needed services to community members that arise as the result of a disaster. The next meeting will be on June 13, 1-3pm at Public Safety Headquarters in Gaithersburg.

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