
COVID-19 Response Meeting

2021-07-23T14:26:35-04:00July 4th, 2021|Events|

Join Nonprofit Montgomery for our twice a month virtual meeting with Montgomery County and nonprofit leaders for opportunity to hear updates on the local covid-19 response.

Topic: Exploring the experience of Black-led organizations during the pandemic.

Valarie Davis, Founder, ElevateHER
Rev Rochelle Andrews, Associate Pastor, Oak Chapel UMC
Truphena Choti, Founder, Afrithrive
Elijah Wheeler, Collaboration Council

We’ll also have the Montgomery County Office of Broadband Programs to discuss the Emergency Connectivity Fund where 10,000 computers will be given to people who don’t have access.

When: July 21, 11am-12:15pm
Where: On Zoom

Click here to register.

MoCo Economic Development Grant Program for Nonprofits Webinar

2021-07-01T13:49:16-04:00July 1st, 2021|Events, Grants & Funding|

Join MCEDC to discuss the MoCo Economic Development Grant for Nonprofits, eligibility requirements, and additional application questions on July 7, 11:30am. Click here to register.

More about the grants:
Grants ranging from $10,000 to $20,000 will be awarded to Montgomery County nonprofits whose work aligns with the state’s intent to assist community organizations that create and sustain jobs. Nonprofits that serve the larger community with a mission or program focused on economic development and economic recovery are eligible to apply describing their current or proposed work in support of one of the four identified priorities of: (1) Minority and Women Entrepreneurship, (2) STEM Education, (3) Research and Innovation Development, and (4) Small-Scale Manufacturing.

MoCo Economic Development Grant Program for Nonprofits applications will be accepted beginning Tuesday, July 6. All applications must be submitted to MCEDC by 5:00 pm, Friday, July 16, 2021. The funds will be distributed to all selected nonprofits by September 1, 2021 and the nonprofit must make use of the funds by no later than December 31, 2021.

COVID-19 Response Meeting

2021-07-23T14:27:10-04:00July 1st, 2021|Events|

Wednesday, July 21, 11am-12:15pm

Join Nonprofit Montgomery for our twice a month virtual meeting with Montgomery County and nonprofit leaders for opportunity to hear updates on the local covid-19 response.

Topic: Exploring the experience of Black-led organizations during the pandemic.

Valarie Davis, Founder, ElevateHER
Rev Rochelle Andrews, Associate Pastor, Oak Chapel UMC
Truphena Choti, Founder, Afrithrive
Elijah Wheeler, Collaboration Council

We’ll also have the Montgomery County Office of Broadband Programs to discuss the Emergency Connectivity Fund where 10,000 computers will be given to people who don’t have access.

When: July 21, 11am-12:15pm
Where: On Zoom

Join us on July 21

Virtual Training: Demystifying Data Collection

2021-06-21T13:14:25-04:00June 21st, 2021|Events|

Collecting data is never easy. Limited staff capacity, technology challenges, and privacy concerns are just a few of the many barriers that can stand in the way of collecting data. So how can you make it easier on yourself and your colleagues?

Join us for a 90-minute workshop to highlight tips and tricks to help your organization respectfully, accurately, and efficiently get the data you need to share your organization’s impact with the world.

Sharp Insight is happy to partner with the Montgomery County Food Council for this workshop, which will highlight challenges unique to food assistance providers. All are welcome, including organizations and individuals who are not currently engaged in food-related work. This training is offered through Nonprofit Montgomery’s Nonprofit Impact Series.

Date: July 22, 10:30am – noon
Who: Open to everyone

Register here:

Food Council Upcoming virtual Trainings

2021-06-03T12:13:38-04:00June 3rd, 2021|Events|

Recursos Para Asistencia de Comida en Condado de Montgomery, Introduction to Food Assistance Resources in Montgomery County 
10 de Junio, 11:00am-12:00pm en Zoom
Presented in Spanish.  Enlace de registro:
Esta capacitación virtual proporcionará a los participantes una descripción general de la inseguridad alimentaria en el condado y la respuesta de asistencia alimentaria COVID-19 brindada por el condado. Discutiremos la red de recursos desarrollada por el Consejo de Alimentos y nuestros socios, como el Directorio de recursos de asistencia alimentaria en línea, la herramienta de referencia de asistencia alimentaria y el sitio web de Asistencia alimentaria del condado. También revisaremos los beneficios nutricionales federales y otros recursos que pueden ser beneficiosos para mitigar la inseguridad alimentaria.Esta formación es gratuita y está abierta a todos. Tenga en cuenta que es necesario registrarse con anticipación para recibir el enlace de Zoom. Corepresentado de Caridades Catholicos y El Consejo de Comida del Condado de Montgomery.

Data Privacy and Confidentiality Requirements for Food Assistance Providers
June 24, 2021, 10:00am
In this virtual training session, you will learn about rules governing privacy and confidentiality and how to comply with these requirements when you collect, store, and process data about the clients you serve. Co-hosted via Zoom call by the Montgomery County Food Council and the Montgomery Department of Health and Human Services. Click here to register.

Nonprofit Covid-19 Response Meeting

2021-06-03T12:17:50-04:00June 2nd, 2021|Events|

Join Nonprofit Montgomery for our virtual meeting with Montgomery County and nonprofit leaders for opportunity to hear updates on the local covid-19 response.

FY22 Budget: Council Vice President Albornoz
DHHS Contracting: IJ Oji, Manager, HHS Contracts Administrator
Grants & Funding Updates: Franca Brilliant, Consultant

Join us on June 9

Budgeting vs. Forecasting with Lescault & Walderman

2021-05-05T13:00:21-04:00May 7th, 2021|Events|

Find out how these two tools serve very different but very valuable purposes in the management of your organization and in measuring your progress and success.

Lescault & Walderman is a business consulting firm that provides DMV Accounting, Bookkeeping and CFO Services to small to medium businesses in the Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia regions.

Date: June 8, 1-2pm
Who: Open to everyone
Where: on Zoom, click here to register.

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