Member News

Be Part of our Alliance

2019-06-28T10:40:39-04:00June 24th, 2019|Member News, Uncategorized|

Nonprofit Montgomery is an alliance of the county’s nonprofits. We help the nonprofit sector speak with one voice, provide critical capacity building programs and bring leaders together for learning and support. The success of our alliance depends on your membership. Now is the time to renew your membership or join if your organization is not currently a member.Click here for more information about the benefits of membership.

Join or renew by July 31 to take advantage of the $25 membership discount.

NM Membership Expires June 30

2019-06-19T12:36:30-04:00June 19th, 2019|Member News|

Thank you for being a member of Nonprofit Montgomery this past year. Together we are 170 members strong and a powerful voice for the nonprofit sector. In the coming year our collective voice will be more important than ever. That’s why we are encouraging you to renew your Nonprofit Montgomery membership today.

Your membership in Nonprofit Montgomery is critical to our work. When we advocate for the sector or apply for foundation funding, decision makers want to know how the nonprofit community supports Nonprofit Montgomery. Your membership shows that you stand with us, and value the visibility and support we provide the nonprofit sector in Montgomery County. And your membership dues directly support our advocacy on behalf of the sector.

June 30 is the end of our 2018-2019 membership year. Please renew your membership today for the 2019-2020 membership year.

Nonprofit Montgomery’s reasonable one-time membership dues are based on the size of your organization’s budget, and there is a $25 discount if you join by July 31. If you have any questions or would like an invoice, please contact us today.

Thank you so much for supporting the nonprofit sector in the county. We look forward to continuing our work together.

With thanks,
Lesley MacDonald, Executive Director

Thank you to the following organizations that have renewed their 2019-2020 Nonprofit Montgomery Membership.

Bender JCC of Greater Washington
Friends of Patients at the NIH
Healthcare Initiative Foundation
NAMI Montgomery County
Winter Growth, Inc.

Discount for NM Members – University of MD’s Graduate Certificate

2019-06-14T11:59:58-04:00June 18th, 2019|Member News, Training Opportunities|

The application is now open for Fall 2019 enrollment at the University of Maryland’s Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Management and Leadership. The priority application deadline is June 28 for the Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Management and Leadership’s Fall 2019 semester. Nonprofit Montgomery members and affiliates who apply before the priority deadline will automatically receive a $7,000 Fellowship, which covers over 30% of the program’s tuition. Click here for more information.

HIF Awards $523,000 in the FY19 Capacity Building Grants

2019-06-14T11:33:45-04:00June 17th, 2019|Grants & Funding, Member News|

The Healthcare Initiative Foundation (HIF) awarded $523,000 in FY19 Capacity Building Grants to support 16 nonprofits in the County working to provide high-quality, comprehensive, and sustainable healthcare.These grants are projected to impact 104,841 Montgomery County residents, and build capacity of the healthcare network by generating a projected $550,260 in additional revenue. Click here to see the full list of awardees.

It’s Time to Renew Your Membership Today

2019-06-14T11:20:31-04:00June 13th, 2019|Member News|

It’s time to renew your Nonprofit Montgomery membership!

Together we can help inform, promote, connect, and strengthen the community of nonprofits serving Montgomery County. Join us and collaborate on cross-sector issues, develop your leadership skills, and ensure your organization has a voice at the table. Become a sector-leader and make a difference in Montgomery County. We are only as strong as our membership.

If you have any questions or would like an invoice, please contact us. Join or renew by July 31 and save $25 on your membership dues.


Membership Renewal Opening in June

2019-05-30T14:38:33-04:00May 30th, 2019|Member News|

Thanks to our members, Nonprofit Montgomery grew over 11% in membership from the previous year.

As we open renewal for the FY20 membership year, we’d like to take a moment to thank the more than 170 nonprofits and their leaders who have joined Nonprofit Montgomery’s alliance during FY19. With your help, we have amplified the nonprofit sector’s visibility and impact through advocacy and professional development. This year we successfully advocated for a 3% increase in nonprofit contracts in DHHS and mobilized nonprofits to testify at a hearing on changes to the County’s Community Grants process.

Because of your support, we provided over 40 programs, including FIRM, MORE, Tables for Ten, Lunch and Learns, Nonprofit Impact workshops, and a leadership series. In addition, we provided countless opportunities for networking, advocacy, and resource sharing– including our Funders Dialogue on Equity and Community Grants Dialogue.

We are proud of the mission, vision, and values that each of your respective organizations brings to the sector and we are humbled that you have entrusted us with the vital job of being the voice of Montgomery County’s nonprofit community and the community convenor in the community. We look forward to welcoming you back for another year of alliance and capacity building.

Thank you for being a Nonprofit Montgomery Member!

Community Bridges College Road Trip!

2019-05-30T14:43:09-04:00May 27th, 2019|Member News|

Community Bridges recently took three staff members and 10 Community Bridges girls on a Spring Break College Tour Road Trip. The road trip took place from April 15-18 with stops at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Duke University, Agnes Scott College, and Spelman College. The experience was a first of many of the CB girls. For some girls, it was the first time they’ve left the state and stayed overnight in a hotel. Several juniors from the trip have already decided to apply next year to the schools they visited.

Financial Consultations Sponsored by Nonprofit Montgomery

2019-05-14T10:23:33-04:00May 14th, 2019|Member News, Training Opportunities|

If your organization has taken FIRM and is a current member, we invite you to sign up for a financial consultation with Justin Pollock of Orgforward. Nonprofit Montgomery is sponsoring 12 financial consulting sessions with Justin at no cost to you. This is a great opportunity to develop a reserve policy or work on allocating administrative costs. Just our way of saying thank you for being a member.

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