Big Step Forward, Critical Crossroads for Workforce Development in Montgomery County
County Executive Leggett transmitted to the County Council on July 21, 2015 his recommendation regarding the future of how workforce development functions should be organized and delivered which includes moving the County’s workforce development program from the Department of Economic Development to the nonprofit WorkSource Montgomery, Inc.
Mr. Leggett’s recommendation is based on the work of the Workforce Strategies Steering Committee that met over two months to address one of the tenants highlighted in his inaugural speech pledge — to consolidate workforce services in the County. The Workforce Strategies Steering Committee drew heavily from Montgomery Moving Forward’s (MMF) Call to Action: Fueling Our Future with Skilled Workers and Good Jobs.
The recommendation will be deliberated Monday, July 27 at 2pm by the Planning, Housing and Economic Development Committee of the County Council.
The leadership of MMF believes we are at an exciting but critical crossroads given the challenges of implementing a bold plan in order to effect big, positive and lasting change. MMF will continue to stay engaged in monitoring the implementation of the workforce development strategies and in pressing for dynamic leaders who are committed to collaborative work to fill the critical roles in both staff and Board of Director’s positions. In addition, MMF will continue to monitor progress toward achieving the outcomes outlined in the Action Steps in the MMF Call to Action.