Advocacy Alert
Just last Thursday the Health & Human Services Committee discussed the Council staff recommendation (see page 7) for a 2% increase to eligible contracts. Councilmember Berliner moved to add an additional percentage, for a total of 3%. This was seconded by Councilmember Rice, and passed 3-0 in committee. This is excellent news for the County’s nonprofit sector. But our work is not finished.
Nonprofit Montgomery has drafted a letter to send to Council President Floreen with signatures from county nonprofit leaders to encourage her support of this increase. Additionally, we are currently holding meetings with Councilmembers to share our priorities. We recognize the nonprofit community’s longstanding partnership with county government and had respectfully requested that our elected leaders safeguard the county’s investment in nonprofits to deliver services to include a 4% increase to base budget contracts, and an increase to the community grants pool.
Click here to read the Nonprofit Montgomery FY17 Operating Budget Message that summarizes our positions and was presented to the Council. To get involved in Nonprofit Montgomery’s budget advocacy work, please contact Brigid Howe.