Montgomery Moving Forward

Announcing the Launch of the Children’s Opportunity Alliance as the County’s ECE Entity

2022-07-18T10:46:42-04:00July 18th, 2022|Montgomery Moving Forward|

Montgomery Moving Forward (MMF), the collective impact initiative of Nonprofit Montgomery, is excited to announce that on July 12, the County Council took the final steps to officially launch the new Early Care and Education (ECE) Coordinating Entity. The Council unanimously named the Children’s Opportunity Alliance of Montgomery County (formerly the Children’s Opportunity Fund) as the new Entity and formally approved the appointment of the COA’s first Board of Directors.

The Children’s Opportunity Alliance will function as a public-private partnership that brings together a wide group of stakeholders, including employers, philanthropy, parents, and providers to strengthen ECE in our county.

This is the culmination of four years of work by MMF. We are grateful for the dedication and support of the County Council, the County Executive, the Children’s Opportunity Fund, the Greater Washington Community Foundation, the MMF Leadership Group and the providers, parents, businesses, nonprofits, philanthropies, and many other community partners who made this launch possible.

We could not have come this far without your invaluable advice and assistance! We are excited about the potential this entity holds for transforming access to high quality, affordable ECE for Montgomery County’s families!

Please contact if you have any questions or would like to know more about MMF’s role in the creation of the Early Care and Education Coordinating Entity.

Open Invitation: COA’s Inaugural Board of Directors Meeting

In compliance with the requirements of the Montgomery County Open Meetings Act, COA is inviting the public to the first meeting of the Children’s Opportunity Alliance board meeting on Thursday, July 21, 6-7:30 pm. The agenda for the meeting is here and the Zoom information is below.

Click this link to join the Zoom Meeting.
Meeting ID: 883 7156 6128   Passcode: 336702
One tap mobile: +13017158592,,88371566128# US (Washington DC)
+16469313860,,88371566128# US

Thank you Sharon!

2022-07-06T09:12:09-04:00July 6th, 2022|Montgomery Moving Forward|

After 10 years as the Director for Montgomery Moving Forward, the collective impact initiative of Nonprofit Montgomery, Sharon will be retiring. Sharon’s tireless energy, charismatic leadership, and natural ability to bring together diverse community and sector leaders to effect transformative systems change has had a lasting impact on Montgomery County.

We’d like to thank Sharon for her years of service to the community and wish her a very happy retirement! If you missed her special message, please click here to read it.

Early Learning Educator Compensation Survey

2022-06-16T12:25:36-04:00June 17th, 2022|Montgomery Moving Forward, Nonprofit Resources|

Virescent Group is partnering with Wonders Early Learning + Extended Day and MMF, to survey Greater Washington early learning organizations to understand the current state of early learning compensation. The goal of the survey is to:

  • Understand and develop potential strategies associated with transforming the early care and education workforce
  • Ensure adequate compensation and professional development opportunities
  • Address the challenges of recruiting and retaining a ready and qualified workforce

They are asking both early learning administrator and educators to complete the brief 2022 Greater Washington Early Learning Survey by Friday, June 24. Everyone who completes the survey will be (1) entered to win one of five $50 Amazon gift cards with winners announced at the end of June and (2) receive a summary of the 2022 survey findings at the end of July.

Please access the survey here: 2022 Greater Washington Early Learning Survey

Workforce Development Nonprofits Convening

2019-01-07T15:21:47-05:00May 23rd, 2016|Events, Montgomery Moving Forward|

June 30, 2-4 pm, Jewish Council for the Aging

Join WorkSource Montgomery, Inc. CEO Dr. Ellie Giles, and a representative from the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation to learn more about opportunities available to nonprofits under WIOA (the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act). The state has submitted its WIOA plan and WorkSource Montgomery is beginning to gather feedback for the county WIOA plan. Dr. Giles will also speak about the newly created WorkSource Montgomery, Inc. and share its strategic priorities.

This convening is an opportunity for nonprofits working in this space to connect, learn from one another, and organize collectively to advocate for those they serve. This group will also provide feedback to Montgomery Moving Forward as it seeks to identify progress and challenges in workforce development systems transformation.

Click here to RSVP. Contact Brigid Howe with questions.

Congratulations Dr. Ellie Giles, New CEO of WorkSource Montgomery, Inc.

2017-06-29T14:19:19-04:00March 6th, 2016|Montgomery Moving Forward, Uncategorized|

Dr. Ellie Giles will lead the WorkSource Montgomery, Inc. in collaboration with its board and will work with the recently seated Workforce Development Board. Ellie is charged with providing leadership and setting priorities for growth of the county’s new workforce development system. Ellie served as Montgomery Business Development Corporation’s Director of Operations and the leader of Rx for Employability, the experimental career pathways project co-created with Montgomery Moving Forward, a program of Nonprofit Montgomery.

Leggett Initiative to Overhaul County Workforce Development Moves Forward; Council Approves Legislation; CEO Search Underway

2017-06-29T14:20:04-04:00October 22nd, 2015|Montgomery Moving Forward, Uncategorized|

That was the headline in a press release issued on October 15. Referencing and appending Montgomery Moving Forward’s Call To Action: Fueling our Future with Skilled Workers and Good Jobs, County Executive Leggett said, “We need to meet the talent attraction, development, and retention needs of strategic industries in the County. We must better address the needs of the unemployed and the underemployed. And we need to develop career pathways that lead to sustainable wage jobs, support a thriving economy, and strengthen the County’s tax base.”

Both County Council President Leventhal and Councilmember Floreen expressed urgency and enthusiasm for this initiative “to wholly revamp the County’s workforce development efforts.”


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