Montgomery County FY18 Operating Budget – Public Hearings & Work Sessions
On Tuesday, March 14, County Executive Ike Leggett released his proposed FY18 Operating Budget. While the budget includes spending that supports the most vulnerable residents in Montgomery County, including an increase to the County Executive’s Community Grants to community-based organizations, it also includes reductions, including a 1% reduction to Department of Health and Human Services non-Developmental Disabilities Provider Service Contracts.
As Mr. Leggett stated in the press release for the budget, “Given the continued budget uncertainty at the State and federal levels, and the potential impact any federal employment and spending reductions would have on the local economy, we must remain cautious in our spending.”
Council President Roger Berliner’s response says, “Our committees and the full Council will undertake this process over the next two months. We will carefully balance the need for important County services and pressures on our taxpayers. We look forward to receiving the views of our residents as we move through the budget process.”
To do this, the Council will hold a series of public hearings and work sessions.
How can nonprofit organizations provide feedback to the County Council on budget priorities?
1. Sign up (starting on 3/16) to testify about the impact of the budget on your organization at one of the Operating Budget public hearings: April 4 at 7:00 p.m.; April 5 at 1:30 p.m.; April 5 at 7:00 p.m.; April 6 at 1:30 p.m.; and April 6 at 7:00 p.m.
2. Share your feedback with Councilmembers. Comments and suggestions are welcome online; via email; via regular mail to: County Council, 100 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, MD 20850; or by calling the Council budget hotline at 240-777-7802.
3. Let us know how the 1% reduction to HHS contracts will affect your organization.
4. Sign on to Nonprofit Montgomery’s budget advocacy statement, which will be shared with Nonprofit Montgomery members the week of March 20.
5. Attend Nonprofit Montgomery’s budget advocacy meetings with Councilmembers. Contact Brigid Howe to sign up.
Additionally, on Thursday, March 23 at 2 p.m., the Council is holding an important GO/HHS joint committee work session about procurement for nonprofits that receive community grants. Nonprofit Montgomery urges nonprofit leaders to attend work session to show their support for solutions to streamline the County grants procurement process.