
Fourth Annual Education (MCPS and Montgomery College) Budget Meetings

2017-12-22T10:38:55-05:00December 23rd, 2017|Advocacy, Events|

Councilmember Rice, MCPS Superintendent Dr. Smith, and Montgomery College President Dr. Pollard will be answering questions such as:

  • How are budget decisions made?
  • What is the county doing today to get ready for FY19 and beyond
  • What opportunities do residents have to influence budget decisions?

All meetings will be from 6:30-8:30pm

  • February 21, Damascus High School
  • February 28, Montgomery College, Rockville Campus
  • March 7, John F. Kennedy High School
  • March 14, Robert Frost Middle School
  • March 19, White Oak Middle School

Questions? Contact or call 240-777-7955.

Nonprofit Montgomery Advocacy County Budget Savings Plan

2019-01-07T15:21:24-05:00December 20th, 2017|Action Alerts, Advocacy|

At the end of November, County Executive Leggett sent a memo to the County Council announcing that a FY18 budget savings plan would need to be implemented with 2% cuts. That plan is due to be delivered to the Council before the end of the month.

Nonprofit Montgomery will be monitoring the plan, and working to inform Councilmembers of the nonprofit sector’s concerns related to it. We look forward to working side-by-side with the Council to implement savings while protecting the most vulnerable residents of Montgomery County.

To help Nonprofit Montgomery gather input from nonprofits, please join us on Wednesday, January 10 from 2-4pm for a Nonprofit Convening about the Savings Plan.  

This packet from the Council’s December 12 session includes County Executive’s Leggett’s memo on page 32 of the supporting materials. This also contains valuable information about budget pressures that will not only impact FY18 and a savings plan, but future budget years as well.

Montgomery County Must Revise Current Budget Due to Unexpected Revenue Shortfall (Bethesda Magazine, December 4, 2017)

RSVP here!

Maryland Nonprofits: 2018 Legislative Preview

2017-11-29T12:37:41-05:00December 4th, 2017|Advocacy, Events|

Join Maryland Nonprofits on January 8 at the Loews Hotel in Annapolis to discuss major issues of importance to nonprofits and communities, developments at the federal level; the upcoming release of the Kirwan Commission report on education; and major considerations in Maryland’s budget. Click here to register.

County Council Work Sessions of Interest

2017-11-29T12:30:04-05:00November 28th, 2017|Advocacy, MoCo Government News|

Represent our sector and learn more at County Council committee sessions. Click here for the current committee schedule.

Government Operations & Fiscal Policy/Education: November 30, 10am    

  • Student Loan Refinancing Authority

Education: December 4, 2pm   

  • Montgomery Coalition for Adult English Literacy (MCAEL)
  • Update on Montgomery College Workforce Development

County Council Work Sessions of Interest

2017-10-27T12:38:08-04:00October 26th, 2017|Advocacy, MoCo Government News|

Represent our sector and learn more at County Council committee sessions. Click here for the current committee schedule.

HHS/Planning, Housing, and Economic Development – October 30, 9:30am

  • OLO Report 2017-13, Housing for Adults with Developmental Disabilities

HHS/Planning, Housing, and Economic Development, November 2, 2pm

  • WorkSource Montgomery Pop-up jobs center in the East County
  • Expansion of Teen Works in East County for summer 2018
  • Inside (not Outside) initiative to end chronic homelessness

Education – November 13, 2pm

  • MCPS performance tracking
  • Follow-up on Montgomery College metrics and enrollment trends

HHS – November 27, 2pm

  • Impacts from changes to Affordable Care Act

County Council Work Sessions of Interest

2017-10-12T20:35:39-04:00October 13th, 2017|Advocacy|

Represent our sector and learn more at County Council committee sessions. Click here for the current committee schedule.

Education/Health and Human Services – October 19, 2pm

  • Substance abuse prevention efforts in schools

HHS/Planning, Housing, and Economic Development – October 30, 9:30am

  • OLO Report 2017-13, Housing for Adults with Developmental Disabilities

HHS/Planning, Housing, and Economic Development, November 2, 2pm

  • WorkSource Montgomery Pop-up jobs center in the East County
  • Expansion of Teen Works in East County for summer 2018
  • Inside (not Outside) initiative to end chronic homelessness

Education – November 13, 2pm

  • MCPS performance tracking
  • Follow-up on Montgomery College metrics and enrollment trends

Montgomery County Charter Review Commission Public Hearing

2017-10-12T20:29:18-04:00October 13th, 2017|Advocacy, Events, MoCo Government News|

The Montgomery County Charter Review Commission will hold a public hearing on October 18 at 7pm at the Council Office Building to receive feedback from residents about possible amendments to the Montgomery County Charter.

The Charter is the constitutional framework for County government. To sign up to speak at the public hearing, please call 240-777-7928 or

County Council Work Sessions of Interest

2017-09-29T10:42:09-04:00September 30th, 2017|Advocacy, MoCo Government News|

Help represent our sector and learn more at County Council committee sessions. Click here for the current committee schedule.

Planning, Housing, and Economic Development
October 5, 2pm

  • Discussion – options for updating County’s business incentives
  • Update – MCEDC
  • Special appropriation – $90,000 for WorkSource Montgomery NDA

Health and Human Services
October 9, 9:30am

  • Bill 28-17, Human Rights and Civil Liberties – County Minimum Wage – Amount – Annual Adjustment
  • Bill 46-15, Human Rights and Civil Liberties – Building Maintenance Worker – Minimum Work Week
  • OLO Report 2017-13, Housing for Adults with Developmental Disabilities

Education/Health and Human Services
October 19, 2pm

  • Substance abuse prevention efforts in schools
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