
Montgomery County Charter Review Commission Public Hearing

2017-10-12T20:29:18-04:00October 13th, 2017|Advocacy, Events, MoCo Government News|

The Montgomery County Charter Review Commission will hold a public hearing on October 18 at 7pm at the Council Office Building to receive feedback from residents about possible amendments to the Montgomery County Charter.

The Charter is the constitutional framework for County government. To sign up to speak at the public hearing, please call 240-777-7928 or

County Council Work Sessions of Interest

2017-09-29T10:42:09-04:00September 30th, 2017|Advocacy, MoCo Government News|

Help represent our sector and learn more at County Council committee sessions. Click here for the current committee schedule.

Planning, Housing, and Economic Development
October 5, 2pm

  • Discussion – options for updating County’s business incentives
  • Update – MCEDC
  • Special appropriation – $90,000 for WorkSource Montgomery NDA

Health and Human Services
October 9, 9:30am

  • Bill 28-17, Human Rights and Civil Liberties – County Minimum Wage – Amount – Annual Adjustment
  • Bill 46-15, Human Rights and Civil Liberties – Building Maintenance Worker – Minimum Work Week
  • OLO Report 2017-13, Housing for Adults with Developmental Disabilities

Education/Health and Human Services
October 19, 2pm

  • Substance abuse prevention efforts in schools

Dialogue Between Nonprofit Leaders and County Government Department Directors

2019-01-07T15:21:32-05:00September 30th, 2017|Advocacy, Events|

Nonprofit Montgomery’s 8th Annual Directors Dialogue is a community conversation for executives in the nonprofit community with the Directors of Montgomery County’s Departments.

Confirmed speakers: 
Uma Ahluwalia, Department of Health and Human Services
Gabe Albornoz, Department of Recreation
Cherri Branson, Department of Procurement
Clarence J. Snuggs, Department of Housing and Community Affairs

Monday, October 30, 3-5pm (new day and time!)
Bender JCC of Greater Washington (6125 Montrose Rd, Rockville)

2018 Early Voting Centers Under Review

2017-07-25T09:40:28-04:00August 2nd, 2017|Advocacy, Events|

Early Voting Site recommendations for the 2018 Gubernatorial Elections Board of Elections is accepting comments for the proposed 2018 Early Voting Centers for the 2018 election. Suggestions of new sites not appearing on the list should be emailed to the Board.

Comments about the listed recommendations should be submitted in writing or notify Board to speak at the Board meeting. The Board will be accepting public comments at the September 18, 2017 meeting. Click here for more information.

County Grants Forum

2017-06-29T14:16:39-04:00June 21st, 2017|Advocacy, Events|

Joan Schaffer, Council Grants Manager and Jed Millard, Management & Budget Specialist at Montgomery County Office of Management and Budget want to hear your candid feedback on the County Executive and County Council Grants Process.

When: August 1, 2 to 4pm
Where: Jewish Social Service Agency, 200 Wood Hill Rd., Rockville
RSVP here.

Advocacy Updates – Minimum Wage Legislation & Survey Opportunity

2019-01-07T15:21:36-05:00May 22nd, 2017|Advocacy|

Please take this opportunity to share your perspective about upcoming minimum wage legislation. Nonprofit Montgomery is sharing this survey that is being administered by PFM, a local government consulting and financial advisory firm. Please read this information below:

In January 2017, Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett vetoed legislation which would increase the minimum wage to $15/hour by 2020, and requested a study prior to further action on the legislation. Montgomery County has retained PFM, a local government consulting and financial advisory firm, to conduct a study on the potential impact of increasing the minimum wage. As part of that study, PFM is administering an anonymous survey to obtain nonprofit leaders’ opinion on the current legislation, anticipated reaction to the legislation, and basic organizational staff demographics. If you are based in Montgomery County, or provide the majority of your services in Montgomery County, we invite you to complete the survey below.

PFM respects the privacy of participants, and will not be able to link responses to any individual nonprofit or the nonprofit’s staff. Additionally, individual responses will not be shared with Montgomery County, and information collected will only be used to inform our economic and financial impact analysis. The survey will be open until the close of business on Friday, June 2. If you have any questions about the study or use of the data, contact Jay Fullenwider.

Again, this is an opportunity for nonprofits to share their perspective on this legislation. The University of Washington has recently issued a study about the impact of Seattle’s minimum wage hike that highlights some of the concerns nonprofit leaders in that city have considered. This may help you consider potential issues like wage compression, competition for entry-level jobs, and teen employment as you respond to the survey.

County Council Work Sessions Regarding FY18 Budget

2017-04-17T15:21:22-04:00April 17th, 2017|Advocacy, MoCo Government News|

Between now and mid-May, the County Council will be holding the following work sessions to delve into budget issues.

Click here for the current committee schedule.

Health and Human Services
Apr 24, 9:30 am
FY18 Operating Budget and CIP Amendments Health and Human Services
• Children, Youth, and Family Services
• DHHS Special Needs Housing
• Aging and Disability Services
• Public Health Services (except School Health)

Planning, Housing and Economic Development
April 26, 9 am
FY18 Operating Budget and CIP Amendments
• NDA: WorkSource Montgomery
• Bill 4-17, Economic Development Fund – Small Business Assistance Program
• NDA: Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation

Health and Human Services
April 27, 2 pm
FY18 Operating Budget and CIP Amendments Health and Human Services
• Administration and Support (includes Minority Health Initiatives and VITA program)
• Behavioral Health and Crisis Services
This will include discussion of the 1% decrease to HHS contracts with nonprofits.

May 1, 2 pm
FY18 Operating Budget and CIP Amendments
• Community Use of Public Facilities
• NDA: Montgomery Coalition for Adult English Literacy (MCAEL)

Health and Human Service/Education Joint Work Session
May 5, 10 am
FY18 Operating Budget and CIP Amendments
• Early Childhood Services, Infants and Toddlers, Child Care Subsidies, School Health Services, Linkages to Learning, High School Wellness Center, Public Private Partnerships, Children’s Opportunity Fund, and the Kennedy Cluster Project

April 24 Rally to Preserve Our Social Safety Net

2019-01-07T15:21:37-05:00April 3rd, 2017|Advocacy, Events|

Bring clients, board members and staff to the Council Office Building at 8:30 a.m. on Monday, April 24 for a rally to preserve our social safety net!

This is located at 100 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, MD 20850. We will be gathering at the Maryland Avenue entrance of the building. Rain or shine! In heavy rain, we will move indoors to the COB lobby.

The County Executive’s budget includes a 1% cut for many HHS contracts, which will restrict services for some of our most vulnerable neighbors in the county, and make it harder for nonprofits to survive.

Please join us!  RSVP here

If you want to be involved in the planning, email Brigid Howe.

Parking is available in the Council Office Building garage, and street parking is available.

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