
Public Hearings Scheduled April 10-12 about Proposed FY19 Operating Budget

2018-03-28T09:20:03-04:00March 28th, 2018|Action Alerts, Advocacy|

On Thursday, March 15, County Executive Ike Leggett released his proposed FY19 Operating Budget. Here is the full budget document. The County Executive’s Grants List begins on page 677 of the document.

Additionally, you can explore the budget through the Open Budget website, which allows for in-depth exploration of budget areas.

Opportunities for Advocacy:
The budget did not include contract adjustments or inflationary increases for nonprofit contracts. Past policy decisions made by the County Council and Executive, such as minimum wage increases, background check requirements, and cybersecurity insurance requirements for county contracts, raise costs of doing business. Additionally, costs rise each year due to inflation. Flat funding for nonprofit contracts across County departments means that providers are faced with the difficult choice of cutting essential services or searching for additional funding through limited outside sources to continue providing the same level of service.

Nonprofit Montgomery advocates for increases to County contracts to address these needs, in all departments that contract with nonprofit providers.

Starting in April, the Council is holding a series of public hearings about the budget. Sign up to testify about the impact of the County budget on your organization at one of the Operating Budget public hearings: 

April 10, 7pm
April 11, 1:30pm and 7pm
April 12, 1:30 and 7pm

Nonprofit Montgomery Candidate Conversations

2018-03-28T09:26:00-04:00March 26th, 2018|Advocacy|

One key objective for our advocacy is to share the priorities of the nonprofit sector with our local government. In order to foster a collaborative relationship with our incoming County Council, we are hosting small group conversations with nonprofit leaders and County Council candidates, so that candidates for local office have an in-depth understanding of the needs of our sector.

Nonprofit Montgomery members are invited to participate in panels of nonprofit leaders to meet with candidates for Montgomery County Council. On scheduled days, a panel of 3-4 nonprofit leaders will meet with 3-5 individual candidates.

Available Dates:
March 28: 1:30-4pm
April 3: 9:30am-12pm  OR 1:30-4pm
April 4: 6-8pm
April 16: 3pm – 6pm  *just added!
April 17: 8:30am – 11:30am   *just added!

 Join the conversations today!

Nonprofit Montgomery Candidate Conversations

2018-03-12T19:55:20-04:00March 12th, 2018|Advocacy, Events, MoCo Government News|

One key objective for our advocacy is to share the priorities of the nonprofit sector with our local government. In order to begin to foster a collaborative relationship with our County Council, we’ll be meeting in a small group setting with nonprofit leaders and County Council candidates to gain a better understanding of the needs of our sector.

Nonprofit Montgomery members are invited to participate in panels of nonprofit leaders to meet with candidates for Montgomery County Council. On selected days, 3-4 nonprofit leaders will meet as a group with 3-5 individual candidates.

Available Dates:
March 21: 6-8pm
March 22: 9:30am-12pm  OR 1:30-4pm
March 27: 9:30am-12pm OR 1:30-4pm
March 28: 9:30am-12pm OR 1:30-4pm
April 3: 9:30am-12pm  OR 1:30-4pm
April 4: 6-8pm

Only a few spots remain. Reserve your space today.

In order to amplify the voices of the nonprofit sector during this election season and beyond, we are compiling a resource list of social media handles and contacts for our member organizations. Click here to let us know where you can be found online.

LUNCH & LEARN: How Nonprofits Can Participate in the Electoral Process

2018-02-28T19:37:29-05:00February 28th, 2018|Advocacy, Events|

Join us for a Lunch & Learn with Brenda Barron, recently the Director of Programs for Nonprofit Vote. Brenda will present guidance on how nonprofits can participate in the electoral process without jeopardizing their tax-exempt status. You’ll learn about permissible advocacy, nonpartisan voter registration activities, and voter education.

Bring your questions and your lunch for a very informative session.

Thursday, March 20 from noon to 1:30pm
Jewish Council for the Aging: 12320 Parklawn Dr, Rockville

Nonprofit Montgomery Candidate Conversations

2018-02-28T19:36:13-05:00February 27th, 2018|Advocacy|

One key objective for our advocacy is to share the priorities of the nonprofit sector with our local government. In order to begin to foster a collaborative relationship with our County Council, we’ll be meeting in a small group setting with nonprofit leaders and County Council candidates to gain a better understanding of the needs of our sector.

Nonprofit Montgomery members are invited to participate in panels of nonprofit leaders to meet with candidates for Montgomery County Council. On selected days, 3-4 nonprofit leaders will meet as a group with 3-5 individual candidates.

Available Dates:
March 21: 6-8pm
March 22: 9:30am-12pm  OR 1:30-4pm
March 27: 9:30am-12pm OR 1:30-4pm
March 28: 9:30am-12pm OR 1:30-4pm
April 3: 9:30am-12pm  OR 1:30-4pm
April 4: 6-8pm

Reserve your space today. 

In order to amplify the voices of the nonprofit sector during this election season and beyond, we are compiling a resource list of social media handles and contacts for our member organizations.Click here to let us know where you can be found online.

County Council Work Sessions of Interest

2018-02-23T11:17:24-05:00February 24th, 2018|Advocacy, MoCo Government News|

Represent our sector and learn more at County Council committee sessions. Click here for the current committee schedule.

Education – February 26, 2pm     
Capital Improvements Program

  • Montgomery County Public Schools
  • Montgomery College

Health & Human Services and Planning, Housing & Economic Development – March 5, 2pm

  • Capital Improvements Program – Wheaton Community Recreation Center and Library

County Council Work Sessions of Interest

2018-02-05T12:37:11-05:00February 5th, 2018|Advocacy|

Represent our sector and learn more at County Council committee sessions. Click here for the current committee schedule.

PHED – February 12, 2:30pm
Capital Improvements Program

  • Parks
  • Recreation
  • General Government – Economic Development projects
  • Housing Opportunities Commission
  • Housing and Community Affairs

Education – February 26, 2pm     
Capital Improvements Program

  • Montgomery County Public Schools
  • Montgomery College

Nonprofit Montgomery Advocacy Alert

2019-01-07T15:21:22-05:00January 19th, 2018|Action Alerts, Advocacy|

Stay up to date on the Council’s progress on the FY18 Savings Plan and their preparation for the FY19 Operating Budget.

Here is the video from the January 16 Council discussion about the factors driving the cost of government, including revenue pressures, the impact of fiscal policy choices, and costs both inside and outside of the County’s control. The factors affecting these costs in the County include demographic trends, historical growth patterns, existing financial obligations, and budget choices. This discussion will provide context for the Council’s review of the Fiscal Year 2018 Savings Plan. This staff report provides important background.

Tomorrow, January 18, the following Council Committees will discuss the County Executive’s FY18 Savings Plan.

Government Operations & Fiscal Policy, 9:30am (streaming live)
FY18 Budget Savings Plan

Health & Human Services, 9:30am
FY18 Budget Savings Plan

County Executive FY19 Budget Forums

2018-01-08T19:40:38-05:00January 13th, 2018|Advocacy, Events|

Nonprofit leaders and staff, board members, and volunteers are strongly encouraged to attend these public forums on the county’s operating budget to share insight into community needs, and to hear the County Executive’s priorities. The County Executive will release his Recommended Operating Budget on March 15, 2017 for the fiscal year that begins July 1, 2018.

The meetings, which all begin at 7pm are on:

  • Rescheduled to February 6 – January 8 – Bethesda-Chevy Chase Regional Services Center, 4805 Edgemoor Ln., Bethesda
  • January 24 – Mid-County Community Center, 2004 Queensguard Rd., Silver Spring
  • January 29 –  BlackRock Center for the Arts, 12901 Town Commons Dr., Germantown
  • January 30 – Silver  Spring Civic Building, One Veterans Place, Silver Spring
  • January 31 – Eastern Montgomery Regional Services Center, 3300 Briggs Chaney Rd., Silver Spring
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