Action Alerts

Advocacy Alert

2017-06-29T14:19:17-04:00April 25th, 2016|Action Alerts, Nonprofit Resources|

Just last Thursday the Health & Human Services Committee discussed the Council staff recommendation (see page 7) for a 2% increase to eligible contracts. Councilmember Berliner moved to add an additional percentage, for a total of 3%. This was seconded by Councilmember Rice, and passed 3-0 in committee. This is excellent news for the County’s nonprofit sector. But our work is not finished.

Nonprofit Montgomery has drafted a letter to send to Council President Floreen with signatures from county nonprofit leaders to encourage her support of this increase. Additionally, we are currently holding meetings with Councilmembers to share our priorities. We recognize the nonprofit community’s longstanding partnership with county government and had respectfully requested that our elected leaders safeguard the county’s investment in nonprofits to deliver services to include a 4% increase to base budget contracts, and an increase to the community grants pool.

Click here to read the Nonprofit Montgomery FY17 Operating Budget Message that summarizes our positions and was presented to the Council. To get involved in Nonprofit Montgomery’s budget advocacy work, please contact Brigid Howe.

Action Alert: MD’s Workforce Investment Board’s State Workforce Plan—Open for Public Comment

2017-06-29T14:20:02-04:00January 28th, 2016|Action Alerts|

The Maryland state Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) workplan has been released. Maryland is combining its workforce efforts across multiple agencies (Governor’s Workforce Investment Board, the Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation, the Department of Human Resources, and the Maryland State Department of Education) into one plan.

The state plan is a part of Maryland’s implementation of the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, which was signed into law on July 22, 2014 and went into effect July 1, 2015. The state plan must be submitted to the federal government by March 3, 2016.

Tell the Maryland State Workforce Investment Board how the proposed plan could impact your community and/or your organization’s ability to deliver services. It’s important that the nonprofit voice is heard at the state level. Send all comments to by Monday, Feb 1, 2016. Please let us knowif you send a comment.

ACTION ALERT: County Council’s Approach to FY16 Savings Plan

2017-06-29T14:20:49-04:00July 26th, 2015|Action Alerts|

Montgomery County Council President George Leventhal will meet with members of the media at Noon on Monday, July 27, to address items including the Council’s approach to the recommended FY2016 budget savings plan that was proposed by County Executive Isiah Leggett.

The Council will approve its budget reduction plan on Tuesday, July 28.

Click here to view the meeting agenda and budget packet.

ACTION ALERT: County Council President’s Statement on Savings Plan

2017-06-29T14:20:49-04:00July 14th, 2015|Action Alerts|

Here is a link to Montgomery County Council President George Leventhal’s July 13 statement regarding the Fiscal Year 2016 budget savings plan recommended by County Executive Isiah Leggett:

Statement from County Council President George Leventhal

We know that many of you have been voicing concern about the impact specific cuts would have on your communities and on your ability to deliver services. Please keep us in the loop and be in touch if we can be of assistance.

ACTION ALERT: County’s Proposed Savings Plan

2019-01-07T15:22:09-05:00July 9th, 2015|Action Alerts|

Here is the savings plan and accompanying memo that was transmitted July 8, 2015, from County Executive Leggett to the County Council.

While there is not an opportunity for oral public comment before the County Council’s final actions in late July, your voice and presence matter to these deliberations and, potentially, to future deliberations as the county adjusts to unfolding fiscal realities.

  • Email the County Council as a group or individually.
  • Attend the County Council Committees’ Budget Savings Plan Review Sessions (see schedule below); these are all open meetings and most will be televised live.
  • Communicate with County Executive Leggett and staff in the relevant departments.
  • Mobilize your community, clients, staff, volunteers and board members.

We recognize the very difficult fiscal spot the County finds itself in with lower than projected revenues and we appreciate the obvious care that has been taken to try to spread the pain and minimize the impact of cuts. Still, let’s remind our elected leaders that the budget cannot be balanced on the backs of our most vulnerable neighbors. 

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