
Advocacy Alert: Friday, January 11, 2019

2019-01-11T10:27:19-05:00January 11th, 2019|Action Alerts, Advocacy|

We are entering the FY20 County budget season, and County Executive Elrich’s budget forums willbegin next week.

County Executive Marc Elrich is holding five community forums to gather feedback from the public on the FY20 operating budget.

We encourage all Nonprofit Montgomery members to attend. Also, invite your board members to attend and speak to the importance of the nonprofit sector. It is critical to have the voices of the nonprofit sector heard at all points of the budget process.

Suggested talking points:

  • Your organization and role (board member, ED, etc)
  • Identify yourself as a member of  Nonprofit Montgomery
  • Briefly say who you serve and why it’s important
  • Note that the County’s continued support for nonprofits is essential for a healthy, thriving community
  • Nonprofits provide services more efficiently and effectively and leverage county dollars to attract additional funding
  • Thank the County for their partnership.
Thank you for speaking out for nonprofits and the people we serve.
Forum Dates and Locations
January 14, 7pm – BlackRock Center for the Arts, 12901 Town Commons Dr., Germantown
January 16, 7pm – Silver Spring Civic Building, One Veterans Place, Silver Spring
January 22, 7pm – Eastern Montgomery Regional Services Center, 3300 Briggs Chaney Road, Silver Spring
January 23, 7pm – Mid-County Recreation Center, 2004 Queensguard Rd., Silver Spring
February 4, 7pm – Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School, 4301 East West Hwy, Bethesda.

The County Executive will announce his recommended FY20 Operating Budget on March 15 and the County Council approves the operating budget at the end of May.

If sign language interpretation, other services, or aids are needed to participate in this activity, call 240-777-6507, Maryland Relay 711 or email

County Executive’s FY20 Operating Budget Forums

2019-01-11T09:51:09-05:00January 10th, 2019|Advocacy, Events, MoCo Government News|

County Executive Marc Elrich is holding five budget forums to seek input from residents about Fiscal Year 2020 Operating Budget priorities.

January 14, 7pm – BlackRock Center for the Arts, 12901 Town Commons Dr., Germantown
January 16, 7pm – Silver Spring Civic Building, One Veterans Place, Silver Spring
January 22, 7pm – Eastern Montgomery Regional Services Center, 3300 Briggs Chaney Road, Silver Spring
January 23, 7pm – Mid-County Recreation Center, 2004 Queensguard Rd., Silver Spring
February 4, 7pm – Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School, 4301 East West Hwy, Bethesda.

The County Executive will announce his recommended FY20 Operating Budget on March 15 and the County Council approves the operating budget at the end of May.

Maryland Nonprofits’ Legislative Preview

2018-12-14T12:25:25-05:00December 15th, 2018|Advocacy, Events|

Maryland Nonprofits released its agenda for the Legislative Preview on January 7, 2019 at the Maritime Conference Center in Linthicum Heights, MD. The event includes presentations to honor Senator Cheryl Kagan and Delegate Joseline Peña-Melnyk and a keynote address by William E. “Brit” Kirwan, Chair of Commission on Innovation & Excellence in Education. Click here for more information. 

Request for Grant and Contract Information

Maryland Nonprofits is looking for examples of grants or contracts that fit the parameters of Senate Bill 1045. Contact Henry Bogdan with any examples would fall into this ‘loophole’ category or with any questions about this issue. 

Fifth Annual Education (MCPS and Montgomery College) Budget Meetings

2018-12-13T19:32:32-05:00December 13th, 2018|Advocacy, Events|

Councilmember Rice, MCPS Superintendent Dr. Smith, and Montgomery College President Dr.Pollard will be answering questions such as: 

  • How are budget decisions made?
  • What is the county doing today to get ready for FY20 and beyond
  • What opportunities do residents have to influence budget decisions? 

All meetings will be from 6:30-8:30pm

  • February 20 – Neelsville Middle School
  • February 27 – Col. Lee E. Brooke Middle School
  • March 6 – Rockville High School
  • March 11 – Bethesda Chevy Chase High School
  • March 27 – Montgomery College, Takoma Park/ Silver Spring Campus

Questions? Contact or call 240-777-7955.

County Executive Listening Sessions Added

2018-12-13T19:31:33-05:00December 11th, 2018|Advocacy, Events|

County Executive Elrich is holding additional “listening sessions” that will allow residents and stakeholders of the County an opportunity to have their voices heard.  

Listening Sessions/Public Forums 

  1. Saturday, December 15 from 3-4:30 p.m. at Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School, 4301 East-West Highway, Bethesda
  2. Monday, December 17 from 7:30-9 p.m., Churchill High School, 11300 Gainsborough Rd, Potomac
  3. Thursday, December 20 from 7-8:30 p.m., Einstein High School, 11135 Newport Mill Rd, Kensington

Identity’s Report on Promise of Latino Youth in Montgomery County

2018-11-29T20:01:51-05:00December 1st, 2018|Advocacy, Nonprofit Resources|

A new report by researchers at the University of Maryland School of Public Health found that Latino youth in Montgomery County express high academic motivation, high academic expectations, and a positive outlook for the future, but that they become markedly less optimistic as they get older because of significant barriers to success in their studies, work, and life.

In The Promise of Latino Youth in Montgomery County, researchers say that Latino youth in Montgomery County are exceptionally vulnerable, citing downward trends in school performance, as well as poverty, and high rates of adversity and psychological distress. As a result, the authors say that there is a “breach in the compact between a community and its youth to help them achieve their highest potential.” Click here to access the report.

A Note from Senator Kagan: Fair Repayment for ‘Indirect’ Costs

2019-01-07T15:21:04-05:00November 30th, 2018|Advocacy|

Have you been discouraged from applying for government contracts by the lack of a guaranteed reimbursement rate for indirect costs? Expenses for fundamental needs like rent, utilities, accounting, and personnel costs are all defined as indirect costs. Unfortunately — as you likely know — many organizations with State-funded grants or contracts receive limited or no reimbursement for these critical expenses. Federal “Uniform Guidance” ensuring repayment for at minimum 10% of operating costs has been in place since 2014.

This year, I sponsored and unanimously passed Senate Bill 1045 replicating these federal standards in Maryland. In 2019, I will sponsor legislation that will apply this law retroactively to multi-year grants or contracts in place prior to October 1, 2018. When Maryland organizations receive fair repayment, it increases the long-term health of the nonprofit sector. Click here for more information.

County Executive-Elect Seeks Input

2019-01-07T15:21:04-05:00November 26th, 2018|Advocacy|

As part of the County Executive leadership transition, Marc Elrich (County Executive-Elect) has created a transition team that will work toward the goals championed during his campaign. His team is holding “listening sessions” that will allow residents and stakeholders of the County an opportunity to have their voices heard. There is also an opportunity to submit comments online.

The County Executive-Elect’s initial goals are outlined by his Priority Outcomes and Key Indicators which are the “starting point for shared work to make life in our county better in measurable ways.” The transition team will also be tasked with creating the initial drafts of “strategic plans to make progress on each Key Indicator over the next five years.”

Listening Sessions/Public Forums 

Saturday, December 1, 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Takoma Park Middle School, 7611 Piney Branch Rd, Takoma Park

Tuesday, December 11, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Poolesville High School, 17501 W Willard Rd, Poolesville

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