Announcing the Launch of the Children’s Opportunity Alliance as the County’s ECE Entity
Montgomery Moving Forward (MMF), the collective impact initiative of Nonprofit Montgomery, is excited to announce that on July 12, the County Council took the final steps to officially launch the new Early Care and Education (ECE) Coordinating Entity. The Council unanimously named the Children’s Opportunity Alliance of Montgomery County (formerly the Children’s Opportunity Fund) as the new Entity and formally approved the appointment of the COA’s first Board of Directors.
The Children’s Opportunity Alliance will function as a public-private partnership that brings together a wide group of stakeholders, including employers, philanthropy, parents, and providers to strengthen ECE in our county.
This is the culmination of four years of work by MMF. We are grateful for the dedication and support of the County Council, the County Executive, the Children’s Opportunity Fund, the Greater Washington Community Foundation, the MMF Leadership Group and the providers, parents, businesses, nonprofits, philanthropies, and many other community partners who made this launch possible.
We could not have come this far without your invaluable advice and assistance! We are excited about the potential this entity holds for transforming access to high quality, affordable ECE for Montgomery County’s families!
Please contact if you have any questions or would like to know more about MMF’s role in the creation of the Early Care and Education Coordinating Entity.
Open Invitation: COA’s Inaugural Board of Directors Meeting
In compliance with the requirements of the Montgomery County Open Meetings Act, COA is inviting the public to the first meeting of the Children’s Opportunity Alliance board meeting on Thursday, July 21, 6-7:30 pm. The agenda for the meeting is here and the Zoom information is below.
Click this link to join the Zoom Meeting.
Meeting ID: 883 7156 6128 Passcode: 336702
One tap mobile: +13017158592,,88371566128# US (Washington DC)
+16469313860,,88371566128# US