
FY24 County Executive Budget Forums

2022-11-04T11:53:15-04:00November 4th, 2022|Advocacy, MoCo Government News|

Montgomery County Executive Elrich is hosting hybrid in-person forums to seek input on the Fiscal Year 2024 Operating Budget. All forums will be from 7-8:30 p.m. Click here to view the events calendar and register online.

We encourage you to ask questions and post to social media during the forums. Please tag us if you bring up concerns relating to the nonprofit sector!

Monday, Nov. 14: Mid-County Region
Wednesday, Nov. 16: Mid-County Region, Spanish Language
Monday, Nov. 21: Silver Spring Region
Monday, Nov. 28: Leisure World with Satellite Viewing Locations, Older Adult Population
Tuesday, Nov. 29: East County Region, Chinese Language
Wednesday, Dec. 7: East County Region
Monday, Dec.12: Upcounty Region
Wednesday, Dec.14: Bethesda Region

Learn More About Project 2023

2022-09-08T12:58:28-04:00September 9th, 2022|Advocacy, Nonprofit Resources, Uncategorized|

The 2023 Project, a strategic planning process that will develop a model gubernatorial transition plan for the next administration that lays the groundwork for an impactful four years, with policies and principles that serve all Marylanders. The project will use community-informed collaboration to develop administrative and policy priorities that meet the needs of the people, and promote accountability and transparency in Maryland state government. This is a candidate-neutral, non-partisan project that will provide support and guidance to the next administration and establish accountability measures to track implementation of recommendations.

They are asking organizations to contribute to the project by joining a workgroup and helping organize additional workgroups. If you’re interested in contributing to a workgroup, please fill out this survey.

Advocacy Opportunity – Extend the CACFP waiver to maintain Tier 1 reimbursement

2022-06-23T10:54:51-04:00June 23rd, 2022|Advocacy|

Leaders in the House and Senate across both parties got together on a deal and it includes another one year for tier 2 to be paid as tier 1, AND it includes a 10-cent rate increase on meals and snacks in CACFP. It is called the Keep Kids Fed Act and the House and Senate could move fast. They’ll need our help to do so.

Here’s what’s happening:

The bill does 5 main things:

  1. Extends USDA’s authority to issue Summer Nutrition waivers through September 30, 2022; meal pattern waivers through June 30, 2022, and non-cost nationwide waivers through school year 2022-2023.
  2. Increases the school breakfast reimbursement by 10 cents and the school lunch reimbursement by 40 cents.
  3. Allows children eligible for reduced-price school meals to receive free school meals.
  4. Extends the Area Eligibility waiver allowing family child care homes to receive the higher Tier 1 reimbursements through the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP).
  5. Increases CACFP Reimbursements by 10 cents for each meal and snack for child care providers and afterschool programs.

Here’s a statement from our friends at the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC):

A little urgent background on the process, too: The Senate is aiming to use a special process, Unanimous Consent, which literally requires all 100 Senators to allow a bill to move forward; one “no” vote could derail the entire process. It is imperative that every Senator be urged to allow this bill to move forward due to the looming deadline of the child nutrition waivers (June 30, 2022).  Once the Senate passes the bill, it will quickly move to the House of Representatives where the bill could also move by an expedited process known as “Suspension.”

Call your Members of Congress Today!

Please call your 2 U.S. Senators, then call your one U.S. House Member say to the staff people who answer the phone: “I am a constituent and I need you to vote yes on The Keep Kids Fed Act, a bill that will begin to provide much-needed relief to providers and families across the country.”

To easily connect with your Congressional delegation, call the Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121 and the operator will connect you. OR  go to and contact our State Senators both

Senator Chris Van Hollen and Senator Ben Cardin and tell them to support the Keep Kids Fed Act bill.

Virtual County Council Candidates Forums

2022-05-20T08:24:56-04:00May 19th, 2022|Advocacy, Events|

Nonprofit Montgomery has invited candidates from districts 2 to 8 to come and meet with local nonprofit leaders. Candidates will have an opportunity for introductions and then we’ll break out into Zoom rooms with nonprofit leaders from their respective districts. Join us and get to know the candidates and their platforms.

Districts 2, 3, and 4 – Click here to register.
Wednesday, June 8, noon to 1:30pm 
District 2: Marilyn Balcombe, Lorna Phillips Forde
District 3: Robert Wu (tentative)
District 4: Al Carr, Amy Ginsburg, Troy Murtha, John F. Zittrauer

Districts 5, 6, and 7 – Click here to register.
Thursday, June 9, noon to 1:30pm 
District 5: Brian Anleu, Fatmata Barrie, Daniel Amara Koroma, Cary Lamari, Kristin Mink, Jeremiah Pope, Kate Woody, Christopher Bolton
District 6: Natali Fani Gonzalez, Steve Solomon, Christa Tichy, Vicki S. Vergagni
District 7: Dawn Luedtke, Jacqueline Manger, Paul K. Schwartz, Ben Wikner, Paul Geller

FY23 Budget: A 6% Win!

2022-03-24T10:15:42-04:00March 22nd, 2022|Advocacy|

County Executive Marc Elrich’s FY23 budget contains unprecedented support for the County’s nonprofit organizations. The budget includes a 6% inflationary increase in nonprofit contracts in all departments, including Community Grants. This is the first time an inflationary increase has extended to all nonprofit contracts, and is by far the largest increase in memory.

Other items of note in the County Executive’s recommended budget:

The budget also includes the new Office of Grants Management to oversee Community Grants, and an Office of Food Resiliency.

Nonprofit Montgomery Advocacy Update

2022-03-09T11:53:03-05:00March 9th, 2022|Advocacy|

Recently Franca Brilliant, Nonprofit Montgomery’s Advocacy & Development Director, submitted testimony in support of Senate Bill 632: Maryland Health Benefit Exchange-Small Business and Nonprofit Health Insurance Subsidies Program. If passed, this bill would support nonprofits as well as small businesses and their employees, and will improve health equity in Maryland.

Advocacy Updates

2022-02-11T09:38:46-05:00February 11th, 2022|Advocacy|

Nonprofit Montgomery is hard at work with our advocacy initiatives. Along with our Advocacy Committee, we are keeping track of what’s happening in the state legislative session. We testified on behalf of increasing funding to NIMBL, the short term no interest loan fund for nonprofits, and will be providing written testimony on other bills mentioned below.

We encourage our members to: take a position on these bills by reading up on these issues. You can also follow us on Twitter and reach out to us. See below for updates on General Assembly bills as well as other advocacy actions and resources.

Click here to read out full advocacy update email.

Member Exclusive: Candidate Conversations

2022-02-09T11:11:37-05:00February 9th, 2022|Advocacy, Events|

Member Exclusive: Candidate Conversations

Next up in our Candidate Conversations is current County Executive Marc Elrich who is running for re-election. We’ll gather a small group to talk to him about nonprofit concerns and challenges.

When: February 14, 4:30-5:30pm
Where: On Zoom. Once you register and are approved, we’ll send you an email with the details.
Who: Nonprofit Montgomery members only. We ask that only one person from your organization register since seats are limited.
Click here here to save your spot.

Time to Care Act: Paid Family and Medical Leave Info.

2022-01-27T11:46:48-05:00January 27th, 2022|Advocacy|

The “Time to Care Act” establishes a Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI) program through which employees may take up to 12 weeks of paid leave from their jobs to care for new children, other family members with serious health conditions or disabilities, or themselves. Click here to see MD Center for Economic Policy’s business impact one-pager. For more information and to learn more, please visit

Governor Hogan Declares 30-Day State of Emergency

2022-01-07T17:26:53-05:00January 5th, 2022|Advocacy, Nonprofit Resources, Uncategorized|

Governor Larry Hogan just declared a 30-day state of emergency to take urgent short-term actions to combat the current COVID-19 surge and mobilized 1,000 members of the Maryland National Guard to assist state and local health officials with the ongoing pandemic response.

From MD Nonprofits: The covid surge has increased the demand for nonprofit services, and at the same time many organizations are struggling to manage covid infections and risks in their own staff.  How do the Governor’s recent actions help or hinder you from providing crucial support? Please reach out to us with information about how the Governor’s decision impacts your services and any other support you may need. We’ll collect your feedback and send it to MD Nonprofits.

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