Advocacy Alert: Friday, January 11, 2019
County Executive Marc Elrich is holding five community forums to gather feedback from the public on the FY20 operating budget.
We encourage all Nonprofit Montgomery members to attend. Also, invite your board members to attend and speak to the importance of the nonprofit sector. It is critical to have the voices of the nonprofit sector heard at all points of the budget process.
Suggested talking points:
- Your organization and role (board member, ED, etc)
- Identify yourself as a member of Nonprofit Montgomery
- Briefly say who you serve and why it’s important
- Note that the County’s continued support for nonprofits is essential for a healthy, thriving community
- Nonprofits provide services more efficiently and effectively and leverage county dollars to attract additional funding
- Thank the County for their partnership.
January 16, 7pm – Silver Spring Civic Building, One Veterans Place, Silver Spring
January 22, 7pm – Eastern Montgomery Regional Services Center, 3300 Briggs Chaney Road, Silver Spring
January 23, 7pm – Mid-County Recreation Center, 2004 Queensguard Rd., Silver Spring
February 4, 7pm – Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School, 4301 East West Hwy, Bethesda.
The County Executive will announce his recommended FY20 Operating Budget on March 15 and the County Council approves the operating budget at the end of May.
If sign language interpretation, other services, or aids are needed to participate in this activity, call 240-777-6507, Maryland Relay 711 or email