
Montgomery County Community Grants Update

2019-12-11T10:39:19-05:00December 14th, 2019|Advocacy|

The County Executive and County Council are considering sweeping changes to the County’s Community Grants process, which last year distributed over $14 million in funding to local nonprofits.The Council’s Health and Human Services and Government Operations Committees have held two joint meetings on the topic. Here is a memo from the Office of Budget and Management explaining some of the change options.

Following the November 5th Community Grants Dialogue (read our recap here), Nonprofit Montgomery, in partnership with the Office of Budget and Management and County Council Grants Office, hosted five focus groups to gain nonprofit input on potential changes to the Community Grants process. Fifty-two nonprofit leaders attended the focus groups, which were held in late November and early December.

Recommendations from the County Executive are forthcoming. In the meantime, the application process for funding in FY21 has been delayed. Nonprofit Montgomery will issue and Advocacy Alert as soon as changes are announced. Stay tuned!

Census 2020 – What Can Nonprofits Do?

2019-12-11T10:33:56-05:00December 14th, 2019|Advocacy, Nonprofit Resources|

Nonprofits have an important role to play in the 2020 Census. An accurate count of Montgomery County’s population is critical because:

  • Every year, the federal government allocates more than $675 Billion in funding based on census data.
  • Every Marylander not counted costs the state approximately $18,250 over 10 years.
  • Census data is used to plan schools, new homes and businesses and improve neighborhoods (see the County’s fact sheet)

Nonprofits reach vulnerable and often-undercounted communities. We can take the lead in making sure our clients, staff, and other constituents complete the Census. Nonprofits can:

  • download and display information about the Census in waiting rooms and other gathering places.
  • educate all staff, and especially those who work directly with clients of the importance of the census.
  • help clients complete the census online.
  • make sure that constituents know that the 2020 census does not contain any questions about citizenship, and that data they provide remains confidential by law.

For the first time the 2020 Census will be online. All residents should receive a post card in early March with an address to complete the online census. Those who do not complete the census will receive reminders, and may have a visit from a Census worker.

Montgomery County’s Office of Community Partnerships is coordinating Census 2020 for the County.  Visit the County website for information on how to get involved. Nonprofits can register as a Census partner, or can request a presentation for their staff. Please check out the County’s resources, and begin outreach to constituents in January.

Montgomery County Council News and Updates

2019-12-11T10:40:45-05:00December 11th, 2019|Advocacy|

Represent our sector and learn more at County Council committee sessions. Click here for the current committee schedule.
Congratulations new County Council Officers: Sidney Katz, President and Tom Hucker, Vice President

Update on County Revenues
On Tuesday, December 10 at 9:30am, the County Council will receive a briefing on County revenues from the Department of Finance (DOF) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The discussion will be focused on revenue revisions since the Council approved the budget at the end of May. Additional discussion on potential budgetary impacts will be scheduled for January. The staff report can be found here.

Councilmember Jawando’s Local Small Business Reserve Program and Direct Purchase Enhancement Act
On December 3 Coucilmember Jawando introduced Bill 39-19, the Local Small Business Reserve Program (LSBRP) and Direct Purchase Enhancement Act. The Act will encourage County purchasing from local small businesses and for the first time allow nonprofit organizations to become entities certified for LSBRP. A public hearing on the bill will be held in January.

County Council Press Release (11/25): Council to introduce bill on establishing
the Office of Grants Management on Nov. 26

  • Bill 36-19, Contracts and Procurement – Office of Grants Management – Established
  • A public hearing on this bill is tentatively scheduled for Jan. 14, 2020 at 1:30pm

Nonprofit Montgomery Community Grants Dialogue Recap

2019-11-13T11:44:23-05:00November 13th, 2019|Advocacy, MoCo Government News|

Last Tuesday, Nonprofit Montgomery hosted the annual Community Grants Dialogue providing nonprofit leaders with an opportunity to hear from County staff about proposed changes to the Community Grants process. Josh Watters, Budget Manager, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and Carolyn Chen, Council Grants Manager presented on the following proposals. Proposals have major implications for nonprofits that have been funded through County Executive and County Council grants.
At this point, none of the proposals have been adopted. Nonprofits will have the opportunity to have input into the changes through a series of focus groups hosted by Nonprofit Montgomery with County staff. Contact us if you would like to be added to the waiting list.

Click here to read the six proposals outlined at the Grants Dialogue. See the October 22 Office of Management and Budget Memo for further explanation of each. The PowerPoint can be found here.

Nonprofit Montgomery Advocacy Alert – November 8, 2019

2020-02-05T08:43:12-05:00November 8th, 2019|Advocacy, Member News, MoCo Government News|

Proposed Changes to Community Grants
Sign up for a focus group on grant changes today.

(L to R: Josh Watters, Carolyn Chen)


On Tuesday Nonprofit Montgomery hosted the annual Community Grants Dialogue providing nonprofit leaders with an opportunity to hear from County staff about proposed changes to the Community Grants process. Josh Watters, Budget Manager, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and Carolyn Chen, Council Grants Manager presented on the following proposals. Proposals (explained below) have major implications for nonprofits that have been funded through County Executive and County Council grants.

At this point, none of the proposals have been adopted and there is still time to make your voice heard. Nonprofits will have the opportunity to have input into the changes through a series of focus groups hosted by Nonprofit Montgomery with County staff. Spaces will fill quickly, so sign up today.  

Here are the six proposals outlined at the Grants Dialogue. See the October 22 Office of Management and Budget Memo for further explanation of each. The PowerPoint presentation can be found here.

Item #1: Combine County Executive and County Council NDAs, make no changes to the Cost-Sharing Capital Grants Process
Instead of having two parallel review processes, the grants pool will be combined into one. Work on this priority began last year with the combined application. A single grant pool will be in place for FY21. Details of the process for FY 21 will be announced soon.

Item #2: Change the Community Grants Process to be Outcomes Driven
Currently Community Grants are approved in the budget process in the spring. This proposal would have a total amount for grants to be approved in the budget, but actual awards would be made outside of the budget process.  Grant funds would be allocated to priority areas aligned with the County Executive’s priorities, and awarded in grant cycles spread throughout the year. Grants would be reviewed by teams of subject matter experts. This change is slated for implementation in FY22.

Item #3: Create a Grants Office to Manage the Community Grants Process
A Grants Office would be created in County Government to administer multiple grant cycles. The office would help applicants, and would also help County departments apply for external funding. The Grants Office would be created in FY21.

Item #4: Create an Aspire Grant Program to help build Nonprofit Capacity
The Aspire Grants program would help nonprofits build capacity, innovate and partner. Grantees would receive technical assistance and be eligible for funding. The Aspire Grant program would be created in the FY21 budget.

Item #5: Create a Grant Agreement Tool
A Grant Agreement would streamline awards to nonprofits by removing them from the contracting and procurement process. Funds would be paid out in installments, and tied to progress reports outlining the accomplishment of grant outcomes. OMB is currently looking into the legality of this approach.

Item #6: Move Certain Community Grants to the Base Budgets of Departments 
Some Community Grants will be recommended for base budget contracts. County Departments have been asked to evaluate Community Grants they administer looking at how long the department has administered the grant, how the grant fulfills the departments outcomes, and how it fits with the County Executive’s priority outcomes and the Department’s core mission.

Recommendations will be made to the County Executive for grants to be moved to the base budget in FY21. Nonprofits will find out in March if services they provide will be included in base budget contracts. Contract will initially be awarded for one year, and may be competitively bid in the future.


November 22, December 2 & 3: Community Grant Focus groups (sign up here)
December: Community Grants application portal opens for applicants for funding in FY 21. Grants workshops held.
December 3: Legislation to create a Grants Office in County government will be introduced. Public hearings will follow.
January: Applications for funding in FY 21 due
January 16: Potential HHS/ GO committee meeting to review progress
March: Nonprofits find out if particular programs/services are recommended for base budget contracts.
July 1: Start of the FY 21 funding year; County Grants office created.

At this point, none of the proposals have been adopted and there is still time to make your voice heard. Sign up for a focus group to express your opinion.

Stay informed. Watch Nonprofit Montgomery’s enews for updates; and the County Grants team will be updating the website with current information. 

Background: Montgomery County’s County Executive and County Council grants awarded over $14 million in grants to nonprofits for this fiscal year. The County Council and County Executive committed to fixing some long-term issues in the process and have been working on a proposal. An internal workgroup was convened to develop a proposal, and two work sessions with the County Council Health and Human Services and Government Operations Committees (July 18 and October 24) have been held.

Nonprofit Montgomery asked for representation and a voice for nonprofits in the deliberations. Josh Watters from OMB and Carolyn Chen from the Council Grants office have met with Board and Advocacy Committee members and on Tuesday attended Nonprofit Montgomery’s Community Grants Dialogue to answer questions about the following proposed changes.

(L to R: Carolyn Chen, Lesley MacDonald, Debbie Riley, Jackie DeCarlo, Josh Watters)

Council News and Updates

2019-09-02T14:43:38-04:00September 5th, 2019|Advocacy, MoCo Government News|

Represent our sector and learn more at County Council committee sessions. Click here for the current committee schedule.

9/9: E&C 2:00pm  
FY19 MCPS Operating Budget and Grand Funds categorical transfers

9/12: E&C 9:30am
Supplemental appropriation to MCPS’ FY19 Operating Budget, Entrepreneurial Activities Fund – $3,500,000 for School Bus Safety Camera Program

9/12: PHED/E&C 9:40am
Expedited Bill 19-19, Economic Development – Workforce Development – Amendments

Making Sense of the Census—The Role of Nonprofits

2019-08-12T12:27:47-04:00August 12th, 2019|Advocacy, Nonprofit Resources|

Mobilizing around the 2020 Census is critical for Montgomery County and the nonprofit sector. In addition to providing demographic data that is essential for planning purposes, the US Census determines the allocation of billions of dollars in federal funds for schools, roads, hospitals and many public benefits. Representation in Congress is also determined by Census data.

Last week Nonprofit Montgomery convened nonprofits with the County’s 2020 Census leadership—Diane Vu, Director of the Office of Community Partnerships and Shawn Ellis, Montgomery County Census Director for a conversation about how nonprofits can support the effort in 2020.

Guest speaker Barry Robinson, former lead counsel for the US Census Bureau, explained the laws safeguarding the confidentiality of Census data. Data gathered in the Census is shared only in the aggregate. Individual data is protected. This is an important message for nonprofits to convey to the people we serve. For more information, read these articles authored by Mr. Robinson.

Montgomery County has already convened a 2020 Census Complete Count Committee. Regional subcommittees are organizing to support the effort. These committees are convened by the Directors of the Regional Services Centers. Nonprofits are encouraged to connect with the regional committees to learn more.

Stay tuned for more information about how nonprofits can get involved, and County resources to support this work. Contact Shawn Ellis, 2020 Census Director.


Important Community Grants Updates

2019-07-29T10:07:13-04:00July 28th, 2019|Advocacy, Grants & Funding|

Last Thursday the Montgomery County Council Health and Human Services and Government Operations committees held a worksession to develop a new vision and strategy for Community Grants. While the details remain to be worked out, the committees approved a three-year transition plan with the following general principles:
  • “Legacy” Community Grants will be reviewed for multi-year service delivery contracts, with a July 1, 2020 contract start date. This work will be coordinated with County departments and will begin in the fall of 2019.
  • In the future grant funding will be aligned with County priorities and outcomes.
  • A central County grants office will be created to help County departments apply for federal, state and other grants. The grants office will also manage nonprofit grants.
  • Beginning in FY21 a set funding level for Community Grants will be established in the County Executive FY21 recommended budget.  Grants will be awarded in priority areas with grant cycles on a rolling schedule throughout the year.
The Community Grants program (with separate County Executive and County Council grants) will not exist in its current form going forward. The HHS and GO committees have scheduled a second worksession on October 24 to review progress on the changes.

Nonprofit Montgomery will continue to provide updates and let nonprofits know when there are opportunities for input. Watch for our Community Grants dialogue with County staff in the fall.

Click here to read the full memo.

Want to know more? Join or renew your membership in Nonprofit Montgomery to get Advocacy Alerts about important up-to-date County issues.

2019 Online Resident Survey

2019-07-10T12:08:35-04:00July 10th, 2019|Advocacy, MoCo Government News|

County Executive Elrich has launched an online survey to gauge residents’ assessment of the local government, its services, and quality of life. The 2019 Resident Survey was mailed to 5,000 randomly selected County households in the first week of June, and residents who did not receive the questionnaire in the mail are invited and encouraged to participate online. The online survey for all residents will be open for a three-week period, from June 28 to July 19.

Council News and Updates

2019-07-10T11:57:22-04:00July 10th, 2019|Advocacy, Events|

Represent our sector and learn more at County Council committee sessions.Click here for the current committee schedule.

GO/HHS – July 18, 3pm
Discussion: Community Grants Process

HHS – July 22, 9:30am
Briefing: Foster Care

E&C – July 22, 2pm   
Discussion: Arts & Humanities

PHED – July 29, 9:30am 
Briefing: Report on housing, population, and employment trends since 1990
Update: Economic Development functions

Recent OLO Reports: Common Ownership Communities and Student Loan Market Demand Study and Cost Analysis

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