
Identity’s Report on Promise of Latino Youth in Montgomery County

2018-11-29T20:01:51-05:00December 1st, 2018|Advocacy, Nonprofit Resources|

A new report by researchers at the University of Maryland School of Public Health found that Latino youth in Montgomery County express high academic motivation, high academic expectations, and a positive outlook for the future, but that they become markedly less optimistic as they get older because of significant barriers to success in their studies, work, and life.

In The Promise of Latino Youth in Montgomery County, researchers say that Latino youth in Montgomery County are exceptionally vulnerable, citing downward trends in school performance, as well as poverty, and high rates of adversity and psychological distress. As a result, the authors say that there is a “breach in the compact between a community and its youth to help them achieve their highest potential.” Click here to access the report.

A Note from Senator Kagan: Fair Repayment for ‘Indirect’ Costs

2019-01-07T15:21:04-05:00November 30th, 2018|Advocacy|

Have you been discouraged from applying for government contracts by the lack of a guaranteed reimbursement rate for indirect costs? Expenses for fundamental needs like rent, utilities, accounting, and personnel costs are all defined as indirect costs. Unfortunately — as you likely know — many organizations with State-funded grants or contracts receive limited or no reimbursement for these critical expenses. Federal “Uniform Guidance” ensuring repayment for at minimum 10% of operating costs has been in place since 2014.

This year, I sponsored and unanimously passed Senate Bill 1045 replicating these federal standards in Maryland. In 2019, I will sponsor legislation that will apply this law retroactively to multi-year grants or contracts in place prior to October 1, 2018. When Maryland organizations receive fair repayment, it increases the long-term health of the nonprofit sector. Click here for more information.

County Executive-Elect Seeks Input

2019-01-07T15:21:04-05:00November 26th, 2018|Advocacy|

As part of the County Executive leadership transition, Marc Elrich (County Executive-Elect) has created a transition team that will work toward the goals championed during his campaign. His team is holding “listening sessions” that will allow residents and stakeholders of the County an opportunity to have their voices heard. There is also an opportunity to submit comments online.

The County Executive-Elect’s initial goals are outlined by his Priority Outcomes and Key Indicators which are the “starting point for shared work to make life in our county better in measurable ways.” The transition team will also be tasked with creating the initial drafts of “strategic plans to make progress on each Key Indicator over the next five years.”

Listening Sessions/Public Forums 

Saturday, December 1, 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Takoma Park Middle School, 7611 Piney Branch Rd, Takoma Park

Tuesday, December 11, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Poolesville High School, 17501 W Willard Rd, Poolesville

Advocacy Alert: Monday, November 26 – Community Services Grants Program

2018-11-30T11:18:32-05:00November 26th, 2018|Advocacy|

The Community Services Grants Program provides nonprofits with one-time grants up to $10,000, to support health and human service projects that promote a safe, healthy, and self-sufficient community. The program provides reimbursement to funded organizations for approved equipment and other capital purchases.

DHHS is accepting applications until Monday, December 10, 2018 at 3pm. Application materials are available here.

A Pre-Submission meeting will be held today, Monday, November 26, 2018 from 4 to 5pm. 

Pre-Submission Meeting
Monday, November 26 at 4pm
401 Hungerford Drive, Conf. Room 1A/1B
Rockville, MD 20850

The purpose of this meeting is to answer questions about the program and application. Attendance is not mandatory. If possible let the DHHS Office of the Chief Operating Officer know if you will be attending. Attendees will be allowed to attend without prior notification.

Vision for Government and Nonprofit Collaboration

2019-01-07T15:21:04-05:00November 22nd, 2018|Advocacy|

Nonprofit Montgomery is part of The Community Roundtable initiative which is co-convened by: Primary Care Coalition, WorkSource Montgomery, Montgomery County Food Council, and Nonprofit Montgomery.

Over the last 18 months we have convened four community roundtable meetings and engaged nearly 100 nonprofit and community leaders to discuss priorities for creating a more collaborative nonprofit sector. With the input gained during these convenings we have developed a vision statement for how the local government and nonprofit sector can continue to partner effectively to meet the needs of our rapidly changing community.

The Community Roundtable encourages nonprofits to sign on and endorse this vision, which highlights the need for joint projects that improve the lives of Montgomery County residents through effective collaborations among nonprofits and government agencies to achieve social and economic equity, prosperity, and healthy ecosystems.

Advocacy Alert: Tuesday, November 20, 2018

2019-01-07T15:21:04-05:00November 20th, 2018|Action Alerts, Advocacy|

Nonprofit Montgomery is part of The Community Roundtable initiative which is co-convened by: Primary Care Coalition, WorkSource Montgomery, Montgomery County Food Council, and Nonprofit Montgomery.

Over the last 18 months we have convened four community roundtable meetings and engaged nearly 100 nonprofit and community leaders to discuss priorities for creating a more collaborative nonprofit sector. With the input gained during these convenings we have developed a vision statement for how the local government and nonprofit sector can continue to partner effectively to meet the needs of our rapidly changing community.

The Community Roundtable encourages you to sign on and endorse this vision, which highlights the need for joint projects that improve the lives of Montgomery County residents through effective collaborations among nonprofits and government agencies to achieve social and economic equity, prosperity, and healthy ecosystems.

Advocacy Alert: Wednesday, November 14, 2018

2019-01-07T15:21:04-05:00November 14th, 2018|Action Alerts, Advocacy|

As part of the County Executive leadership transition, Marc Elrich (County Executive-Elect) has created a transition team that will work toward the goals championed during his campaign. His team is holding “listening sessions” that will allow residents and stakeholders of the County an opportunity to have their voices heard. There is also an opportunity to submit comments online.

The County Executive-Elect’s initial goals are outlined by his Priority Outcomes and Key Indicators which are the “starting point for shared work to make life in our county better in measurable ways.” The transition team will also be tasked with creating the initial drafts of “strategic plans to make progress on each Key Indicator over the next five years.”

As Executive Director of Nonprofit Montgomery, I have been invited to be part of the transition team and will advocate and represent the nonprofit sector. I encourage all Nonprofit Montgomery members and the communities we serve to attend a listening session, and share with the County Executive-Elect your priorities and suggestions.

With thanks,
Lesley MacDonald
Executive Director

PS. View the official press release with the transition team list.

Advocacy Alert: Friday, October 19, 2018 – Update on Community Grants

2019-01-07T15:21:06-05:00October 19th, 2018|Action Alerts, Advocacy|

The October 9 Public Hearing on the OLO Report on Montgomery County Council Community Grants was well attended. Representatives of 25 nonprofits signed up to provide testimony on the report.  A special thanks to Nonprofit Montgomery members who provided testimony:

Abe Schuchman, Housing Unlimited
Cynthia Rubenstein, Passion for Learning
Shane Rock, Interfaith Works
Heather Bruskin, Montgomery County Food Council
Hillery Tsumba, Primary Care Coalition
Sara Hourwitz, NAMI Montgomery County
Debbie Ezrin, MCCH
Tho Tran, Vietnamese American Services
Nancy Leopold, CollegeTracks
Nancy Sushinsky, Rainbow Place Shelter


Montgomery County Council News and Updates

2018-10-11T20:37:57-04:00October 13th, 2018|Action Alerts, Advocacy|

Represent our sector and learn more at County Council committee sessions.Click here for the current committee schedule.

October 11 – HHS/GO, 9:30am 
Community Grants Program

October 15 – HHS/PS, 9:30am
Special Appropriation to HHS FY19 Operating Budget; $70,799 for Behavioral Health and Crisis Services for Adult Drug Court

October 22, HHS, 8:30am   
Meeting with HHS boards and commissions

October 24, 7pm – Special Event  
Youth Town Hall for Students of Montgomery County

October 29 – HHS/GO – 2pm      
Community Grants Program (continued)

November 15, HHS, 9:30am 

  • Discussion – Workgroup on People with Developmental Differences
  • Update – Youth Drop-In Center and Youth Homelessness
  • Inside (Not Outside) Update on Chronically Homeless Adults
County Council Grants Advisory Group Accepting ApplicationsMontgomery County Council is accepting applications for the FY20 Grants Advisory Group to review grant applications and to advise the Council on proposals received from the nonprofit community. Letters of interest and resumes are due to County.Council@montgomerycountymd.govby November 2, 4pm. Click here for more information.
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