
Montgomery County Census 2020

2020-03-09T12:33:05-04:00March 6th, 2020|Advocacy, Member News|

Census 2020 is almost here! Invitations to respond to the first ever online Census will arrive in homes starting on March 12. Nonprofits have an important role to play by reaching vulnerable and often-undercounted communities. If your organization needs support in the Census, please reach out to the County Census office for fact sheets, handouts, posters, pencils, social media posts, videos, mapping tools, and more to support nonprofit outreach.  You can also connect with the County’s regional census committees for help.

What our members are doing: 

  • Gaithersburg Help is attaching census flyers in English and Spanish to every bag of food they give away, with a note about why completing the Census is important.
  • MCAEL is encouraging ESOL and English Language Learners nonprofits to build lesson plans around the Census to encourage one-on-one conversations.
  • Community Reach is holding outreach events on April 2 and 3 at three senior apartment buildings. They will serve lunch and bring tablets to help seniors complete the census online.
What is your nonprofit doing to help with the Census? Email your ideas to us and we will feature creative ideas in future enews and on Facebook!

Advocacy Opportunity: Senate Bill 630 – State Grants

2020-02-19T10:58:22-05:00February 19th, 2020|Advocacy|

Has your organization faced unnecessary burdens in applying for, reporting on, or invoicing for grants from state agencies? Have these onerous processes made it impossible for you to receive funding?

Our partner Maryland Nonprofits is working to pass a bill to modernize state grant-making processes. Please help them make the case for reforming the State’s grants process by sharing information regarding your experiences in this confidential survey.

Legislation is being introduced (Senate Bill 630 and championed by Senator Cheryl Kagan) will require standardizing grant applications, budgeting and financial reporting, etc., across all state grant-making entities, using the federal OMB Uniform Guidance procedures as a model. Click here for more information.

local government and community news

2020-02-13T09:49:42-05:00February 13th, 2020|Advocacy, MoCo Government News|

Montgomery County Council News and Updates 

Represent our sector and learn more at County Council committee sessions. Click here for the current committee schedule.

February 10, 9:30am

  • Briefing: Interagency Commission on Homelessness Three-Year Strategic Plan
  • Follow-up: OLO Report 2019-4: Inventory of Rent Subsidy Programs in Montgomery County (rescheduled from 1/27/20)
Workforce Development Board Vacancies 
County Executive Elrich is seeking applicants to fill up to seven vacancies on the Workforce Development Board for representatives of community-based/non-profit organizations that have demonstrated experience and expertise in addressing the employment, training, or education needs of eligible youth or individuals with barriers to employment. Organizations include those that serve out-of school youth or veterans, or provide or support competitive integrated employment for individuals with disabilities. Click here for more information or to apply.

Census 2020 in Montgomery County
Did you know every Marylander not counted costs the state approximately $18,250 over 10 years?

Nonprofits have an important role to play in the 2020 Census. We can reach vulnerable and often-undercounted communities. Montgomery County’s Office of Community Partnerships is coordinating Census 2020 for the County. Visit the County website for information on how to get involved. Nonprofits can register as a Census partner, or can request a presentation for their staff.

Montgomery County Salary Survey

2020-02-10T10:12:03-05:00February 10th, 2020|Advocacy, Member News|

You asked for comparative salary data, and we are about to deliver. Nonprofit Montgomery is partnering with Maryland Nonprofits to gather current data on nonprofit salaries and benefits. A Montgomery County version of the 2020 Salary and Benefits Report will be published in June. Previously the Salary and Benefits Report reflected data from the entire state. Now we will have local data to benchmark salaries and benefits for key nonprofit positions.

Nonprofit Montgomery Members will receive: 

  • the executive summary
  • the full Montgomery County report
  • an invitation to the presentation about the results

The Salary Survey will be available in this month. To be a success we will need every member organization to participate in the survey. Stay tuned to our newsletter for more information.

Unrelated Income Business Taxes (UBIT) for Nonprofits Repealed

2020-02-13T09:37:03-05:00February 9th, 2020|Advocacy, Nonprofit Resources|

The 2018 tax law imposed a new tax on benefits that nonprofits pay employees to help with parking and transportation costs. This was an issue for many Montgomery County nonprofits, as parking and transportation in our region are costly.

The National Council on Nonprofits successfully organized a campaign to get this tax repealed.  The tax was repealed retroactively, so if your organization paid the tax you can claim a refund. Find more information here.

2020 Nonprofit Salary and Benefits Survey

2020-02-13T09:43:12-05:00February 7th, 2020|Advocacy, Nonprofit Resources|

You asked for comparative salary data, and we are about to deliver. Nonprofit Montgomery is partnering with Maryland Nonprofits to gather current data on nonprofit salaries and benefits. A Montgomery County version of the 2020 Salary and Benefits Report will be published in June. Previously the Salary and Benefits Report reflected data from the entire state. Now we will have local data to benchmark salaries and benefits for key nonprofit positions.

Nonprofit Montgomery Members will receive: 

  • the executive summary
  • the full Montgomery County report
  • an invitation to the presentation about the results

The Salary Survey will be available in this month. To be a success we will need every member organization to participate in the survey. Stay tuned to our newsletter for more information.

County Council News and Updates

2020-01-27T09:40:01-05:00January 27th, 2020|Advocacy, Events|

Represent our sector and learn more at County Council committee sessions. Click here for the current committee schedule.

1/27, 9:30am PHED/HHS 
Follow-up: OLO Report 2019-4: Inventory of Rent Subsidy Programs in Montgomery County

1/27, 10:15am HHS 
Update: Status of Gude Men’s Shelter

1/27, 2pm PS
Briefing: Suicide Prevention Practices – Mental Health Evaluation and Management Review

1/27, 2pm E&C 
Follow Up Worksession: OLO Report 2019-14, MCPS Performance and Opportunity Gaps

1/30, 9:30am E&C/HHS  
Update: Implementation of the County’s Early Care and Education Initiative
Discussion: school-based substance prevention programming

1/30, 2pm, GO/HHS 
Bill 36-19, Contracts and Procurement – Office of Grants Management

Current Advocacy Opportunities

2020-01-13T09:57:25-05:00January 10th, 2020|Advocacy, Grants & Funding|

Stay informed about legislation impacting the nonprofit sector by testifying on Tuesday, January 14, 2020 at 1:30pm at the County Council Hearing Room.

Bill 39-19, Contracts and Procurement – Local Small Business Reserve Program – Amendments. Permits local nonprofits to participate in this preference program.

Bill 36-19, Contracts and Procurement – Office of Grants Management – Establishes an Office of Grants Management in Montgomery County whose duties will include overseeing Community Grants.

Sign up to testify on the County Council website. If you cannot attend in person, please consider emailing or mailing the Council.

Also, consider joining the Nonprofit Montgomery’s Advocacy committee and play a part in developing and delivering our advocacy agenda. The committee will meet quarterly, with occasional phone meetings in between. Join and make your voice heard as we advocate for nonprofit organizations and the residents we serve.

We will update you on upcoming issues of interest, gather feedback on advocacy positions, and provide guidance and opportunities for connection as you advocate for issues related to your individual organization. Let us know if you would like to join by emailing Lesley, Executive Director, Nonprofit Montgomery.

ICYMI: Community Grant Changes and Timeline for FY21

2020-01-13T09:56:53-05:00January 9th, 2020|Advocacy, Grants & Funding|

ICYMI: Community Grant Changes and Timeline for FY21
Click here to go to the County Grants website.
The Grants Portal is now open.
The following changes are confirmed for Community Grants in FY 21:
  • County Council and County Executive grants will be combined into a single program.
  • The application portal for FY 21 will open on January 2 for nonprofits wishing to renew current grants, plus those applying for new grants. New programs and program enhancement grants will be awarded based on funding availability.
  • Applications for renewing and new grants will be due by January 29, 2020.
Priorities for funding in FY 21 are as follows:
  • Viable and effective programs funded in FY20
  • Renewing programs may request funding levels from FY 18 and FY 19 if FY20 funding was lower, or if funded in FY 18 and 19 but not in FY20.
  • Limited funds for new requests may be available, depending on funding availability.
Grants to be renewed will be announced in the County Executive’s budget.  Any new grants will be reviewed and transmitted to the Council after March 15.
The process and timeline for Cost-sharing Capital Grants will be unchanged. Watch for a full County Council worksession on Community Grants in January.

Click here to view the December 19, 2019 memo on the FY21 Community Grants process from the Office of Management and Budget to the County Council.

We Need You – Join our Advocacy Committee

2020-01-02T13:02:36-05:00January 2nd, 2020|Advocacy|

Join Nonprofit Montgomery’s Advocacy committee and play a part in developing and delivering our advocacy agenda. The committee will meet quarterly, with occasional phone meetings in between. Join and make your voice heard as we advocate for nonprofit organizations and the residents we serve.

We will update you on upcoming issues of interest, gather feedback on advocacy positions, and provide guidance and opportunities for connection as you advocate for issues related to your individual organization. Let us know if you would like to join by emailing Lesley, Executive Director, Nonprofit Montgomery.

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