
Campaign Fundraising – A Primer

2021-10-06T10:08:46-04:00October 6th, 2021|Events, Training Opportunities|

Campaign fundraising is all about generating significant revenue above and beyond your usual annual giving. If your organization is considering a campaign or will need significant funds for growth in the future, this is a webinar for you! Join Derry Deringer of Deringer Consulting, LLC to learn:

  • The phases of a campaign (2-3 year timeline)
  • Three types of campaigns: Capital, Capacity, Mini
  • Comparing and contrasting campaign types
  • Eight principles of campaign fundraising.

Whether you’re an executive director, board member, staff, or volunteer, these essentials provide a practical primer on campaign fundraising. There will be plenty of time for Q&A, so be sure to bring your questions!

When: Friday, October 15, noon-1pm
Where: on Zoom. Click here to register.
Who: Everyone is welcome to attend.

MORE: Metrics, Outcomes and Responsible Evaluation

2021-10-06T09:16:02-04:00October 6th, 2021|Events, Training Opportunities|

Nonprofit Montgomery’s MORE Training helps nonprofits learn about evaluation, and offers a deep dive into measuring impact and gauging program effectiveness.

MORE will strengthen your organization’s capacity to measure results by:

  • Understanding key evaluation terminology.
  • Assessing your organization’s capacity for evaluation
  • Exploring the six steps of evaluation.
  • Identifying external data and resources to strengthen evaluation efforts.

MORE is a hands-on approach for nonprofits who are new to evaluation or who need to improve their evaluation practices. The program provides a framework for understanding evaluation and includes tools, individual consultation and time to plan as a team.

Who should participate: Nonprofit organizations located in or serving the residents of Montgomery County. Nonprofits participate in MORE as a team of up to four senior leaders.

MORE Fall Program
October 25, 10:30am-noon: Orientation
November 1, 8, 15, 29, 10:30am-noon: Content Sessions

Cost: $25 for Nonprofit Montgomery members (4 people) and $525 for non-members.

Register here.

FY23 Operating Budget Forums…Speak up for the nonprofit sector!

2021-10-06T09:12:16-04:00October 6th, 2021|Advocacy, Events, MoCo Government News|

County Executive Elrich and the County’s regional services centers will host five hybrid forums in this month to seek input on the Fiscal Year 2023 Operating Budget. Residents can attend the forums in person or view them online.

These forums are important to nonprofits. If you’re able to please comment/question on how needs are still high and that funds still need to be available to nonprofits on the front lines of the crisis.

  • Oct. 6, 7-8:30 p.m. Silver Spring Civic Building, One Veterans Place, Silver Spring.
  • Oct. 13, 7-8:30 p.m. White Oak Community Recreation Center, 1700 April Lane, Silver Spring.
  • Oct. 18, 7-8:30 p.m. BlackRock Center for the Arts, 12901 Town Commons Drive, Germantown.
  • Oct. 19. 7-8:30 p.m. Mid-County Regional Services Center, 2424 Reedie Drive, Park and Planning Board Room, Wheaton.

COVID-19 Response Meeting

2021-09-21T14:04:38-04:00September 20th, 2021|Events|

Join Nonprofit Montgomery for our virtual meeting with Montgomery County and nonprofit leaders for an opportunity to hear updates on the local covid-19 response and more.

County Council Vice President Gabe Albornoz will discuss his recent trip to the southern border and how nonprofits can prepare to welcome new immigrants.

When: Wednesday, September 29, 11am-12:15pm
Where: On Zoom
Who: Everyone is welcome to join.

Click here to register.

Emergency Preparedness for Nonprofits

2021-09-20T20:06:39-04:00September 20th, 2021|Events|

September is Emergency Preparedness Month. Whether you have a plan or not, you won’t want to miss this webinar. About 50% of organizations don’t have a fully documented emergency plan. Half of the organizations that do have plans have reported that their plan may not be very effective.

Join Patrick Flemming of the Montgomery County Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security as he discusses what organizations should be thinking about as they begin to create or review their emergency preparedness plans.

You’ll also hear from Bruce Baker, Executive Director of CHEER who created an emergency plan for the entire community of Long Branch in Silver Spring following a devastating explosion.

When: Thursday, September 30 from 2-3pm
Who: Everyone is welcome to attend
Click here to register (on Zoom)

Design Data Dashboards

2021-09-20T20:05:42-04:00September 19th, 2021|Events|

NEW! Design Data Dashboards
MORE Quarterly Alumni Skill-Building Sessions

Ever wish you had a go-to place to share data updates with your team and community partners? Are you swimming in data and not sure how to make sense of it all? Does it feel like you waste too much time trying to monitor progress toward targets for reporting requirements?

If so, we have some tips that could come in handy! Join Sharp Insight and fellow MORE alums for the first in this year’s How To series: Design Data Dashboards. The first half we’ll go through the basics of dashboard design and then have some time to play around with data and hone your own dashboard design skills. We’ll be using Google Sheets for the training and most of the concepts should be transferable to Excel.

When: September 27, noon to 1pm
Who: Intended for those who have participated in Nonprofit Montgomery MORE Metrics and Evaluation program.
Click here to register.

Following the Money: American Rescue Plan and Other Federal Relief Funds

2021-08-06T09:51:47-04:00August 6th, 2021|Events|

Nonprofit Covid-19 Response Meeting

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from local, state and federal experts on the American Relief Plan and other federal funds that Montgomery County nonprofits may be able to access to provide services to County residents. How are dollars flowing into the State of Maryland, and what might be available in Montgomery County? We’ve assembled a panel of experts, so come with your questions.

This meeting is part of Nonprofit Montgomery’s series of virtual meetings with Montgomery County and nonprofit leaders.


  • U.S. Senator Ben Cardin of Maryland
  • David Brinkley, Secretary of Budget and Management, State of MD
  • Montgomery County Council President Tom Hucker
  • Dr. Deann Collins, Director of the Division of CARES Act, Early Childhood, and Title 1, MCPS
  • Gene Smith, Legislative Analyst, Montgomery County Council
  • Jackie de Carlo, CEO, Manna Food Center and President, Nonprofit Montgomery Board of Directors

When: Wednesday, August 11 at noon-1:15pm
Who: Everyone is welcome to attend.
Click here to register.

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